HITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 19, 1983, PAGE 5 MORE LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Reader disgusted with stand on Right to Life stamps Dear Sir: I would like to express my utter disappointment and disgust regarding your simplistic ver- sion of the policy set by the Durham Region Roman Ca- tholic Separate School Board on its distribution of "Right to Life" stamps, to children attendlng their schools. Let me f irst say that your concept of the word "polltics" encompasses a very narrow and re- stricted scope. In- deed our every thought, word and action can be des- cribed as political. Thus to expect edu- cators to "keep politics out of the classroom" would be directly negating a child's right to education. I am amazed at your surprise that the Board has "jumped into a poil- tical debate" condemning abor- tion. Your under- standing of what constitutes "Catho- lic educators" is obviously limited. I also firmly dis- agree with your statement that it is "a step backward" to fight political issues on religious grounds. In the case of the abortion Issues indeed the two terms are syno- nymous. I daresay that Pope John Paul Il has repeatedly spoken out against multinational corp- orations, poverty and other social Is- sues. Thus your statement that he has stressed separation of chur- ch and state is com- pletely miscon- strued. The suggestion to print anti-homo- sexual stamps and anti - contraception stamps reeks with sarcasm, and, 1 Drumm to head CLOCA would have thought far below the Intelli- gence of your writers! We are not merely discussing the right of' an individual to choose his/her own lifestyle but the pre-' servation of life it- self! In conclusion i would like to em- phasize that Catho- lic education goes beyond the passing on of academic In- formation. A far more important goal is to set a series of mores for its children. Once these mores are passed on, It is the decision of the In- formed young adult to pursue his/her own lifestyle. The alternatives to anti-abortion, I assure you, recelves much publicity; to coun- teract this is the responsibility of the Catholic educatori A concerned reader, Donna Marie Modeste, 19 Ferguson Ave., Brooklin. East Ward Councillor Joe Drumm was elected chairman of the Central Lake Ontario Conser- vation Authority (CLOCA) at the organi- zation's Jan. il meeting. Drumm, who has been a member of CLOCA's board of directors for six years, defeated Newcastle Councillor Bruce Taylor in a secret ballot cast by the board's 14 members. He was CLOCA's vice- chairman last year, and succeeds John Goodwin as chairman of the board of directors. Besides chairing CLOCA's meetings, Drumm will oversee the authority's $1.2 million annual budget and dir- ect the management of 2,400 acres of land within CLOCA's juris- diction. "I want to promote passive recreation in the Heber Down area," Drumm told the Free Press Thursday. "I would like to see the residents of Whitby use it for cross-country skiing, camping and pic- nics." Drumm said CLOCA will apply for funding from senior levels of government for projects in. the Newcastle and Hampton area, and will "spruce up" the area in Lynde Shores. He said he will con- centrate on preparing a master plan for the area in order to obtain feder- al and provincial fund- ing for special projects. "Unless you go to them with a master plan, it is most difficult to get funding for spe- cial projects," Drumm said. Councillor Joe Drumm LAST 7 AUSRN TOPPER IMNEY SWEEPS INC• off "COAST TO COAST" THOROUGHNESS EXPERTISE 686-0226 or 281-8513 CANADA'S LEADING NAME IN THE INDUSTRY DAYS ave'Your Chimney SwePt By Jan.26/83. "THE AUSTIN TOPPER WAY" MENTION THIS AD AND PAY ONLY $9O 95 290b *Reg. *45.00 FIREPLACE.OR WOODSTOVE CLEANING WHY risk a chimney fire? Don't let a dirty chimney ruin the safety and efficiency of your fireplace or woodstove. Dirty chimneys are a fire hazard. The right ignition temperature and enough creosote (an oily liquid distilled from wood, coal or oil) and..YOU WILL HAVE A FIRE CLEANLINESS PUNCTUALITY wi a 1 that 1