PAGE.12, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22, 1982, WHITBYFREE PRESS; CHRISTMAS CAROL SECTION GOOD CHRISTIAN 16.MEN, REJOICE Gýood;1Chrlstlafl men, rejolce With heart, and, soul, and voice; Give ye heed tW what we say: News! NewSt Jesus Christ is boni to- day! ox and ass before lm bow, And He là In the manger now; christ 'Ilà born today! Christ Is bo rn today! Good Christian men, rejolce WIth heart, and soul, and volce; Now ye hear of endless bliss: Joy! Joy! Jesus Christ was'born for this! He hath oped the heav'nly door, And man ls blessed evermore; Christ was born for thli Christ was born for this! Good Christian men,- rejoice With heart, and soul, and voice; Now ye need flot fear the grave: Peace! Peace! Jesus Christ. was born to save! Cails you one and calis you ail, To gain His everlasting hall; soumt k. BOsS Greetings to ail our friends ... we thank you for your kind. patronage and continued support in the past year.' The PRINCE RESTAU RA NT 109Dunçtas St. E._ LwNmhtby-__ Christ was born Ito save! Christwas born to savet BROTHERS* PIZZA May your Holldays be merry andi 111Usd wlth the good thlngs mn tifs I From: Otto, Teresa, FalmIIy & Staff 110 LUPInDr. BlulairkPlaza 668-3600 Whltby * af4 lere $ wishing, yoa lois of joy and laughter to >'ememtber ail year. The Fimr.ple 'Plus 900 Hopkins St. at Burns 6839 WHITBY.Is>23 666-2