W APPLE CAKE' 1% e. flour (2ec. Ii pastry flour) 2%4 tsp. baking powder 44tsp. Sait 44c. butter or t margarine %e. granuiated sugar 3. eggs 2 tsp. lemon,-rmd 3, tbsp. milk, 3-med'blum sized apples 1 env. plain gelatin' 2Jtbsp. eold water 4 e. apricot Jam Grease 9" round spring pan or Christmas ~'cake pan and Uine bot-. tom with greased waxed paper. Preheat ovento 3750. Sift together the flour, baking powder and sait. Cream butter. Graduai- IY,,biend -in sugar. AdM -eggs, one atr a time, beaten in well after each addition'; mlx in "grated i lemon rn. Add dry in- gredients to creamed mixture aiternateiy with mllk combiniing iý ighti'y aller each addi- t ion. Use sufficientmilk to make a thick batter. Turn batter into pre- parod pan- and- spread out evenly.' Peel and quarter' appies.. Cut 6 iengthwise siashes " deep in rounded side- 'of each appie quarter.Ar range appies siashed side up over batter and, press down 'iightiy. Bake in preheated oven 55 to 65 minutes. GLAZE: Soften gelati i water, Ithen mfeit over hot',water, aâdd apricot jam ad mix wyell. Stand bakeeke in ils pno a wire rackfor 10 min- utes. Loosen ý around edge and remove from pan torack. appIe side up. Spread hot cake with apricot glaze. Cool. Linda Wahamaa "NWhtby, Ont. CHOCOLATE, FRUIT BARS /3c. finely ehopped candied pine- appie c4 . finely chopped candled cherries c4 . finely ehopped candled mixed peel 1/3 c. toasted silver- ed almonds 8 oz. semi-sweet ehocolate Line 9x5 inch pan with waxed paper., Combine, fruits and nuls. Pour hall of chocolate in pan. Pat down lightiy. Cover wlth remaiming chocolate. -ýTap. pan Several times 10 settie chocolate.. ,' Chili until flrm. Remove from pan, eut into squares. -Robert Strlckland Oshawa, Ont. TRI7-LE VEL BROWNIES J c. qulck-cooking' rolled oats 44c. flour 44C. packed brown sugar -¼tsp. baking soda 6 tbsp'. butter or margarine, melted i 1-oz. à square unsweetened chocolate, melted and eooled 1 egg % C. flour 1/ 'tsp. baking powder 1/4 tsp. Sait /4 C. milk 44tsp. vanilla '4c. chopped nuts, Fudge Frosting For bottom layer, stir together first 4 ,ingre- cients, and 4 tsp. sait., stur in- 6 tbsp. melted butter.. Patin il x 744 x 144" baking pan. Bake at 3500 for 10 mi nutes. For middle. layer, combine granulated sugar, V/4butter, and choclate; add egg. Beat well. Stir together % c. flour, baking. pow- der and V4 tsp. sait; add to'chocolate mixture ai- ternateiy with a mixture of vanilla and miik, mixing after each addi- tion. Fold In nuts. *Spread batter 'over. baked layer. Continue. baklng at 354) for 25 minutes. Cool. Frost wlth,,FudgeFroat- lng. Cut Into bars. Top with wainut haives. WHITBY FREE PRESS, RCIPE GUIDE, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1, 1982, PAGE 7ý FUDGE FROSTING: 1 1-oz. square. unsweetened chocolate, melted DESSERTS 144 c. Iciugsugar 2 tbsp. hot water Combine ail Ingre- diennts, mixing until smooth. Linda Chemelli Whitby, Ont. HOME-MADE CHOCOLATES, 3 lb. Icing suga r %4 c. butter 1 tbsp. coru'syrup ci eau sweetened condenièd milk 1 tsp. vanila 2 jars cherries (70) 10 squares unsweet- ened chocolate %4 slab paraffin wax' Cream, butter uritil iight and fluffy. Add corn syrup, miik .and" vanila. Add sifted icing sugar. Mix well a'nd 1 smail bottie green cherries 1 tsp. baking soda C. cflour 44c.,warm water 'Combine al- ingre- dients addlng warm water. last. Bake in a greased loaf pan at 2750 for 2 hours. Mrs. Margaret Teer Seagrave, Ont. B RIN G ITALY 'TO YO UR TABLE -ith these distinctive Italian fried cookies. They're particu- iarly enijoyabie served with ,an after-dirmer liquer, such as Amaretto di Saronno. SARONNO STRIPS -2 eggs ,", 2 tbsp. sugar c4 . melted butter or margarine %4 c.milk /3 c. Amaretto di Saronno 1 tsp. grated leion rmnd ^ 4 e. unsifted ail- purpose flour 1 tsp. baking p owder fat or oi for deep frying < Confectioners' sugar In a bowl, beat eggs with sugar until fluffy. Stir in butter or margar- mne, miik, Amarettoý di Saronno and lemon rind. Stir in flour'and'baking powder. 'Knead dough on a iightly floured sur-. face u»ntil elastic 'and, sot.Roll out dough to.form a 24x15-inchob- long 1/à inch thick. With a shapkie ut dough into 2x-ichstrips. Drop strips, into hot deep fat or oil (36w) and fry2 minutes on each side un- tii golden brown. Drain on absorbent- paper. Cool -and sprinkie with, confectione rs' sugar. Makes 36.1 DURHAMI BUSINESS MACHINES LOK AT TH ESE SPECIAL PRICES TEXAS INSTRUMENTS HOME COMPUTER .$A 100,53 (FREE MUNCH MAN CARTRIDGE)............. SCM ENTERPRISE Il TYPEWRItERt.......$7 5 BROTHER CORRECT.O.BALL,$7O TYPEWRITER 7300 ...A.........1. ...$4 5 0 e. sOOU Hours: Mon.-Wed. 1 Thurs. & Fr1., Sat., 9-6:30 9-97> 12-5 1 22 H unt St.., Ajax knead thoroughiy until tfForm into bails with cherry centered in each. Meit chocolate and paraffin wax in top of double bolier. Dip bails into chocolate. Use knitting needies to hold bails while dipplng. Lay chocolates on- waxed paper to dry. Makes 20 chocolates. Robin 'Kruithof Whitby, Ont; FRUIT CAKE 44l. butter i .whitesugar 3 eggs, weiI beaten 2 tsp. ivanilia 1 lb. white raisins9 1/ lb. peel A emali bottie red cherries 1 1