Whitby Free Press, 24 Nov 1982, p. 22

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PAGE 22, WEDNESDAy NOVEMBER 24,1982,, WHT13Y FREE PRESS Whitby's Most WideIy Readl CLSSIFIFD- ÂDS» LI1f IA ARTiICES, FOORAI.ELE BARGAINS - Soiid Oak bedroom suite $35. dhild's tricycle and two-wheeier bîke. Qusen sire vol- vet headboard. Fishor Price toys. .Wall mirror tules, cat 666.1611. DRY FIRE WOOD.1 Beech, mapie, white 'blrch. 16" seticks. Deliver anvwhere. S45 per- mncle nard. FRAMING 1needieworks, lmlted editions. * onden Art Gallery 31 nomd St. LF_(Downtown) 576"937 Golng out of business Save from 10% to 30% or ,,-,your Christmas shoppinç ~from our large glft ine, S FRIENDLY FLEA MARKET 23 King Str.t West Oshawa .IUST MARRIED SPECIAL $25.« *off any original oreimlIted editian ýý"ý-one per couple). Rondon Art 'Gallery, 31 Bond St., E., ý576.837 -,t;(Downtôwn). Local WOOD. u cut, we cut. 70e ,ýý3744ôM2 Litle BrItain Road, 5 miles north af Oalcwood. ONE 2-place chssterfieId suite, mattress and box spring unit. Alec iýý,fl2-d1oor frost-free rofrigeratai and 30" range.,AXi condition. Phono 576.8027 ater.5 p.m. PAIR of Dunlop Ã"78.4 snow tires. M 8. Phono 655;4217. StormDoors The Only Door With Custom Made Direct From The Manufacturer ALBERIN ALUMINUM Mfg. Co. Lt. 291-1106. Af ter Hours 683-7740 ,--2" Storm Doors Triple Sased 5coors89. 50. 4 styles lnstalied lnciuding tax. Aiso aco- nmcland onergy efficient storm or replacement thermal- windows and patio doors. FRERESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 Accessorles . Orlon Caps Lampa ýShooets OsaaLIqudations fMLughn square, Oshaw~ visa - Mastercharge WORKING' STANDS For Needepoînt, Bunka & Crewei. Tyro Craf s lime. 74 Kingt.W. 571li6 ARTICES FOR'tSALEý VISIT aur usod' fumîiture' ware- hous by appolntment. Big savîngo on desks, chairs, flling cablnots, etc. catI Dickson Prînt- ing & Office Supplies ta arrange an appoîniment tai vlew. 683-1968. AUTOMOILES FORRA SALE 1982 O000 M STAFF CAR. tady driven, VO, over drive; powor steer- lng, power brakes, 12,000 kilo- metres with warranty. Phono 655- 3552. 1979 CHEVETTE, 'blue, 4 door, standard, cloth lnterior, AMIFM radio, rear defroat, 62,000 kilo- metres. Excellent condition. $3,700. Phone 668-3487 or 668& 2725. luI q ,riumcnm PRIT, 4 speed, unit, 65395.00. No. REY 406. AUTOMOBILES UNMTIVE FRSALE RPIIAT 1978 HONDAý, good condition, asking $2,700. -Phone 725-6607. eO I 1975 DATSUN 710, 4 door, 75,000 mlies,. certlfled. -Asking $1,400. Phono 725-7014. DET 1972 FORD LTD, power. steerlng,* * Power brakos, autoniatlc, good H N AS, condition. $450 as la or can be cor- oper- tiflod. Phono 668-210. £ * S AF S re -N Wide séectlon of All * .mem reasonably prlced cars. VVlî 597 Slmcoe St. S., Just 40R sst £e North 0f 401 725-4011 sa N iule LEBAROIN, air, windows, stereo, 64195.00. Lic. No. ig e. 00 in 101 tion 1979 VOLVO - BER- 1979 HONDA PRE- TONE COUPE, Ioaded LU DE, elec. sunroof, luxury touring' car, stereo, 1 automatic, hand stitched leather, 24,000 miles, great $14895.00. Immacu- car buy, 66395.00. Lic. late. Lic. No. PAC 506. No. DXH 499. 1980 CAPRICE ÇLAS. 1980 VOLVO 245 PL, SIC, air, stereo, -cas- automatîc, air cond., sette, dlean, dlean $9395.00. Lic. No. car, $65695.00. Lic. No. Pff 665. PNC 404. 1976 OLDS REGENCY, air, stereo, $1590.00 NO DîCKER PRICE. Lic. No. KXX 011. ALSO NEW & DEMO VOLVOS & MERCEDES BENZ'S 4-1982 VOLVOS LEFT IN STOCK. HURRY ON THESE! GREAT VALUE, 1415 DUNDAS ST. E.é-WHITBY 668-8200 668-8209 ASK FOR STEVE OR DON. 0 FJRUCKIi/VANS O10 TON Ford truck, A-i candi- n. Phone 668-8136. ARTICLES FOR RENT PEWRITER RENTAL, many ,en and modae, by the weok- 1. weok or month. Discounts iable. Dickson PrIntlng a 0f. >Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza.L 1us for business machine mrs 683-1968. FREE- Drop into the'Dickson Prîni- jing & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick up a free copy of their 1982 MetrIc Caiendar. Printed ln two colours, it makos for handy reference. 831968. 'A T TO BUYNENJ *EST-CASH FOR COLOUR TV'S. For parts or restarlng. Cali Osha- wa 433-0125 anytimo. ADuCI AUCTION SALE XMAS TOYS - GIFTS THURSDAY, NOV. 25 6 P.M.ATr STOUFFVILLE SALES BA RN Be'.sure to join us agair this year for'our l9than- nual Chrstmas Toy Sale Dolîs, trucks,. games, books, crayons, wrapplng paper, cards, candies, giftware, stocking stuff- ers, something for every- one - Ho Ho Hol SALES BARN STAFF AUCTIONEERS AUCTION SALE FR1., NOV. 26 -6:00 P.M. Brooklln Community Centre CasseIs Rd., E., Brooklin. For the Estate of the Late NANCY NOLAN. Antique & modemn furnishlngs, gîassware, china, jeWel. ery & collectables. Large auction., EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER CORNEILS AUCTION- BARN AUCTION SALE FR1., NOV. 26 - 6:30 P.M. 3 miles east of Little Bni- tain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay/ Li ttIe Britain Rd. Pine hutch, pine table & ben- ches, rocklng chairs, an- tique dressers, chest of drawers, oak buffet, vinyl chesterfieid & chair, cook stove, f lat top trunks, por- table color T.V., Inglis ref rigerator, Simplicity dlryer, dehumîdifler, Toshiba auto. washer, pine jamn cupboard, 8 place setting Royal Albert dîshes (Enchantment), 340 Skldoo, airtight stoves ýplus many more antiques, furniture& household Items. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R. 1, Little Britain (705)786.2163 ~~iFUs IONS jLIoIOS AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOV. 27 Auctlon Sale 0f new and some used & rebuilt tools & equipment, the proper- ty 0f BROOKLIN TOOL CO. LIMITED, Brooklin,, i-Ont., 21/ miles West 0f Brooklin, 12 miles east of Markham on'Hwy. 7, In- cluding 5 H.P. air1 com-, pressor, wire fed mig welder, ý5 speed drill press, Wood shaper; 2 Wood lathes, sh*op mýate multi-tool lathe, 'presser sand blaster, steam jen- ny, large tool chest, roll cabinet, parts washer, 150 amp arc welder, 10 & 4 ton multi use power set, machinlst tool box, 12" abrasive cut-o ff machine, jitterbug sander, air vibra- tor, milling machine, 15 ton bearing press, engine analyser, 450 lb. jack, 3 ton engine hoist, 5 ton chain block, no compres- sors, 3 ton to 50 ton hy- drau lic bottle jacks, 1 ton &2 ton hydraulic f loor jacks, 2 to 20 ton hydrau- lic garage jacks, 4".6" machinist vise, mhetai band saw, 'large assort- m ent of real good tools, of fice furnîture, etc. NOTE - for exceptional good tools & equipment, don't miss this sale. Ter- ms cash, no rerierve, sale at 10:30 a.m. Lunch avail- able. NORM & PHIL FAULKNER AUCTIONEERS 640-5691 WANNAMAKER AUCTION SER VICES 1614 Charles St., Whltby EVERY MON. & THUMS. AT 6:30 P.M.' Ail estates and conslgnments welcome. The place fo buy er son. We wilI pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS> <EVGS.) AUCTIONEERS The people of Whitby and area love attending auc- tion sales. Let them know about your next sale by advertising ln the most widely read pages ln Whlt- by - theWhitby Free Press Classifledsl Caîl: AUCTiON SALE SAT., NOV. 27 - 11 A.M. Our l3th annual conslgn- ment Skldoo Auction at ORVAL MeLEAN AUC- TION CENTER, R.R.2, LINDSAY. Cars, trucks, truck caps, '72 Chev 23 ft. fully equipped mini motor home, large assort- ment snowmobiles, tools, 2 shotguns, snowmoblie trailers. Note tîme il A.M. OR VAL McLEAN AUCTIONEER 324-2783. AUCTION SALES EVERY WEEK Check the ads here, then pack up the whole family and cart them off to an auction for a few hours. lt's a great way to spend a few hours, this weekend. >WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-611il UINESS 0P.RTUNITIES AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, NOV. 27 AT 11:30 A.M.' The Estate of Mr. Wlltiam R. Coates ln the Village of Claremont. Roll top desk, 7-pc. dlning rm. suite with round table, oval pîcture frames, coal 011l amps, mron bed wlth brass knobs, taîl antique cup- board, old wicker chairs, old office *chair, two an- tique dressers, wcod frame reclîner, black & white T.V., vacuum dlean- er, 1974 Pontiac (approx. 10,000 miles), classîcal guitar, old chairs, a quan-' tity of silver Including coffeeset, uteils, ser- vîng dishes, candie hold. ers, two gasoline lawn mowers, 5 h.p. Vikfig eiectrlc start snowblow-' er, dishes, "Skllsaw" chain saw, small toois, and numerous other arti- cles. Terms: Cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER BSINESS PV)TNITIES I I _________________________________________ I v r4 4 Stf ' Jiu.1 TAUNTON Il DIV. of Taunton Motors Lirnited Durham Region's VOLVO MERCEDES-BENZ DGaler 1415 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 668-8200 668-8209 nice Lic.ý 1977 VOLVO, over. 1974 VOLVO, auto. drive, 4 dr., $6395.00. ' air, 4 door, $3395.0. Lic. No. NYM 690. jLic. No. JER 124. 1980 VO LVO, 6 cyl., wagon, air, windows, locks, cassette, Eu'ropean lamps, ieather seat, over-' drive, $10695.00. Lic. No. PRC 835. 1975 VOLVO, 164, 1976 VOLVO 244 DL, auto., air, windows, standard, Ai automno- leather, $4995.00. bile, $4895.00. Lic. Lic. No. J PV 451. No. LFA 701. 1977 VOLVO DL 1977 GRAND ,PRIX WAGON, overdrive, SJ, loaded,' sharp, $5595.00. Lic. No. $3695.00. Lic. No. MHF967. RHN 800. 1977 MERCEDES BENZ -280 S.E., prestiglous luxury. $16695.00. Lic. No. MFP2O1. L BUSINESS OPPORTUN UTY EVERYTHING YOU NFwED TO START YOUR OWN BUSINESS IN VOUR HOME! ENGRAVING & TROPHY BUSIEý Incudes two engravers, cutting boards, trophy and plastic stock, promotional mat. erial. Equipment and stock worth over $8,000. Asking $6,000. WIII assist new owner to get started. Phone:- 668-9714 AUC 1. m MORTGAG E SALE APPROXIMATELy 43 ACRES 0F LAND PARTS 0F LOT 21, CONCESSION 2, AND LOT 54, PLAN 541 WHITBY, ONTARIO Underand by virtue'0f Powers of Sale contained ln a ce rtain mortgage whlch wlll be produced at the tîme of sale, there WIJl be offered for sale by: A U C TION ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1982, AT 11:00 A.M. AT 1127 FINCH AVE. W., DOWNSVIEW, ONTARIO Being composed 0 Parts of Lot 21, Concession 2 and Lot 54, Plan-541, Town of Whltby. ,Gra mar Subject j ~ Property Co A plan of Subdivision of the saldý property has received draft app ,roval. 'The sald property will be offered for sale subjeot to a reserve bld and condI- ions of sale. TERMS: A deposit of $50,000.00 ,by cash or certl- f led chequeé to, be paid at the time of sale and the balance wlthin thlrty dlays thereafter.: For further Information contact: DAN BURY, SALES. (1971) LTD. 1127 FINCH AVE. W., DOWNSVIEW, ONTARIO (416)665-8341

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