WHITBY FREE-PRESS,,WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 1, 1982s PAGE 19, REAL ESTA TE PRIME COMMERCIAL LOCATIONS >FOR'LEASE -Dundas St. -E., Whltby, 1,500Sq. ft.ý near fourý corners, ample parking, modern bulding at $8 per sq. ft. includlng heat, hydro -and, wà ter. -2,000, sq. ft. ware- house space. $4 per sq. ft. Hwy. 12, Brook- lin. -5,500 sq. ft. Only $4 per sq. ft. Inclutding taxes, hydro, water» and maintenance. For further Informa- Ation -.ontact«,Marlan 1;Martin or Clare, Me- Cullough 86-61035. IKIDNEYI p 852-3318 283-2067 Uxbrldgo Toèronto INTERESTED?? In lots, 'acreage, es- ttes8, farm or varlety of homes ln the Ux- brlcdei 1'Brook, Scugog area. Cmli Douglas Joyce Rosi Estate Ltd. 852-3318 $49,990.001 -Com. pact 2 'bedroom bun- galow' wlth large kit- chen, full basement, garage, Iocated on a nice, 43' x 136' lot In an etablshedpart'of Whitby. WANTED -Brooklin client rwants detached 3 bedroom home ln Brooklln - prefers main street or wIll consider' side' street.. .,Cmli Jack' Grant 668-4000 or 668. 17144. Cali Jack Grant 668&4000 or 68-7944 r'- - ~' ' WANTED I 3 % Real Etate Fee. 2 or, 3 bedroom older hom es ln Whitb'Y, Brooklin or: Ashburn. Price Range - $49,000.-$64,000.00. Cmli Now 668-051& Aston Brumlsy Rami lEstats Ltd. MMWMý m m