PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 15, 1982, WHITBY FREE PRESS Unemploym eut up, place- ments do wn- hiNovember The number of clients unemployed anci regist- ered I for work at the Canada Employment Centres in Ajax, Whltby and. Oshawa for' the month of November totalled 14,567, consist- lng of 6,374 female and 8,193 maie clients. Placements 'in the three offices totalled 348 for the month, w*hich compares to a, total of 368 placements durlng October. The majority of clients were register- ed in Clerical and relat- ed; Sales; Service; Machining and Related;' Product Fabricating, Assemfbling and Repair- ing; .Construction Trades; Material Hand- ling and related. During -. November, the greatest employ- ment opportunities existed in Retail Trade; "Accommodation ,and Food Services; Health and Welfare -Services. In November, there were nine agreements signed under the General Industrial Training Program. As a resuit, 12 people will benefit from both train- ing and emfployment in the Region of Durham. At the end of Novem- ber,' there were 157 stu- dentsin the skill courses sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre and 42 people re- ceiving academic upgrading at, Durham College. THE CORPORATION 0F IC~fA~r)ITHE TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE WINTER SNOW CLEARING TO ASSIST THE TOWN 0 F WHITBY IN -KEEPING THE STREETS CLEAR 0F SNOW, THE PUBLIC là REQUESTED TO CO-OPERATE BY NOT PARKING IN A MANNER THAT WILL INTERFERE WITH THE SNOW CLEARING OPERATIONS. TRAF FIC BY-LAW 931-79 RE STRICTS PARKI NG TO A MAXIMUM 0F THREE (3) HOURS AND NO VEHICLE SHALL BE STOPPED AS TO INTER- FERE WITH THE CLEARING 0F SNOW, FROM THE STREETS. ANY VEHICLES THAT ARE IN-CONTRAVENTION 0F THE BY-LAW WILL BE TAGGED AND MAY BE TOWED AWAY. R.A. KUWAHARA, P. ENG., DIRECTOR 0F PUBLIC WORKS. We need a few goo.d boys andgirls! *WHITBY KIDS * BROOKLIN KIDS * Become a carrier f o r the Whitby Free Become the outstanding'carrer of the -month d become awinner! Learn to be a business person with respo.nsibility while.earning money., HERE ARE SOME 0F 1THE ROUTES AVAILABLE NOW! BROOKLIN Route No. 2000 100 papers ý- delivering on Winchester, Durham, Princess, Abert, Sîmcoe,' Church, Cassels, Pearl, Roebuck and the east side of Baldwin. Route No. 2010 50 papers - deiivering on North St., Centre St., C oîston St. andwest side of Baldwin. Route No. 2020: 100 papers -- deiivering on Ferguson, Heber. down, Torian, Mitchell, Garsîde and Vlpond. Route No. 2030 50 paliers'- deîîvering on Montgomery, Vipond, Campbelt,ý Price, Way and a bit of Baldwin. Route No. 2031 50 papers, - deliverî 'ng on Heberdown Cres., CasseisRoad and west side of Baldwin. WHITBY Route No. 1038 60 papers - delivering on Scott Street. Route No.'1040 50 papers - deiivering on Parkvlew and Jeanne Crt. and part of Hazelwood. Route No. 10)70 200 papers - deîiverîng on Grath Dr., Tomns'Crt., Gadsby, Evergreen, part of Hazeiwood and Canadian Oaks. Route No. 1080 170 papers - deîivering on Prince of Wales, Pine H ill, Regai Briar, Langs Crt. and Nearctic Crt. Route No. 1130' 75 papers - deîivering on St. Lawrence and St. Peter. By CHANTAL BEAUREGARD Health and Welfare Canada OId age pensioners in Ontario wilI find a little extra in thieir' pension cheques at the end. 0f this month, according to Health and Welfare Minister, Monique Begin. Ontario residents eli- giblefor OId Age Secur- ity pension will now re- ceive $246.92 instead of the present $239.73. The maximum guaranteed Income Sup- plement for an indivi- dual or a married per- son whos e- spouse is receiving neither a pen- sion nor a Spouse's AI- lowance will be in- creased to $247.89 from its current $240.67. Add- ed to the basic pension, thswill give a person receiving both the OAS and the maximum GIS a,ý monthly total 0f,$494.81.ýý The nmaximum-Guar- anteed Income- Supple- ment for a married cou- pie,, both ,'pensioners, will increaseto *191.12 each from'$185.55., Ad- ded to the basic pensionà this willgive each, ma r- ried pensioner'receiving the. maximum -GIS, a total of 4438.04, or $876.08 for the couple. - The Guaranteed In- come Supplement As paid to pensioners whose income is'limited and the amount varies in, relation to their in- corne. The maximum' Spouse's Allowance will increase to $438.04 from $425.28. It is made up of an amount equivalent to the basi c Old Age Secur- ity ;pension and t he .maximum GIS at the married >rate. 'It is paid to -persons between, 60 and 65 years of age wb 'o are married to OAS pen- sioners and mieet resi- dence requrements. Entitlement to Sp'ousels's Allowance, and, the- amount p aid, is based on yearly income. Whee te pnsoner spouse dies, thesurviv- ing spouse may be eligi- ble for the continuation of the allowance to ageê 65 or until remarriage if the person bas no iii- come or a limited ini- come. Increases -in Old Age Security 'pension and Guaranteed Incomhe Supplement payments are calculated quarterly based on the cost of GUIDA & DINO. INSTITUTE 0F BEAUTY L -Z -YAil The Care Your Hair 110 By eeds At Conveniently Low Prices. 109 Byron St. S.,t Whltby 668-3621 ART DEPARTMENT ON PREMISES j Seventy-six trombonée.. The Whitby Brass Bandentertained more than 200'people at Heydenshore Pavilion last Thursday with Christrnas carols and medleys. Senior citizens from Fairview Lodge, Senior Citizens Club and Sunnycrest Home were treated to an evening out by the Lion's Club of Whitby, who gave the seniors a ride to the con- cert. -Free Press Staff Photo Pensioners get slight inceas Wisiby9 ePcry1ohfc a ~Mcrry Cliristmas arn/ a Talk to our Circulation Manager. Cail 668 611I1iToday! 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