Corri*do r Capers By MARY MCEACHERN Cali 725-8167 wth Items for this column. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Dec. 19 at 7:30 p.m. - Candlelight Carol Service. Slng the carols and hear, the Christmas story by canîdleight. Christm~as Eve, Frlday, Dec. .24 - Special Family Service at 7:30 p.m.. New Years Communion Service - Sunday, Jan. -9 at il a.rn. service. Suggestions bave been made to have an adult Sunday study group on Sundays at 10 a.m. Thre Christian Education Committee te very interested in the propo sal and would ask thèe who would like to take part'to either tear out thte part of tire an- nouncement, sign. their name to it and band it in or fill out one of the cards in the pew and write on it - Sunday Morming Study Group. WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUT The December meeting of -the institute will be held at thre home of the president, Mrs. L. Gregor, at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 15 (today). Thre topic - Chrristmas. Pot luck supper. Thre rol oeil will be answered by a Christmas card, stamped and ready for mailing to a needy friend. Tire program will be a film shown of the 1982 Rosebowl Parade, foilowed by an excbange of gifts. LOGO CONTEST Great response to the Logo Contest. More tban a dozen designs have been submitted, according to the chairman, Bob Kennedy. Juding wil take place this week. Executive members, who are available, will be asked to take part in the judging. The best overail design will be chosen. Thre winner will be announced in tire column next week. Best of luck to ail thre entrante. CAPERS BALL Tire next Capers bail wiil be held at Hèydensirore Pavillon on Saturday, Feb. 26. The cost of tire dance will be $10 a couple for members of the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association and $12 a couple for non-members.1 We hope to make tins tire biggest dance, yet,; cail Bey, Rogers at 725-5008- or Sandra Lindensmiti at 668-899 and reserve your tickets early. Our objective is to contribute $500 to help equip each new park within tire boundaries of the Corridor Area. Your attendance at the dance will enable us to make a donation to the Parks and Recreation Department of the Town of Whitby for the benefit of our children. Keep the date in mind and bring your friends and neighbours to the Capers Bail. Last Saturday was to bave been thre monthly pa per drive for, the scouts and cubs in our area. However, our street was not visited by picker- uppers. A large quantity of papers on both sides of our street were stll there on Saturday evening.. If the cubs and scout association do not plan on having their paper drive, please contact me and tire people will be informed, thus ellmlnating the task of taking out the papers and then baving to cart them back in. We want to save them for you,,but please pick them up. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 15,1982, PAGE 13 Province turns Christm as nto jo bs Ontarils Minlistry of Industry and Trade is mountlng a province wide, "Give Canadian" campgIgn to try to turn the billions we'il spend on Christmas presents this year into new jobs for Canadians. 1Total retail sales in Canada wlll top $100 bil- llion this year, and, ac- cording to. Statistics Canada almost 30 per cent of department store sales take place durlng the Christmas season. According to Minsto f Industry and Trd pokesmen, the potential for new Canadian jobs is staggering. .If ail we'do, is buy 10 per cent moreCanadian-made _pro- ducts this Christmas, and cut our purchases of imports by, 10 per cent, that could translate into literally thousands of new jobs -. at no extra cost to the taxpayer, a senior official said. .The reas on the oppor- tunîty is s0 big is that Canada imports more manufactured products than virtually any other industrialized nation. Our import bill for foods and beverage products each year tops $2.5 bil- lion. We. import $1.5- billion worth of textiles> $50-million wortb of clothing and more than $i-billion worth of appi- ances. United Nations trade statistics teil us that, on average, each Canadian consumes six times as, >many imported. manu- factured products as each Amnerican, and, 15 times more than the average Japanese.. Even small shifts to- wards. greater support f or Canadian-made pro- ducts this Christmas can bave major impact on employment across Canada. The Mînistry of Indus- try and Trade bas found that retailers across Ontario are anxious to support the "«Give Cana- dian this Christmas" promotion. "dRetailers know it just makes good busi- ness sense for them to support the products their customers make," a spokesman sald. "And like everyone else in Canada, they know that now, more than ever, Canadlian compamies and Canadian products need our support. " Chains like Pro and Home Hardware, Towers, Simpsons, the Bay and Canadian Tire, as weil as book stores, clothing<' stores, shoe stores, jewelry stores, lumber stores, and department stores of al kinds, will be displaylng special " 'Give Cana- dian"l reminders in their outiets across Ontario. Newspapers wiil be- mounting special "Give Canadian" >supple- mente. And the ministry is operating its own tele- vision and newspaper advertising campaign in the weeks until Christ- mas, to, help remlnd consumers that when we, buy Canadian pro- ducts this Chrlstmas, we'realso buying jobs for Canada. - ,The retail focus of this "1give Canadan"I Christmas program is a response to the findings in market surveys con- ducted for thre federal and provincial govern- ments. Those surveys. showed that while nwset Canadians belevd 1 was good for Canada to "Shop. Canadian" (and most people were aware that 'Canadian -goods now offer top quality and value), less tban baif of thre people sur- veyed remembered. to make a point of -lookingý for'Canadian-made pro- ducts when they were actually shopping. 1"People know bacily Canadian in facturers need support today," ministry official how nanu- their the said. '«And I think people feel good about the idea of buymng jobs for Canada as well, as buying pre- sents for their friends and familles.. DENTURE" THERAPY CLINIC 214 Dundas St. E., Whitb y Hou rs: Mon. - Sat.& Evenings, By Appointment OnIy (across f rom Beer Store)* MSALON FO LLS AMLE, MONDAYS INTRODUCING SUSAN SEYMOUR ½ 2»PRICE ON EVERY HA IR SERVICE AVAILABLE INCLUDINGPERMSý 119 GREENST., WIHITBY 668»926 1 1