Whitby Free Press, 8 Dec 1982, p. 22

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PAE 22, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 8, 1982, WFITBY FREE PRESS, Whltby's Mosi WIdeIy Read w CLASSI'FIED' ADsw Contlnued From- Page 21 AUTrOMOILES PETS & < j FOR-SALE SUPPLIES Ij LSSIFIED REAL iESTATEg, Fr'ee,,Press,-winers 1972 VEGA, best offer, as le., Phono 688-7616. 1978 FORD F25044 Ton, auto- matlc, power steoring and power brakes, gauges,' heavy.duty wen-, ch, snow plough wlth angle, 5 ex- tra spares on wheels. Much more. Phono 668-7948. ARTICLES FOR RENT1 TYEWITR RENTAL,. many makes and modela, by the week-' end, week, or month. Dîscounts avallable. Dickson Printlng & Of- fice ýSupplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cail us for' business machine TRI, COLLIE, male, one year aid, .K.C. reglisterod, show dog, obe- dience trained, loves p eople. $3W0 or best ofler. Phono 668.5678. FOR E N TI FREE' >'; BASEMENT WORKSHOP for rent near four corners 0f'-Whltby. Phone 668-7017 or 579-1596. FREE., Drap Into the Dlckson Print- lng & Office Supply store In the Ajax Plaza and pick Up a free copy _____________ of thoîr .1982 Metria calendar. OFFICE Prlnted In two colours, t makes ~ S A E for handy reference. 683-1968SP C C~8OUFRREITI LARGE ONE BEDROOM apart- mont ln Whiitby available February 1, 1983. Centrally iacated, closeo ta GO and local bus stops. Prldge, stove; hydro and parking Inciuded. Laundry faclities,' cable TV and aara' a aalabie. Cail 668-6372 be- THREE.ROOM- WHITBY OFFICE SUITE wlth private washroom. Has aver 750 sq. ft. of fuîiy broadioom- od. and alr-condlined spaclous- ness. Main'office about 32 foot long. cauid be.divldod Into amaîl- or offices. For f urth or Information Cali Mr.' Burgeas between 9 a.m. and 5 p.mn. et66846372. repairs 83-1968.tWeen 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.REA FOR SALE, FOR SALE- FOR SALE. WHITBY - P rî111vate sale.1 3 bedroom, 2 atorey, detachod, 1 ½i baths, flnlshedl rec room. In Otier creek. $68,800. Make an' offer. Phone 666-2471. ACOMMODATION VILLAGE HlOME has rcOomfor rent. 10l mliles north 0of Whitby. Large gardon, stroam, rollng land close to'skilng and golf.,$210, monthly Incîudlng utilitles. Phone 655- 4035. The- two -winners, of, the Free'-Piess regular subseriber draw look like they're enjoying an early Christmas'gift-opening., Beth Pr'tchaird (left) of 5M6 Reynolds Street, Whitby won a fondue set, andcarrier Natalie-De Rooy (right) "of 530 Reynold Street,-Whitby received a digital watch. The Free Press regularly draWs the names of subseribers and carriers and awards- prizes to them in appreciation for supporting their local newspaper. 1 -Free Press Staff Photo EVERYTH ING'S" *HALF ,PRICE* Cards For Ail Occasions GORDON FRASER GREETING CARDS Great stockîng Stuffers Flpely.Crafted Psrsonallzsd Locaîly Made P-LAYING CARDS, CERAMIOS PLUS' Napklns, Plaques & Wrapping Paper WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brook St. N., Whltby TENDERS. A DURHAM AREA HOUSING AU!I agoni for Mlnistryof !Municipal Af fairs and Housing PAUNTING CONTRACT4 RE.-8 O3 SFT DA 7182 003 SFT DA I82 To provide MOVE OUT PAINTING ln prolects wlthln tti Areadurîng the year 1983. SEALED TENDERS wlli b. roci 12:00 noon EDST. December 22, 1982. Tender Docu ments may bo obiained'tram Durham Ares Authorltyoffice,.216 Dundas St. E., P.O..Box 41, Whitby Li N 5R7, c/o Housing Maniager. Note: For further Information regardlng the tender specl phono (416) 668-7757, quoting reference numbor. The iowest or andlaor any tende r not necessarily accopted. w HORITY ORSý ha Durham eèlvod untili >a Houslng )y, Ontarlao, :flcatlons, INFORMATION R EQUESTED ON SPACE AVAILABLE FOR LEASE' WHITBY, ONTARIO The Department of' Public Works of Canada has a requirement for approximateiy 151,square metres 0f existing office space to beIocated ln Whltby. THE SPACE WILL BE REQUIRED FOR 0OCCUPAN- CV BY THE CANADA EMPLOYMENT.AND IMMI- GRATION COMMISSION FOR A LEASE TERM'0F FIVE (5) VEARS COMM ENCING APPRIOXIMATELY MARCH 1ST, 1983. Interested parties should reply ln writlng to: The Regional Manager Property Administration Ontario Region Department ofiPubllc Works Canada 4900 Vonge Street Willowdale, Ontario M2N 6A6 to be received on or before DECEM BER 30,1982. ln repiy please quote flile No. 5220-W3711-1 Information wIll be accepted from the owner of a property .or, his desIgnated agent and should ln- clude location 0f building and, rentable area 0f space being offered. Information advanced by an agent shouid include the owners name and address and the authoriza- tion to act on the owners' behaîf. This Is only an Inqulry as to the avaîilabilîty of space and the Department of Public Works wil flot necessariry lease any of the sp:ace Identfed I TeFree Press received more -than 150 entries in this year's Christmas colouring contest. Above are the winners from left to right: Mary Catherine- Holatko, first place in the 7 and under age group; Alisha Norman, second place in the 7 and uuider category; Cheryl Carpenter, Free Press contest' organizer; Tara Stubensey, first place in. the over 7 age group; and Suzy Jeppesen, second place in the over 7 category. First prize winners took home cheques for $25, and second prize winners received $10. Tha.nka to, al who entered. - Free Press Staff Photo Home.ownership grants one project that works' By W. ROGER WORTH Syndlca ted Columnist Sometimes, the .gov- ernment bureaucracy, works the way it should. Consider ottawa's $3,000 Home Ownership Stimulation grants, de- signed- to assist'people purchasing new homes as, well as first-time home buyers. Téns of thousands of happy Canadians have already taken advantage of the program, and most of them report fast, fast action on their applica- tions. In fact, the cash is usually available within weeks, allowing the prospective homeowner to use the money the day the actuai.real estate deal is finalized. .The system is working so well that, in at least one situation, the pur- chaser ^had the $3,O0 cheque within 10 days of submitting. the applica-- tion, including delivery by Canada Post. What's mor e, the bureaucrats are actually breaking their own rules to facili- tate clients who meet the intent, if not the let- ter, $0f" the laws apd regulatio ns governing the program., For, people who have coma to regard govern- ment as a- gigantic, bureaucratic monster, such service is-a'heady exparience indeed. Neverthalass, there is a very good reason for ail this uncharacteristie aefficiency. With 1-.5 mil- lion Canadians unem- ployed, this is one of the faw high-profile govern- ment programs that works and, for once, the politicians ,weran't about to be pushed around by the mandar- ins. Ail too often, taking advantage of govt-rn- ment programs is s0 clutterad with red tape that costly professional advice is raquirad, to say nothing of the lost tima, frustration and aggravation caused' by rapeated delays and saamingly inane follow- up questions. Just ask any indivi- dual operating a small business. Two years ago, for example, Ottawa an- nounced a programn to provide low-cost boans for expanding small firms. It took more than six months for the man- darins to get the plan in place.' Thent,- afte r a relatively -succ'essful run, the,,program was. essentially scrapped, only to be raplaced by a* similar'plan announcad in Junie. Again, it, has taken the, mandarins' several months. to get the plan worki'ng. But lUs not only incen- tive plans that, bother entrepreneurs. _ Small businasses are besieged by civil servants writing latters or showing Up at the front door ready to inspect the shop or audit the books. What's bothersome is that small business has real potentiai to create a great many 0of the jobs we so badly need, yat the inïvariably busy- ownars and managers are continuaily harass- ed by governument, workars. On the other'. hand, the systamn can- operate reasonably and"- affîciently, as the suc-. cesý,of the homeowners' grant program proves. Perhaps it is time al civil servants started acting as if individuals mattered. After ail, as. taxpayers, in thaory at' le ast,, we're their,' bosses. Soethl'na1eor» Evervone WHITBY FREE PRESS 668 6111ý

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