Whl<by's Most WIdeiy Road CVASSijFIDý ADS ContlnuodFrom Page 22 il CLASSIFIEDýREAL ESTATE i (PARYMNTS/ ~ONDOS FO RNLI LARGE 2 BEDROOM, Whitby, firsi floar, tripiex, aider couples, back- yard, quiet building. December 1. Phone 668-9655 or 668.996. LARGE 3 BEDROOM spartment, has prvaie parking.ý Gaod loca- tion. Avaliable before Christmas. caîl: Toranto 416) 757-1671; WhIt. by 668.3898. TWO BEDROOM apartment near downtown Whitby. Heat, hydro, parking for ans car. Avalable Dec- omber 1. Firat and last required. Phane 666&2794. OFFICE H7OES WHITOY - Privais sale. 3 bedroam, 2 storey, detached, i 'k bathe, finished rec raom. In. Otter Creek, $68,800. Make an offer. Phone 666&2471., DASMENT WORKSHOP for rent near four corners of Whltby. Phono 668-7017 or 579-1596. 1 ý -%a-a0 ---i* W. ROGER WORTH Syndlcated Columnist These are heady days for Canadian consum- ers. While companies large and small are earmng reduced profits or Iosing money, compe- tition among the partici- pants for, the consumer dollar is downrigbt eut- throat as- they attempt to maintain sales. Yet Canadians have been slow to reaée't, putt- ing away their liard 'earned cash' as they- save, for a. rainy day. In fact, Caniadians are now saving -about 12 per cent of personal. income, Up from 6 per cent only 10 years ago., One teason, of course, is the higli interest rates that: have provided a very, real incentive for people'to-save ratheïr than _spend. But rates _____ ,COMING. THREE-ROOM WHITBY.'OFFICE -SUITE )With private washroom. Has over 750 sq. ft.,of fuiiy broadioomed and air-conditioned spaciousness. Main offilce about 32 f t. long. Couid be divided into smaiier offices. For further Information contact Mr. Burgess between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. at: b 66.6372 STORES SOE FRR::FOR RENT. OTTER ÇCREEK Store for rent in new neighborhood plaza in prime < Whitby subdivision. -Air conditioned'- Cail Mr. Searle (416),22316550 THE KEY TO BUYING OR SELLING YOUR HOUSE... *.AN AD INTHE WHITBY FREE PRESS. CALL 668-6111 TO PLACE YOUR AD. Help your «~~ Heart,. Help your Heart Fund. AUTUMN AFFAIR The Whitby Figure Skating Club will hold its- "Autumn -Affair" dance November 27 at 8 p.m. in the Heydenshore Pavilion. There. will be door prizes and spot dances, and a liot and cold buffet catered by the Ali Baba. Admittance is $20 per couple, and tickets can be purchased from tbe club executive. PUB NIGHT The Ladies' Auxili- ary, Brancb 112, Wbitby wîll hold .a pub niglit Saturday, November 27, 9 p.m., at tbEt Legion Hall, 117 Byron St. S., Wbitby. Live music will be provided by Bill Millar's Trio. Spot dances, door prizes and bar is includ- ed. Tickets are $9 per couple and include fisb' and chips. For tickets caîl Shirley Hicks at 668- 3215. SNOWFLAKE BAZAAR & TEA St. Jolin's Anglican Cburcb,'Witby, corner of, Brock 'and Victoria St., will hold their Snow- flake Bazaar a nd Tea on Saturday, November 27 from il a.m. t'O 3 p.m. are comlng down. Last year, for example, the interest rate on Canada Savings Bonds was 19/ per cent. This year's rate is 12 per cent., A more fundamental, reason for the increased savings, thougli, may be the same fear and un- certainty in business that. bas created bar- gain-basement prices in the market, place. With more than 1.5 million unemployed and new layoff announcements appearing daily, Cana- dians have now become condltioned to the fact, that-they could be job- less in months to corne. Still, it really is a buyers' market, and consumers would be wise to sliop . around, seeking the" most com- petitive prices. In their searcli, they shouldn't' negleet the smaller shps E VENTS". Incl uded will be knitt- ing, sewing,, candy, baking, crafts, white elephants, used and new books and bot dogs. CHRISTMAS BAZAAR The Holy Tinity Anglican Churcb on Kings Cres., Ajax, will liold its parish bazaar on Saturday, November 27 from 10:30 a.m.- to 2 p.m. WHTYFREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 24, 1982, PAGE 23 for Canadian consumers that may not look lilce tbey can compote with the .buge department stores, but in fact may have the beat prices in town. Many consumers may not realize it, but they are also picking Up food at, fire-sale .prices. Someone, of course, has to pay. And in tbls, in- stance it's the farmers and fishermen wlio are earning very little for their efforts, or- in fact losing money, on every pound of produce they seil. This can't go on for- ever, but while it lasts, consumers are wmnners. Again, in bousing, the consumer is "king" (or "4queen"). House prices liave dropped dramatie- ally in most areas, of the country, and'mortgage rates are down six or seven porcentage -points in the last year or s o. In 852-3318 283-2067 Uxbrldge, Toronto >INTEqRESTED? ln,-lots, acreage , es-. tates, farmfs or -Variety of homes in the Ux-., bridge,, Brook, Scugog area. Cali Douglas Joyce. Real Estate Ltd. 852-3318 - addition, the federal governrnent As offering a .$3,000 grant on the purchase, of a new bouse, as well as to first time home buyers. Some provi *ncial govern- ments are also subsidiz- ing rnortgage, rates on bornes. >Ail of. this underscores the point that things are flot entirely bad. While the recession lias creat- ed a huge army of unemployed, it has also sparked the heated com- petition that produces bargaini prices, which'is at least something. 'A.E:. L E PA GE FIRST TIMIE 1 Gexul Speakers: Barry Evans Barrister &Solicitor *Hans Mutschler Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp. *Chrstine McLaughlin Canadian imperiai Bank of Commerce PLACE: WHITBY PUBLIIC LIBRARY DATE: TUES.,, NOVEM BER 30,1982 TIME: 8:00 P.M. For more information contact Peter Gillespie, Manager, 666-1333 EVERYONE WELCOME Refreshmenfis Look For -The Semeuar In Youar Aret S... "Heady da >ys", LISTINGS. 31/2 % Real Estate Fee. . 2 or 3 bedroom olider homes ln- Whitby, BrooklIn or 'Ashburn. Price Range - $49,000.-$64,000.00. Cail Now 668-0515 Aston Brumiley Real Estate Ltd. qýý OMP