CHRISTMAS DINNER ,The annual Christmas dinner for the registered blind and visually han- dlcapped for the Durham Region will be hedat the Jubilee Pavilion, Lakeshore Park, Oshawa, under the sponsorship of the Lions, Clubs of the region, on Tuesday, Dec. 7 commencing at 6 p.m. 'with the> social hour. Dinner follows., SEntertainment will be provided after dinner, including the County Town Singers..- The registered blind and their- escorts will be admitted free. SPEAKING CONTEST The Optimist Club of Whitby is holding its an- nual public speaking contest for boys. and girls under the age of 16. There wil be one con- test for boys and one for girls, with $1,000 scho- larships being. pretent- ed to the winners in each contest. 1Contestants will, re- ceive help in preparing their 4 to 5 minute speech by qualified Op- timist coaches. For more informa-, tion, please eall Mr. Roy Pollard at 668-6288. * BOWLING If you would like tod join a' Mixede 10-pini bowling league 'at Lei- sure Lanes in Oshawa on - Thursday nights starting at 9 p.m. eaul 683-0813. CHRISTMAS CONCERT Musikids are having their annual Christmas Concert .Saturday, December il starting at 8 p.m. The concert will be held at'O'Neill Colle'- MARI. Dinnerq Playhouse 419 BROCK STREET NOATHe WHITBY9 CALL 668-900 TORONTO 686491t gia te in Oshawa. Ticket prices are aduits $3, seniors and students $2, and eilîdren $1. Tickets can be purchased from any Musikid or at Park-. wood Travel,, 111 Simcee- St. N., 576-26 81., Tickets will also be for sale at the door the 'ight of the concert. Corne celebrate Christmas with the Musikids and their 'director Mr. Drew Parker. NEWCOMERS' MEETING The December meet- ing of Oshawa-Whitby Newcomiers' Club will Spiceup yourlIlfe with GOLDEN RICE BOWL CHINESE CUISINE Take' Out& dine in Now Available Chines. tableware collection. Awonderful glf t for Christmas. (Loak'et menu for detaill.) 4e85 King W. Oshawa 728-5555 728-4180 ADDED ATTRACTION Friday is CABARET NIGHT Anytime af ter 10:30 Music - Sông Lote nlght menu. No cover charge. MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE makes Christmas shopping easy. A GOOD SELECT ION 0F men's extra, extra large sizes. Entiro Stock of Mon's Suîts on Sale. A COMPLEEULNE 0F " ladies' wear from sizes 5 to 20. " boy's wear f rom sizes 8 to 18. *men's work & dress wear from size 36-54. Friendly, Efficient Service MERCANTILE D EPTU STORE Quality brand name clothing for ladies, men & boys. ç p. I 321 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3468 be an "Open House", on Tuesday, December 14 at 8 p.m. at Westminster United .Church, Man-, ning Road, Whltby.< There- wiil be Christ- mas food and gift ex- change. for more infor- mation eall 579-0857. GENEOLOGICAL MEETING The Whtby-Oshawa WHIT BY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1, 1982, PAGE 15 MORE COMING' EVENTSý g~m~-~.jTHE CORPORATION 0F THETOWNOFWHITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERI. RESTAURANT& TAVERN, TAGE ACT, R.S.O., 1980, CHAPTER 337 AND UN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND CHIMESE POLYMESIAN PREMISES AT THE F0LLOWING MUNICI. A A INF O PAL ADDRESS UN THE PROVINCE 0F&CA DAN F O ONTARIO. NOC F P-ASSNG-SERVING, THE FINEST - OFBY.LAWIN SEAFOOD& TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation STEAK- HOUSE SPECIALTIES- of the TOWN of WHITBY ha8 passed By-law 1436- 82 ta designate the following property as belng or architectural andior historical value or Interest LUNCHEON 9 DINNER e COCKTAILS under Part IV of The Ontarlo Heritage Act., R.S.O., 1980, Chapter 337: Hood/Hare House 301 Centre Street South Whitby, OntarioGODN AT a) Architectural The Hood/Hare House Is an excellent example HO E IVERY of the vernacular Gothic Revival Style of archi- 'AJAXý tecture. The most outôtanding feature of this BRO0KLNY white clapboard house s the finely detailed OSHAWA bargeboard and treillage work which surround >the house. Also of interest are the transom DUNE-UN OR TAKE OUT and sidelights of leaded glass which surround the f ront door. b) Hîstorical Corne vlisit our The HoodlHare-House has had a number of exquisite oriental ownerssînce t was built Un 1875,--the moat B m o îrrro a prominent of whom are: Mr. William Hood who had the house 17B O KS.S built; an'd Mrs. Florence Metcalfe10 OC S .. and Mrs. Kathleen Hare. WHITBY DATED AT THE ,TOWN 0F WHITBY THIS FIRST HUS DAY 0F DECEMBER, 1982. I MON.-THURS. TIL2IOAM Donald G. McKay FI A. TL3MOOAM R Town Clerk SLNAY IL11-0PMJ The Corporation of the Town of Whitby &.#l!$ ILS O1 A.1. 575 Rossland Road East Whltby,Ontario Li N 2M8 6 M= Romnan Cathollo Churches ST. OHý HE EANGEIST T. LO'SHOLYFAMILY- ST 3 GiOH r tHE V6N68-T3S.6LO6SSaturday Masses at St. Paul's School 903 Gi fardSrt66-3676200'Garrard Rd. NroihSt Su nday Masses at Anderson 66oo3676 Col leg iate, 400 Anderson St. ,MASSES (just above Dundas St.) 576-2098 S SES y 7P..MASSES MASSES atuday, 7p1:3 .m. 1: . Saturday, 5 p.m. Saturday, 7 p.m. Sunaya.m, 0:3 a..,12:5 pm. Sunday, 10:30 &.m. Sunday, 9 a.m.1, 10:00 a.mj., 11:15 "Know that I1arn with you always; yes to the end of time." Matt. 28:20. Geneological Society, aà branch of the Ontario Geneological Society, will ,hold its monthly meeting December 7 in the auditorium of the Whitby. Public Library from 7 to 10 p.m. Ail interested persons are Welcome, and more information can. be ob- tained by calling Gl Mclntosh at 668-2792. Othe oco-opeîâtois INSURANCE SERVICE 's CLOSING 400 Dundas St. W., Whitby OFFICE ef fective December3, 1982. Visit Our, Other Office At: 372 King St. W. Oshaâwa 728-1 661 Good food, fast and friendly service. BREAKFAST SPECIAL bacon or ham. 3 eqs, toast, home fries SUPPER SPECIAL, <hamburger, french fri os, beverage $1, OnIy Sat. thru Wsd. 308'Thlckson S. Consumer Dr. Whltby OPEN Thurs. 6a.m. tolilp.m. Sun.,- 8a.m. ta 9p.m. Fri. 6 a.m. toi a.m. Mon.-Wed. 6,9p.m; 'Sati 9p.m "WORTH THE DRIVE FOR DINNER ALON E" Paul King - Toronto Star The best new attraction'in town is also JUST FOR, DINNER. Four course dinners f rom $-10 By reservation only. s