Whitby Free Press, 1 Dec 1982, p. 3

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WHITBY' FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBEk1, 1992, PAGE 3 W a g e fre <ezea "ph oney" move Edwards sys Regional council's re- jection of a five per cent pay increase for elected m embers is a "phoney"l demonstration of re- straint philosophy, re- gional councilor Tom Edwards says. "When the increase is approved ln March; and I'm confident it will be, those who vote against it will pick ,Up their cheques and not one will question it, " Edwvards said in a telephone inter- view. In a 16-14 vote l-.ast Wednesday, council de- cided flot to give itself a five per cent .pay in- crease for 1983. How- ever, the salary issue wil be reviewed during budget discussions in March. "'It 's one thing to vote againat the' in- crease,"' Edwards said. '"But it's another to voice platitudes about what it means to the tax- payers." It would cost the region approximately $20,000 to increase re- gional councillors' $13,890 salaries by five per cent. "I really wish we would spend more time discussing areas of greater impact on the taxpayers," -Edwards said. Ail three Whitby representatives voted in favour of the pay in- creases. IniWhitby, regional, representa- tives Tom Edwards and Gerry Emni are paid $7,700 for their-work on Whitby twncoundil, bringing their combined salary. to just , over $21,000 annually. Mayor Bob Atte)rsley, whose combîned salary as mayor and regional councillor totals' more than $36,000,. responded angrily to charges that councillors are being Speakin to, You By SCOTT FENNELL, M.P. (PC - Ontario) w____ Bher can be no denying Soviet PremierLeonid, Brzhnev was an important, man and that Canada' should use the occasion of his death to press for bet- ter relations. between the superpowers. But Tru- deau, as usual, has gone too far. When. told -of Brezhniev's death,, our Prime Minister iàssued a statement praising the dictator-as "da man of peace". Why was this lie neècessary? What did Trudeauý accomplish? Will it serve anyone's interest.,except' those of the propagandists in the Soviet Union'?. Trudeau's needlessly flattering commenta on the Soviet Union have become a regular thing wil;h hlm. His most famous was about martial law in Poland. He shrugged, said it was better than revolution, and bis remarks were given wide play, by the Polish miliaryregme i an attempt to justify its oppres'- sion. Along with giving undeserved credibility to one of the most brutal dictatorships on the planet, Tru- deau's remarks are a grave insult to the citizens of Canada who have escaped froni Iron Curtain coun- tries. Its about time our Prime Minister demon- strated some maturity and started to behave real- lstically. ITHE WALLPAPER CENTREI "greedy" in supporting the pay increase. 'II don't take time off council, for, a full- time' jOb," Attersley saîd. "Thisis a full-time job." Edwards, Who last year brought forth a mo- tion to freeze 1982 salar- ies,' said he has chaànged bis position because he realizes some councill- ors depend entirely on political "careers for their livelihood. He« said the 'a rgument against an increase is a 4"4phonhey, dishonest"l position. "When sufficient time has, elapsed ( after the, election) for them i to feel comfortable, they'll accept it." Edwards Rçgional' .councillor Tom-Edwardir S Settiement and no change in the PTR," Houghton. said. He add ed the incoming restraint bill1 was ,a large factor in the com- promises made by the teachers. "It was like the gun was to your head," Gugula said. "You either accept 'the con- tract or take it to the In- flation Restraint Board." The teachers say their annual pay increases have not kept pace with ,inflation, and, they would have sought a 14 or 15 per cent increase if the restrainit bull was not imminent. "Durham used to be in the tp ten in the province as far as pay goes,". said Gugula. "Now,,we are some- where in the bottom said. Councllor Dianne Hamre, however, said councillors in Durham Region are among. the best paid in the pro- vince. "Quite frankly, I'm embarrassed when I go to conventions and I'm asked how mfuch I make," Hamre said. Those wbo ' argued' againsit the incirease said coundil should set an example of restraint. to the taxpayers they serve ., Others said the salary is sufficient, sin- ce most'councillors do hold other jobs to sup- plement theiri*ncome. Those who .s'upported the increase said it is Salaries for Durham teachers now range from $14'849 for a start- ing teacher, to $39,987 for* teachers in the high- est pay categorty. Both Houghton and Gugula say the work sharing proposai, is, an "ideal" situation for teachers who are raising children. >"I think it's an excit- ing prospect for the father or mother who wants to spend more tme with bis or her children," Gugula said. He added that husband and wife ",teanis" could. share a classroom and provide' energetic anïd consistent instruction. If the- restraint, legis- lation becomes law in 1983, next year's salary. arrangement will. auto- matically be setatfv per cent. resuit. ln the reconstructi- on'of Hlghway 7 from 0.4 km east of Durham Regional Road -1, Brougham, easterly to 0.12 km west of Hlghway 12, Brooklin, Towns of Whitby and Pickering; Reglonal Muni- clpaiity of Durham. W.P. 71-65-01 M.T.C. District 6 -Toronto. The study has f ollowed a planning process ap-- proved under the Environimental Assessment Act, 1975. As requlred by this approvai an Environ- mental Study Report hias been f lied with the Envi- ronmental Approvais Branch of the Mlnistry of, the Env ironment, (M.O.E.), and.is available for public review at the following locations: Ministry of the Environment, Central Re- gion, Suite 700, 150 Ferrand Drive, Don Milîs, Ontario. M3C 3C3. Mlnistry of the Envlronment, Environmentai Approvals Branch, 135 St.' Clair Avenue West,' lOth Floor, Toronto, Ontario. M4V 1 P5. >Ministry of Transportation and Communica- tions, District 6 (Toronto) Office, 5000 Yonge Street, Wiilowdale, Ontario. M2N 6E9. Regional Munipality of Durham, Office of the Municipal Clerk, 605 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. LiN 6A3. The Town of Pickering, Office of the Muni- cipal Clerk, 1710 Kingston Road, Pickering, Ontario. Li V 1 C7. The Town of-Whitby, Office of the Munici- pal Clerk, '575 Rossland Road, ,> Whitby, Ontario. Li N 2M8. Please refer any comments to: Mr. A. Sulavella, Senior ProjectManager, Planning & Design'Section, Cent 'ral Reglon,_ Mlnistry of Transportation & Communilca- tions, 5000 Yonge Street, Willowdale,' Ontario. M2N 6E9. Telephone: (416) 224-7663. within ,thegoVrnment's', five per 'cent restraint guidelines, and reflects the fuilÜ-time nature of the job. Mayor Attersley said last week tia t somÎepeo- ple mightbe, disco'urag-ý ed froni running for re- gional 'council if the salary is toc low . It is the-second year in a row council bas voted * to. freeze elected mem- bers' salaries.,,,- Edwards said the ideal situation wouùld be to create an inipartial committee to determine the annual stipend. "Council bas rejected thgt, so every year we Wlf spýend hours 'and hours Qf, discussion on this issue,", Edwards YOU CAN BE A PROFESSIONAL -~ HAIRSTYLIST ART Et TECHNIQUE - omSC" ENROLL NOW FOR NEXT MONTH'S CLASSES 7 Government Licensed Instructors. 27 secegsful Y.rsef lminlig xporkne <14 Ontario Si. 221 Pitti . 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