PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1;,^1982, WHITBYFREE PRESS,, RECIPE GUIDE MORE DESSERTS' CHRISTMAS 'CAKE - DARK M4l. butter ic. brown sugar 3 eggs 1/4 top. sait 2%4 c. flour 2 tsp. aulspice 1 tsp. cloves, 2 tsp. cinnamon' itsp. bakig powder 44e. hot water M4l. baked almondi 1 lb. dates M4l. red cherries 4lb. green cherries 2 c. mixed'peel ic. dark raisins ican crushed pineapple Cut cherries in halves,. chop almonds and dates and drain can of pine- app le. Mix together ai- monds, dates, red and green cherries, pool, raisins and pineapple. Mix Ilirougi this bowl ef fruit 'h c. flour. Croamn butter, sugar, eggs. Slft remainder of flour, ýsait, bakingpo W-, der aând spices.,Adddry Ingredients .'to' butter, sugar and egg mixture., Add fruit mixture to this and thon ' add ê' .'hot water. Bake in , slow oven, 2750, 21/?hours. G. Ewlng Brooklin, Ont. JUMBLES COOKIES 1 c. brown sugar 44c. butter i c.raisins 1 C. Walnuts 1¼M c. fleur 2 eggs %4 tsp. soda 1i tep. cinnamon 1/4 tsp. nutmeg 1/ tsp. cloves Cream, butter and sugar. Add eggs. Sift dry ingredients, add te m *-O P E M M M M M M E o0 creamed mixture. Add raisins and walnuts. Cook 20 minutes. at 3501 or until. brown. Decorate wlth 'green and red cherries. G., Ewlng Brooilu, Ont.> PEANUT BUTTER "lDODADS"I. 1 c. pean>ut butter itbsp . butter i c ilg sugar 1 c.nuts 1 c. peel, dates or cherries Cdream peà nut,'butter, butter and sugar. Blend in re maining ingre- cients. Forrn into bails. Dr op into thin icing. ,Roil in nuts or coconut., MIrs. Margaret Teer Seagrave, Ont. BRAN MUFFINS c. bran 1tbsp. wheat germ V4 c. brown sugar V4 tSp. Sait- 1tep. baking soda Shop the rest< You'Il f ind US the BEST Large varlety of used clothing - ladies winter coats - childrens outer wear - skates, toys, etc. Shop-early for the best selection. Hours: 9:30 to 5:30 Mon.-Sat. 576*51 34 iegg 4C. OUl 3/ c. b uttermilk 4C. dates Cream'sugar and oll, add egg. ýSift'dry ingre- cients; add to creamed mixture. Add milk and bran,. then the dates or raisins. Bake at 3759 for 18 minutes. G. Ewlng Brookllýn,.Ont. LEMON' CHEESE CAKE 1 emali pkg. grahain wafers 1/4c. butter 44c. brown sugar Roll wafers,'blend in butterand sugar;' mix well. Press iiibottom of a 9"xl3"' pan. Dissolve 1 3-oz. lemon jello powder in 1 c. boil- ing water, add juie of 1 lemnon., When jello part- ly, sets (or-, like egg whites) whip ý well, add %4 lb. pkg. Philadelphia cre am ,cheese' (which lias - been softened at roomn temperature) and whip well. Whip 1 large EAS EN QUA IT M EATS& s.; ICA E 'E Kcestauranft MN AT 8 O'CLOCK FOR BREAKFAST. -Luncheon S peil f rom 11 - 3p.m. -DINNER SPECIALS Prime, Rub of BeefE 12 oz'. New York Variety of Seafood Plates (Includes: soup du jour, salad beverage, dessert, garlic bread) .Children-under 12 yrs. ½ o0rders available. 110 Dunlop Between Brock& Green #Whitby OÀ Owner John Iriota.kis. Opn- ay ee ntl10pm 666-1,412À tin Carnation mllk (whlch lias been chuled to crystal stage),very stiff. Whlp jéo mixture and carnation mllk to-ý gether. Pour Into pan. Store in refrigerator until, re- quire. Serve with a' small spoonful of red jam or a marasechino cherry on each servinig. Makes 15 to 18 servinigs. PS. If jeloe setà s too muüch,,asoften over warm water, otherWlse you wlll not have a -creamny substance. Mrs. L. Parrott oshawa, ont. LITTLèE LOG8 Bake 1 white cake.mix as directed, bakihg thom in cupcake-paper. Put two cupcakes end to end wlth frostlng 10 form logs. F rost sides leaving ends open., With -fcrk make indi- To measuro liquida: Use a standard glass, mea- suring cup. Place it.on a level surface and read. the , ýmarkings ut oye level. F111 the cup just to- the marklng. If you don't have 2 eggo yoiks, you ,can'-substi- tute 1 whole egg. catling bark. Decorate oach log wlth a hatchet made from construction paper (red) . >' Serve later ln the evenlng wlth hot cider. Robin Krulthof Whitby, Ont. TIP: If' your pastry douglà sdifficult te roll, try ,wrvapping up, the dogh and, cbillng it for a haif hour. Then try rolling again. Or lace the dougli botween two pioces 0f lightly floured wax paper if dougli sticks too much. HARVEST PUMPKIN 'PIE, (Makes 6 servings> 2 tbsp. meited butter %/ c. firmly packed brown sugar v4~ c. flnely chopped pecans 1/4 c. fiaked coconut i0 "unbaked pastry sheli islightiy beaten egg 1/3 c. granuiated sugar 1/4 tep. sait %4 tsp. ground cinnamon '/4 tsp. ground ginger /4tsp. ground allspice 1/8'tsp 'ground cloves' 1/8 tep. ground nutmeg ic. canned piunpkin, 1 c. undiliuîted Car- nation Evapor-., ated Mllk 44c. toasted coco- nut. (optionail) Pec'an halves (Ã"optional) Combine butter, brown sugar, pecans, and 1/4 c. coconut; mix well. Press mixture firmly into bottom of unbaked pastry sheil. Combine egg, granu- iated sugar, sait, spices, pumpkin and evaporat- ed milk; blond well. Pour pumpkin mixture over brown sugar layer in pastry sheil. : ý Bake- in hot oven (4250) for 15 minutes. Reduce, oven tempera- ture te m oderato (3500) and bake additional 40 te 50 minutes or,:until knifo inserted in 'centre. cornes eut dean. Garnish with 44c. toasted, coconut and pecan halves. S erve warm or cooied. Makes 6 servings., Carnation Food Service Centre Our. Christmas Specialtiesl: " Weinachtstollen " AImond Bars " Almond Rings " Mincemeat Pies " Mincemfeat Tarts ,a Gingerbread, Men, *Christmas Cookies Visit our coffee shop for a f ine cup of coffée wlth a fresh donut. Hot soup lght lunches. 141 Brock St. S. Whltby 6682586j The Almnost New Shop 1206 Wecker Drive Oshawa (Just south of Cedar & Wentworth) I. I L?à îli JOusc PETER& JOSEPH HAIRSTYLING Corne in and try our new hairstylist Shiona Logan .. and receive. S200/o off our already low prices on ai beauty services (includingperms) 104 Dundas St. W. 6 8 5 9 Whltby - 1, VI