WHITBY FR.EE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 29,, 1982, PAGES5 '2 IN RE' VEWý A difficiilt and challenging year for Dmrham, educators, The year 1982 wiIl be remembered as a time of change and difficulty jin Durham's education- ai system. For public school sup- fporters, it will be remembered as a diffi- Icuit year for teacher contract negotiations, and the re-structuring of high school education. For separate school jsupporters, it will be re- called as the year Whit- by lost Denis O'Connor High School. The Roman Catholic Separate School Board's decision to relocate DO'C in Ajax angered Whitby residents, who feit betrayed by the board. November's board meeting was ruemorable, as 250, separate school support- jers turned out to protest the move and throw in- sulta at their elected representatives. The board has stood jby its decision to locate in Ajax, pointing out that it is a regional body, and must serve the best interest of tschool supporters across the region. The Ajax site was reportedly much cliae than any site in Whitby, and Ajax trustee SaUly Longo has A major good news Sevent of 1982 was Anne SOttenbrite's outstanding jsuccess at the Common- kwealth, Games in SAûstralia during the kmonth of September. Anne brought home two gold medals in the 200 metre breast stroke event and the relay event, and won a silver medal in the 100 metre breast stroke. Hundreda of happy Iand proud Whitby resi- dents crowded into Whitby's council cham- bers on October 12 to welcome home our local hero. Anne, who was visibly moved by the cheering support, told the -crowd that the gold chain she received from the Town of Whitby meant as much to her as the claimed that 60 per cent of the Grade 9 students at DO'C come from Ajax and Pickering. The parents, however, say the move will create an irreparable split in the Roman Catholic Comfmunity, and will cause many Catholic supporters to allocate their tax money to the public schools. The controversy stil rages, with parents con- tinuing to fight for a Whîtby 'site, and the board staunchly refus- ing to -recind its deci- sion, made in Septem- ber. In the public schools, economie issues domi- nated the year's events. Both elementary and secondary sehool teach- ers have had difficulty settling their 1982-83 contracta with the Dur- ham Board 0f Educa- tion. The elementary teachers underwent eight months 0f negotia- tions hefore settling their contract in -November, and secon- dary school teachers will enter 1983 without a contract. Stuxnbling blocks in both sets of negotiations have been issues of Commonwealth gold medal. Anne has been a mem- ber of the Whitby Iro- quois Swîm Club, and the Ajax Smarties Swim Club. She is a Grade il student at Henry Street High- School, and has hopes of entering the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. Dr. Bette Stephenson Education Minister ,,,,a, more rigid high school1 system staffing,. salary and benefits. The salary issue was largely settled by the Ontario govern- ment, which legislated a fine per cent ceiling on wage increases in the public sector. But the staffing issue remains a contentious one with Durha m teach- ers, who say the region has one of the hîghest pupil-teacher ratios (PTR's) in the province. The provincial average is 16.4 teachers to one PTR is 22.1 in the' ele- mentary schools, and 17.6 to one in the secon- student, "and Durham's Both groupa of teach- ers, sought to reduce the PTR in their contract negotiations, but made littie headway. With tight economic -condi- tions, the Durham Board of Education has been unwilling to spend $1 million per point to reduce the PTR. Secondary schools will' remeinher 1982 as the year Dr. Bette Ste- phenson . lowered the axe. The Education minister announced that secondary sehools wilI go on a one-diploma sys- tem by 1984, granting one diploma worth 30 credits instead of a Grade 12 and a Grade 13 diploma. Dr. Stephenson's changes also încluded an increase in the num- ber of required courses from 9 to 16, with an emphasis on core sub- dary schools., Her outstanding achievement set a fine example to aspiring ath- letes, and brought a sense of pride to the town. We wish Anne great success. in future com- petitions, and hope she' continues to strive for the excellence she has 50 far displayed. There's no better4 ~ime to wish our friends the best! Happy New Year! CIRCLE TAXI 128 BROCK ST. N. 668-6666 jects such as mathemat- lcs, science and English. Whitby educators responded to Dr. Ste- phenson's new structure with a mixture of enthu- siasm and trepidation. Education Director Ken Monroe told the Free Press in Novem- ber he welcomed the changes as "long over- due". He said he be- lieves the academic stress will better pre- pare students for uni- versity and the work force. 1 Whitby's two high school principals were initially less enthusias- tic, expressing concerni 328 Ost about the effect of the new system on students who have difficulty in school. Henry Street's princi- pal, Jenny Beal, also pointed out that the new system de-emphasizes the arts, and in an era when leisure time has become more important education should in- clude music, art and theatre arts.' Both Whitby trustees were returned to office in the November 1982 municipal elections.. John Buchanan and Ian Brown will serve public school supporters for three more years as elected representatives. Overl1,000,000 feet of Uin dried Hardwoods Softwoods Dry Kiîns Ûressing Facilities WHOLESALE - RETAIL B Ritson Rd. N. ihawa 725-4744 4 LUCKI in Greetings to al 1983!tons and best wishes for ajoyous 1983. .4 MALL CAR CENTRE 630 Eucîid Street .4 Whitby 666-2323 WHITBY PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION Notice of Annual General Meeting Tuesday, Jan uary 11,p 1983 at the Whitby Centennial Building 7:30 p. m. Everyone Welcome ANNE GETS GOLD IN SEPTEMBER GAMES TYPE WRITERS ADDING MCINES e CALCIJIATORS SA LES *SERVICE'* RENTALS Itsa poor day when we haveri't helped a cumtomer" PEACOCK LUMBER LIDI I N-STOCK DENTURE THERAPY CLINIC 214 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-7797 Hou rs: Mon..- Sat. & Evenings By Appointment OnIy (across f rom Beer Store)