WHITBY FREE PRESS, RECIPE GUIDE, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1, 1982, PAGE 3 SALMON TURNOVERS 1 3%-ozf. can red salmon 14- tsp. Worchester- sbire sauce 44tsp. curry powder (or to taste) Cream Cheese.Pastry Mash salmÃon..- Com- t bine with Worcester- siesauce and curry Cees Pastry1/8,tol1/4 jinch, thick and ceut in 2- inch rounds. On centre of each round, place.,,% tsp. sal- mon mixture, moisten, edges andpress tog&th- ertkmk a turnover. i;: fork. Chili until serving Bake at 3750 for 10 or, Iýý 15 minutes until iightiy jbrowned. Serve hot. Makes about 2 dozen appetizers or iight ij sacks. ij CREAM CHEESE PASTRY 3 oz. cream cheese, cheese andbutter. Add flour graduaily and mix. into a smooth dough. kChili until firm enough to roll. A delicious pastry for special tidbits. Mush- JA room foldovers are also >especiaiiy nice made from this pastry. Mrs. L. Parrott Oshawa, Ont. MUSHROOM FOLDO VERS- 2 lO-oz. cans mush- room stems and pieces V2 c. finely minced -onion 2 tbsp. butter 'k tmp. Sait 1/8 tsp. pepper 1 tsp. lemnon juice 2 tsp. flour' 'k c. Iight crea m 1/8 tsp. ground cardomon or ltbsp. sherry (optional) Cream Cheese Pastry Drain mushrooms and min ce or chop very fine. Cook with the onion in hot butter for 5 minutes over iow heat. Do not allow onion to brown. Sprinkle with sait, pep- per, iemon juice and flour; stir and simmer 2 minutes longer. Gra- duaily stir in cream and, cook, stirring until warm or coîd. May be frozen and reheated. Mrs. L. Parrott >Oshawa, Ont. BACON AND LIVER BITES Liver Bacon Cut liver into smail bite-sized pieces., Cut. bacon suices intol one to two inch pieces.' Wrap bacon around' a piece of livor and secure witb a toothpick., BroUl in oven until bacon is browned. >Mrs. Audrey Beard Brooklin, Ont. SMOKED OYSTER CANAPES 1 tin fancy smoked <oysters 1 4 o.z.» pkg. plain creamed cheese 4 dropatabasco, sauce 'ktsp. Worchester sauce Dirain weli and fineiy chop ,>smoked:oysters. Biend creamcheese' un- til soft 'and mix with Tabasco sauce, Wor- chester, sauce and snioked oysters. Spread on crackers or 2" rounds of bread and garnish .with .olive suices, parsiey or pimen- to, etc. Makes 40 cana- pes. Mrs. L. Parrott Oshawa, Ont. HOLIDAY TURKEY SALAD 2 c.cubedcooked turkey ic. sliced celery 1 83/-oz. can tidblt pineapple (drain) 1/2 c. pomegranate seeds 1/2 c. mayonnaise 1/ c. toasted slivered almonds Combine al ingredi- ents; toss. ChilI for 11/2 hoùrs' Serve on lettuce-Iined plates. Serves 4-5. Robin Kruithof Whitby, Ont. LIME VELVET SALAD' 1 pkg. lime jello ic. boiling water ican mandarin oranges with, juice 3 oz. Philadelphia »cream cheese 1/2 c. flnely cut celery 'kc. flnely chopped carrots 'k2 c. cream (35%)- whipped APPETIZERIS Dissolve jeloA nboil- lng water. Add cheese and.beatwlth.egg beat- er until cheese Is weil blended. Chil until slightiy congeaied, then add orangest celery and car- rots. Fold ln whipped creamn lightiy but thoroughiy.' Turu into a mold. Chili until firm.,,Dellciousl1 Eleanor Westwood Whitby, Ont. CHEESE DREAMS Bread osUces, Cheese spread Tomato sUices Cooked bacon strips, lghtiy cooked, flot crisp Spread cheese on bread. Top wlth tomato slices, sait and pepper to ýtaste., Add bacon slices and broul in oven until cheese starts to bubble and brown. Mrs. Audrey Beard Brookiin, Ont. CRABMEAT DIP 8 oz. Philadelphia Cream Cheese (softened) 61/2 oz. can crabmeat - 2 tbsp. choppedl onion 1/2 -l1tbsp. cream style horseradish Y4 tsp. sait Dash pepper Mix and bake At 3750 for 20 minutes until top is golden brown. Serve with crackers, Linda Wahamnaa Whitby, Ont. cream cheese and Miracle Whlp dressing mlxing.untilwelIblend- ed. Frost sandwich loaf reserving - .3/4crmain cheese mixture for decorating, with pastry tube. Garnlshý as desired. Coverlilghtly; chil, preferably overnight. Let stand at 'room tem- PARTY SANDWICH," LOAF SALMON FILLING: 2 734 oz. cans red Salmon %c. esUeedpitted ripeolives Sait and pepper 'kc. Miracle Whip Salad Dressing HAM FILLING: e , .groundcoe 2: tbsp. sweet relsh 1 tbsp. finely chopped onion. Sait andpepper % C. Miracle Wbip ý Salad Dressing EGG SALAD. FILLING: 6 hard cooked eggs, chopped, 2 tbsp. choppedl pimento 1 tbsp. chopped chives Sait and pepper 1/4 c. Miracle, Whlp Salad Dressing 1 1211-14" long loaf unsliced bread Butter or margarine 3 oz.prg. Philadelphia cream cheese 'kc. Miracle Whip Salad Dressing Combine ingredients for fiilings.' Remove crusts from bread; cut in 5 .iength- wise slices. Spread with butter or margarine. Spread two slices, with salmon filling, one with ham and one with, egg salad. Stack layers. Top with remaining bread suice. Combine softened sew" hoppy-< thi*s. Christm»Os andsave yourself up to, see below off M.S.L. on NEW NAME BRAND Sewing machines We carry: Husqvarna Janome Whiteà EIna %Also a good selection on SNEW - USED - portables, cabinet modeis, electronflos f ree arm & fIat board. REMEMBER SHOP and COMPARE Get the bost value. It's your money. Ken's Sewing' Midtown MailC n r 200 John'St.,,Oshawa 579-07À Based on trade-in aliowance. 42 porature 20 minutes be-; fore serving. Serveés '12. Mrs., L. Parrott Oshawa, Ont., Self, rising flour can be substituted for ail-pur- pose flour in some recipes, but baking pow- der, soda and sait must be omittod. To measure a damh: 'A dash--is a-moasure of les than 1/8 ýof -a -tea- spoon. ,As a -genorai rule, considor a dash to' be about 1/16 of a tea- spoon (1/40f a 1/4 tea- spoon measure)". AWARD WINNING' RECIPE OLD FASHIONED HOLIDAY TRIFLE 1 pkg. (12 oz.) thawed wbole raspberries ln syrup 1 can (19 oz.) peach sluces 1i pkg. (4 serving size) vanilla pudding & pie fillng 2 c. milk 2 c. whipped cream 'kc. orange julce V4 c.sherry, 3 c. 1-inich Pound cake cubes or 11/jinch sluces of a raspberry jeIIy roll cake (minia ture roils - 285 g) Drain raspherries and peach slices reservingý 'h c. of either syrup. Combine pudding mui with milk and. reserved syrup. Cook as directed on package. Cover with wax paper; chili. Beat chilled pudding until smooth; fold in 1 c. 0f whip- ped cream. Combine orange juice and sherry. Place haif of pound cakecubes/jelly roll slices against bot- tom of a glass bowi. Sprinkle with some of juice! sherry mixture. Spoon haif of both fruits over the cake. Cover with hall of pudding mixture. Repeat cake, iiquid, fruit, pudding layers. Spread remaining cup of whipped cream over last layer. Garnish with toasted slivered almonds and red and green marasehino cherries. Chili for at least 2 hours. Makes 8 to 10 servings. Mrs. Francisca Gaziey Whitby, Ont. YULETIDE MUSICAL APPETIZER INGREDIENTS: 1- Lowrey Organ from Mail Music 1- Bunch of Notes <Niceiy Arranged) 1 - Generous Helplng Enthusiasm From a Mail Music Teacher 1 - Ounce of Vour Desire to Play (~ METH0M Vour'selection of your Lowrey Organ wlll 11;e easy aseach wili tempt your musical taste budel Vour new hobby wlil de- iight your sense of harmoniaus creativlty. Play lots of Christ- mas music and blendin some of the bells, music box and ha 1 p sounds - ail so easy to cook up on a Lowrey. dua YIELD: A real musical banquet flot just for Christ- ,mas present but for ail future Christmases too: NALLNNusc dtown Malil Oshawa 571-2lO Whore Good YulotIde Lowr.y Things Start, CoOkIng From $995000