Whitby Free Press, 17 Nov 1982, p. 29

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER, 17,1'l982, 'PAGE 29 COALL A'PIOFESIGIAL CARPETRY. A COMPLETE CARENRYSERVICE ON HOME REPAIRS TRANSMISSION, & DIFFERENTIAL& IMPROVEMENTSDRVLNE METRO LIC. B-2554 Ktch ens, Ceramlc TII- Ing, Drywaîî, Rec.e Rooms, Cedar Decks ED CERANOWICZ and PatIo-Doors., PHONE 668-0737 FREEESTIATES 132 BROOK ST. N., CALL 668-4686; WHITBY, ONTARIO EAST END QUALITY MEATS AND DELICATESSEN Sah ur'vKqiofor orer 1 5,VxaIn. Wlth the finest, freshest meat cheese &-party platters. Also Specl1alizlng in Freezer Orders Personalzed Service Whîtby Convonlontly Iocated ln the Blair Park Plaza. 104 Lupîn Dr. 668-4782 st clair HIGHEST Tepoint a paper people PRICES SSafeway Plaza Midtown Maili IllSOSImcoeN 200JohnStI Paid for GoId and Silver 1Oshawa1 coins, oîd guns, clocks, 576-9971 576-2431 jeweîery, dishes, furni- - - ture, crocks, oil paint- lngs and sealers. <FRIENDLY1 SERVCES FLEA MARKET ý U ' 23 KING ST. W., CARPENTRY and roc mrne, aiter- OSHAWA 725-9783 ations, repaira, amali jobs, piumb- Ing, maintenance, saws sherpen- ed, genorai repaire. Experienced woricmanship. Phone 728-2968, ask for AI. CONGRATULATIONS on your for- thcomnIng marriage. Pisse view our sempies of engraved wedding Invitations et your leisure ln our Ajav. Piaza store. Dickson Prîniing &Office Supplies 683-968. (REMAMKING I Custom-made bridai wear, ldrese, Jackete, poinsuit.I Siighte aieraiioneln my home. Reasonebe rae.1 649-3340 (ciaremoni) Give.. TrHEHEART FUND HELP sa on the way for firme whose printer has roconiiy gone out of business. Lou Dickson has the cosi cuiting ideas you noed ai a time like this, 683-1968. EDCATION S~ECE 1GRAMMAR for people who haie grammar" ls the Idesi pocket reforenco book for business peo- pie. $3.95 per copy and availabie ai Dickson Priniing & Office Sup- plies in the Ajax Piaza. Dealer on- quiries Inviied 683-1968. THE WORLD IS YOURS....F YOU KNOW THE RIGHT PEOPLE... Wherever you move the Wet- come Wagon hostesje the ighi persan ta heip yau f md a place ln yaur new community. Cal 668-8943 CALL 668-6111 ta place youn ad ln the WAhiiby Free Press. COMNG WEVE1SS MANNUAL MEETING BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR The Brooklln Agricultural Society wIII hoid ts annual meeting December 2 at 8 p.m. at the Con- cept Centre, Baldwin Street, Brooklln. Election of dîrectors, presentation of reports, and approval of a constitution wiIl be on the agen- da. AIl socîety members ttled to attend. ARTS, dRAFTS, GIFT SALE. Sun- day, November 21 frtom il a.m. to 5 p.m. Scarborough Vilige Re- croation Centre, 3600 Kingeton Rosd, et Merkham Roed, Scarbor- ough. Excellent verîoty. Ovor 20 exhibiiore. COLE - In memory 0f the late Bill Cole who passed away suddenly November 15, 1980, ln the Town 0f Mitchell. Two years ago today, God called you away. The time had corne, for you to go. Your struggles on Earth, were ail done. We miss you so, but we ail have been told, time wlll heal the pain. But time wili corne, time wiIl go, your memory wilI aîways stay very pro- cious ln our hearts and souls. <We koop your picture rlght close by, and you always seem to say. Keep smillng, be happy, 'm not far away. And we wiII all be together again one day. - Sadîy missed by wife Gall, sons, daughters, mother, brother. OPEN HOUSE To celobrate the golden weddlng annlversary of our parents and grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Staveren Sr. of Whitby, the chiîdren wlsh to Invite relatives and frlends to an Open House, to be heîd at Fair- view Lodge auditoriUm Tuesday, November 30, 1982 f rom 2 to 4 and f rom 7 to 9 p.m. Best wishes on-ly please. AUCDNS AUCTION HUNTING? See page 30 of this edition. ln good standing are en-~ Jack T. Woodward, Secretary-Treasurer. q ~*, ARTICLES FORRSASALE AoVesProducts *ineiuding nownutritiona diet~ ~program gurneed toloeo weiht r mneyback guenan- te.Wibphono 668-3950 or [7-8081shawa1honej76.j 0[C707, 723-7552, 579-3670 or 579- 6951. Port Perry phono 985. 8619. ALUMINUM DOOR, 791/" long by 311V2" AskIng $25. Two snow tires, G78-14, ans pain, like nsw. Phone 668-6387. DRY FîRE WOOD. Bsoch, mepie, white birch. 16" sticks. Doilvon anywhsro. $45 per single card. Phono (705) 454-8260. Golng out 0f business. Save from 10% to 30% on your Ghrîstmas shopping from our large, glft lino. FRIEN DLY FLEA MARKET 23 Kng Street West Oshawa HONEY Producod iocaiiy. Campetitivo pices. Vanieiy of containers. Phono 66884693. LOGS. WOOD. Ul cut,,we cut. 705- 374-4623. Little Britain Road, 5 miles north of Oakwood. MINTUISTS IWo have f 1Imo jmodilling compound. ITyroCraftsIlnc.I 74 King St. W. 57-206 CLEARANCE SALE OF CERAMICS No reasonable off er <.. ref used Gordon Fraser GREETING CARDS 1/2PRICE -WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock St. N. Whitby COMING EVENTS PETS & SUPPLIES KITTENS for sale. Ono beige, two black (one has extra toes). $5 each. Phono 655-4340. BUY/ENT CASH, FOR GOLO AIl GoId and Silver items, rings, watches, earrings, chains, -me- dais, and dental goîd. Damaged *or broken Items acceptable. Spe- cial prices for Canadian and American silver coins, any condition. Also buying any for- eign silver coins. SHORTYS CIGAR STORE 121 Brock St. N. Whltbyor Exclusive Agent ln Whitby for Northiand GoId & Silver Ino. [cIIELP WANED ARTICLES FRSALE 28" RODGERS basa drum. $175 or beet offor. Phonoe668-8507. TWO MICHELIN radiai whitewaii anow, 195-14X, M + S tubolees, ueed oniy 2 monthe. $80 each. Phono 655-3193. 2" Storm Doors Triple 5eeied 5Scoar!e5189.a5 e4 styles Instaiiod Inciuding tex. Aieao co- nomicel and energy efficient Storm or replacoment thermal windows and patio doons. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 VISIT aur usod furnIiure were- hauso by appoiniment. BIg sevings on desks, chaire, fiiing cabinets, etc. Cati Diokeon Print- ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appainimenita view. 683-1968. WATERBEDS -Accossories Orlon Ceps Lampa .Shoots Oshawa Liquidations McLaughiin Square, Oshawa 433-8172 Vies - Mastorcharge WOOD STOVE, Tirolil, madeoIn Austrie, air-tight, Iined with fine bricks. For mare Information phono 655-4182. SEARS frost-froe refrigeratonl freezer wiih Ica maken. Full size. Brown. Good condition. Oniy $150. Phono 725-7729 daye. 1111 ff MMMN% BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO START YOUR OWN BUSINESS, IN YOLJR HOME! ENGRAVING & TROPHY BUSINESS Incudes two engravers, cuttlng boards, trophy and plastic stock, promotional mat- erial. Equipment and stock worth over $8,000. Asking $6,000. WIII assîst new amner to get started. Phone:- 668-9714 AUCTIONS, AUTOS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... CLASSIFIED ADS CONTINUE ON PAGE 30 Ploase check your advertisement for errors on the f irst day of publication. The Whltby Free Press wilI not be hiable for fallure to publlsh an ad, or for typographlc errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the flrst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the rlght to classlfy or reject ail advertise- monts. Ads must appear In the paper one day before thoy can be changed or cancel led. CLASSIFIED RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 1 1s each addition- aI word. You may charge your Ciassifîed Ad to your Chargex or Visa accoulit. Piease have your Visa card ready when caîîing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irst 100 words; 120~ each additlonal word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the flrst 50 words; 12e each additlonal word. AUCTION SALES - 32o per line. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are avaiiable at an additlonaî charge of $2.00. The Whltby Froe Press willI makeevery on- deavou r cept no through to f orward r eplies to box numbers, however, we ac- iabIlity regiardlng Ioss or damage alleged to arise fallure or deiay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsible for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancei Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 I LfrL Whitby's Most WideIy Read CLýtASSIFIFD ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFUED ADVERTISERS A Ministry of MunIcipal SAffaîrs and Housing CLERK TYPIST Il (C.U.P.E.) DARGAINING UNIT Salary Rangs: Hourly rate $6.96 -$7.85. Position Summary: A Clark Typisi le required by the Dur- hem Ares Housing Authority to provide iyping, fiing and donr- cal support services. Duilos wiii Include iyping forme, re- ports and correspondonce, tenant lases, as weii as ver. loue ciericai activities such as cash hsndliig, answering tels- phono Inquirles and procese. Ing maintenance and tenant re- quesis, oponing and posting mail, photocopying and per- forming reieied dulies. Minimum Qualifications: Re- ieted iyping and ciericai exper- oance wiih typing ekilis to civii service 'standards (muet be able ta type 50 w.p.m.). 5ome knowiedge of office proce- dures. Good communication ekilis, tact and dipiomacy are required ln dealing with tenan- ts. Equai Opportunity for Empioy- ment. Wriiten applcations shouid be submiiied by November 22, 1982, to: . Houeing Manager, Durham Ares Housing Auth., 218 Dundes St. E., P.O. Box 41, Whiiby, Ontario, Li N 5R7. ORDER PROCESSING DEPART. MENT. Speciai personi requIred by Whitby-baed f irm eeeking mndlvi- duel with extensive experience ln sales order procossing, pur- chssing, inveniory conirol, treyfic and customa procedures. Typing essentiel. Muet be s self-starter and requIre minimum.supervieion. Saisry commensurate with expen- lence. Sond resume to: Order Processing, Box 206, Whitby. USINESS 0 PPOUNITIES AQUJA MIsT AQUA MIST Improves gas mle- ae, improves horse power, cuis carbon doposits and re- duces engine plng. Simple In- stallation, affordebie prico. 60 d ay m1 l fL manufacturera guerantee. Dealers wanted. Ground f on -opportunity. Phono 579-8908. AVON Feel good about what you do. Represent Amerlca's No. 1 direct seIIIng com- pany. Seil beautîful pro- ducts, cosmetios, f ra- grance, JeWeîîery. Good earnlngs ln time. for Christmas. We have open terrîtorles ln North Osha- wa, Whîtby, Brookîîn areas. Cali Now 668-5463 MARCO' MARCO hasimmodiato open- Ings for part-tImoeand fuli-time sales ropreaoniatIves. Excop- Itionel Incomo potentiel. Train- Ing providod. Eerned compeny car program. For eappointmont and Interview phono 579-8908. ANVONE Interostod' i n working Iiii Australie or New Zeeland contact: Stof'e Worid Trade Ltd., P.O. Box 8,.Lumby, British Columbia, VOIE 2G0. Phono: (604) 547-9214. -qV SERVICES RESPONSIBLE mother, of 2 wili bebysIt In my homo, Infants or pro-. echool. Hot lunches, snacks, toys. Large home ln Pringie Creek (Garden and Manning ares), fan- ced yard. Phono 668-1828. SINESW1 - RTUNITIES mummo 1 1 " SERVICES-J

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