WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 15, 1982, PAGE 5 Agencies wil suffer as- United Way faces shortfal ~ I il j~i 'j, ' F Q 'i j, A revised school year, announced last week by Education Minister Dr. Bette Stephenson, eliminates Nov, il as a school'holiday and will require schools to hold Remembrance services on that day. Dr. Stephenson, in a statement to tbe Legis- lature, said that if Remembrance .Day falîs on a Saturday or Sunday, Remembrance Day services 'wiil be held in the schools on the preceding Friday. The change' was recommended by the Royal Canadian Legion. The school year will consist of 194 school days of which there will be a minimum of 185 in- structional days. The March break. bas bee moved ahead a week and wil be the sameWeek for ail school boards. Easter Monday bas also been fixed as a school holiday. Boards wiil no longer have the option to desig- nate another day as a holiay in lieu of Easter Monday. The Christmas vaca- tion wil be two ful weeks but scbool boards wii stiil be able to opt for a Christmas vaca- tion tbat varies in lengtb from year to year. Up to nine of the 194 scbool days may be designated as profes- sional activity days and a number of themn must be devoted to curricu- lum development impie- mentation and review. Scbool boards wil be required to evaluate ac- tivities undertaken on professional activity towards its objective of $1.5 million. The total achieved to date is $1,290,884, or 86 per cent United Way 0f Oshawa-Whitby-Neweastle WEEKLY REPORT FORM December 8,,1982 G.M. Corporate G.M.* Employees Industrial Aut. & Trans.I -Corporate Aut. &Trans./' Employees Cons. & Fab./ Corporate Cons. & Fab./ Employees Oshawa/ Corporate Oshawa/ Employees Whitby/ Corporate Wbitby/ Employees Newcastle/ Corporate Newcastle/ Employees Foundations Unions Public Employees Agencies Special Events Personal Gifts/ Oshawa' Personal Gifts/ Whitby, Personal Gifts/ Newcastle Miscellaneous Education 1982, Objective 96,000. 789,600. 15,200. 24,000. 7,000. 4,300. 24,500. 22,800. 52,000. 35$000. 6,000. 6$000. 55,000. 3,400. 90,000.ý 11,600. 31,000. >8,700. 4,000. 6,000. 32,200. Received 96,000. t89,670. 13,200. 2,700. 20,000. 19,000. 31,500. 25,200. 2,400. 53,000. 3,162. 91,900. 12,046. 31,012. 7,949. 3,621. »4,400. 31,396. days. The changes res u1t from the work of a com- mittee appointed by the Minister to study the school year., Dr. Stephenson said that the changes will be- come effective on Sept. 1, 1983. of the goal. Hugh Holland, Cam- paign Chairman, stated that although. some Students Chain/Corporate Banks Trust & Finance % Insurance/ 100. General 87. Insurance/LÀife Realtors Mass 87. Merchandisers Commercial 69. Oshawa/ Downtown 64. Oshawa/ North-East 63. Oshawa/ North-West 82. Oshawa/ Soutbh'East 83. "Oshawa/ South-West 6i. Oshawa Centre Whitby 72. Brooklin Bowmanvllle 73.1 Newcastle/ -Orono 40. Professional 96. Acicountants 93é. 'Arch. &, 102. 'Engineeêrs 104. Clergy Dental Legal 100.1 Medical Others 91. Resldential Oshawa 91. Whitby 73. *Newcastle 98. Objective: people bave been re- spondlng well to the second appeal for dona- tions, we need more to 1982 Objective 8,000. 16,400. 26,$800. 4,800. 3,000. 5,500. 3,500, 8,000.' 4,600. 1,400. 2,400. 4,300., 2%100. 24,500. 3,800. 900.- 1,500. 1,200. 2,200. 8,000. 1,700. .3,400. 6,000. 14,500. 7,500. 3,500. 3,500. 1,5",000. Received 51301. 13,319. 16,486.' 4,100. 3,195. 5,500. 2,570. 3,000. 1'323. 2,307. 2,849.' 1,69 16:330. >3,874. 732. 707. 679. 1,721. 4,711. 1,667. 3,655. 4,460. 10,600. 6,484. 1,772. 2,044. 1,290,884. 66. 81. 62. 85. 107. 100. 73. 98. 95. 96. 66. 79. 102. 81. 47. 57. 78. 59. 98. 108. 74. 73. 86. 50. 58. 86.. The Oshawa-Whitby- Newcastle United Way Campaign is again, making slow progres 4aiqu Speclfically he men- tioned. a Ristow and' Fleming donation of $475, and the, fact that the Metcalfe' Realty Associates bas had 100 per cent 0f their staff conitrlbuting. The Regional Municipality of Durham bias donated $22,647.50, a 41.8 per cent increase over last eek's bridge resi Derrick Alstein, and Paul Beischlag, 42. The- results -of dupli- year, and significantly above the 1982 goal of $17»50. The United Way Cam- paign Chairman appeal- ed for a concerted effort on the, part of canvass- ers for the time remain- ing prior to the cam- paign winding up on Dec. 15. tilts cate bridge play are reported each week in the Free Press. have any hope of meet- ing the objective. Mr. Holland paid spe- cial tribute to the media support which bas beeni providing extra publi- city for the campaign. HIe also gave honorable mention to some organi- zations which have been doing exceedingly weil in donations,. This we The following are the results of last week's play at ýthe Whitby Du- plicate Bridge Club. North'and South: Mr. and Mrs.ý Pat Davies, 66; Mr., and Mrs. L.E. Evans, 59; Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ketchell, 52%h; anid, Mi.. and Mrs. Har- vey Winter, 51. East and West: Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vrengden- hil, 54; Mr.' and Mis. George ,Magvas,'53½; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barker, 44%; and, Schoools lose, Noyve:mber holiday f e e. - 21 AVOSDAESAA SOPN L e INSTALL OIL FILTER 110.95 e INSTALL 4 LITERS OIL SPECAAL -Avaliable only to Honda Owners DOCTOR'H'HONDÀ Specialists 40 Russett Ave. 728-7268 Unit 2, Oshawa Offers expires Dec 31, 1982 * Free towing ln Oshawa-Whitby Area ., 1 1~ ~ I t: ÎJ ffà m@ýUR(M flU@iTý DUAL WRUE 498.00 GENERAL ý* ELECTRICi DURL WRVE M'<ocAUIÉEY Furniture 9' Ap ie 14OUR AN US1 TO SATISFY" WHITY ouss 6821