WHITBY FREE PRESS, CHRISTMAS CAROL SECTION, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22, 1982, PAGElI1 13. 0OCOME, ALL YE FAIT.HFUL O corne, al ye falthful, Joyful and tri- urnphant, O corne ye, O corne ye f0 Bethlehem; Corne and behold'Hlm, Born the King of angeis; O corne, let us adore Hlm, O corne, let us adore Hlm, O0 corne, letus adore Hlm, Christ,, the Lord. Sing, choirs of anigels, Slng in exulta- tion, Slng, ail ye cifizens of heav'n above: Giory to God in the hlghesf; O corne, Iet us adore Hlm, O corne, let us adore Hirn" O corne, let us adore Hlm, Christ, the Lord. Yea, Lord,' we greef Thee, Born this happy rnorning, Jesus, to Thee be glory giv'n: Word of the Faf her, Now in flesh ap- pearing; O corne, let -us adore Hlm, O corne, let us adore Hlm, O corne, let us adore Hlm, Christ, the Lord. TUE FIRST NOEL The firSt Noel the angel did say Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as f hey iay, in fields where they lay a-keeping their sheep on a cold winfer's night thaf was s0 deep, Refrain: NOeI, Noei, Noei, Noel, Born is the King of israei. They looked up and saw a star, Shining In the east, beyond them afar, And fo the earth It gave greaf iight, And so if côntinued bof h day and nighf. And by the light of f hat same star Three wisermnf came from country far, Tô seek for a King was their intent, And f0 foliow the. star wherever if xvenf. This star drew nigh to the northwesf, Near Bethlehem if took ifs rest, And there if did both stop and stay, Rlght over the place wfiere Jesus iay. Then entered in those wlsernen three, Fell reverentiy upon their knee, And offered-there in His presence, Their goid and rnyrrh and frankin- cense. Then let us ail one accord, Sing praises fo our heaveniy Lord, That hath made heaven- and earf h of nought, And- with His biood rnankInd hati' brought. WHILE SHEPHERDS WATCHED THEIR 15. FLOCKS While shepherds wafched their flocks by night, Ail seated on the ground, The angel of the Lord came down, And glory shone around, And glory shone around. "6Fear flot!" sa id he for mighty dread Had seized f heir troubled mind,, 1"GIad tidings of greatjoy 1 bring-, To you and al marikind, To you and ail mankind. "6To you, in David's fown this day, is born of D)avid's Une., The Savior Who is Christ the Lord; And this shahl be f he'sign, And thîs shahl be the sign: "6The heavenly Babe you there shahl find To human view displayed, Ail meanly wrapped in swathing bands, And in a manger laid, And in a manger laid." L Hope the Season bri.ngs you every happiness. Whltby .<108 .1.V .S..i.S It>s the season to greet friends old and new, -with Christmas wishes for great joy and happiness. From the staff of - VICUORI ~ ANDGREY TRUST Whitby: 308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324 Tor. Line 683-7189 *SASON'S CBESTr We wi sh you an old- fashioned Christmas full of good cheer. Sincere thanks for your patronage. LA CONTESSA HAUR SALON Whitby, - 668-9262 '<v 14. qui- mmmmmmmmuloigow 'q