Speakin to You By SCOTT FENNELL, M.P. When Auditor-General Kenneth Dye presented bis annual report on government spending practices to the House of Commions on Dec.'7, I was strongly reminded of my reasons for entering politics ... I'm stili angry.- For 620 pages this report documents the grosa' mismanagement of public funds, your tax dollar, by the federal governument. .Mr. Dye has singled' out what he cails the "1sub- government ofCrown Corporations" as a major area for concern. Crown corporations.and their subsidiaries-have grown so much that tbey now em- ploy more people than the'entire federal govern- ment, if one, excludes RCMP and' Armed Forces personnel. Ini addition, the expenses of these cor- porations last year amounted to $33.6 billion. With the failure of the government to providea fetv HIGH SCHOOL NEWS Students By CATHAL FLYNN-POST Anderson C.V.I. Anderson students are planning their Rugby Team trip to England, Wales and possibly France, in March 1983. Fund-raising events to aid this program have been underway for over a month. These involve a Parents' Dance held towards the end of November. The dance featured the group "Geoff Rison and, the Capris" as wellas a disc jockey. The dance was successful for two« rea- sons: ail who attended really enjoyed the dan- ce, and, the. evening raised a substantial amount of money towards the cost of the trip for each Rugby Team member. Another activity to raise funds was the door-to-door sale "of Christmas wrapping paper. This campaign bas been an overwhelming success. The Rugby Team will be leaving for England on March 10 and return- ing March -,26, or 28. While overseas, the stu- dents wîll be playing various teams and will be billeted in the homes of students. In the past, the Anderson Rugby tour bas been a great succes. Theplayers not, only, played cballenging rugby but' also, gained* invaluable general edu- cation in'the lifestyles and customs of 'the English and. Welsh people. The Rugby tour, of this year looks just as promising. The- team practises every Monday, nightto préêpare for a tough scbedule. Other events at An- derson included the sale framework for the control, direction and account- ability of these crown-owned corporations you're really talking about a $33.6 billion layer of govern-, ment hldden from public view and not accountable to Parliament in any way.. At this point 1 fëeel It is w#orth mentioning that in 1979 when, the Progressive Conservatives were in power we introduced, Bull C-27 to bring these cor- porations under control. Tbree years later the Aud- itor General stîlI sees more meit in this Bill than in the present. go'vernment 's, C-123 which. not sur- prLsingly.fails,,to deal with the guditing of Crown corporations. ,Mr. Dye also sees many problems in the public servioe. Thirty per cent of the public servants sur- veyed by.,Mr. Dye did not even know wbat job per- formance was expected of them. That Ws totally unacceptable. Poor planning in man-power needs led the government to spend $219million on over- time. That works' out to 8,700 person-years salaries. .Wbat it ail boils down to isýloppy money mana 1ge- ment. Tbough I have outlined only two problem areas «it is, a good indication of the total lack -of responsibility in most government departments. Af- ter ail we are talking about tbe samegove'rmnent that uses millions of taxpayers' dollars to bail out troubled companies. Myý belief in government responsibllity and ac- countability is stili as strong and persistent as ever. Unfortunately s0 is my anger. But that probably won't' die away' until government 'spending is brought under control and that probably won't hap- pen until we have a responsible Conservative Gov- ernment. of chocolate-covered ai- mtonds. This campaign, sponsored by the Stu- dent Council, bas also done quite wel l. An event which is less popular with the stu- dents involves examina- tions! Our Christmas exaniinations begin on Dec. 14 and continue through Dec. 22. The students will, have the Christmas Holidays to recover and to pray that THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WH ITBY HOLIDAY GARBAGE COLLECTION DUE TO THE TOWN 0F WHITBY MUNICIPALOF- FICES BEING CLOSED THE WEEK 0F DECEM- BER 27 - DECEMBER 31, THE NORMAL GAR- BAGE COLLECTION 'ROUTINE WILL BE CHANG- ED TO THE'FOLLOWING: TU ESDAY WEDN ESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY TUESDAY WEDN ESDAY THURSDAY FR1 DAY DECEM BER 21 DECEM BER 22 DECEM BER 23 DECEM BER 24 DECEM BER DECEM BER DECEM BER DECEM BER 1VOUR CO-OPERATION GARBAG E FOR TH ESE DAYS TO BE COLLECTED AS USUAL THERE WILL BE NOGAR- BAGE PICK-UP FOR THESE DAYS AND- IT IS TO BE PUT OUT ON YOUR N EXT REGULAR COLLECTION DATE AND PATIENCE DURING THIS HOLIDAY SEASON WI-LL BE MOST APPRECIATED. R.A. KUWAHARA, P. ENG., DIRECTOR 0F, PUBLIC WORKS.. the results wilI be positive! Future events include a Christmas dance' featuring the group "Cross-Winds" -and a concert in January, featuring the relatively new Canadian group "Anvil". WHITBY FREE PRESS WEDNESDAY DECEMBER,15,1 1982, PAGE,21 .... and my second Unr.il December 31, 1982 you top cari get a free second 320k disk driveý with the purchase of an IBM Personal Computer system worth a minimum of $5,000. Su corne nto Computerland and find out why so many people are choosing the IBM Persona] Computer for their business.and personal needs. May be it's the IBM keyboard they like su much. Perhaps if's the powerfui IBM« memory they're thinking about. Or the 16 bit processor and advanced languages that IBM offers. Pick your own reasons to get the IBM Personal Computer. But do it soon at Q>mputerland and get a free $956. value t() boot. Oomnput.iLond 111 SIMCOEST- NORTH "The OId FirehalI" OSHAWA 433-0800 We kow mal coputrs.Let us, Introd«ce you.ý give rugby team fuit support