PJAGE 6, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 26, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS Br(Dk1 lin B ie By ROXANNE REVELEIR Cmll 655-4951 wlth items for Chia column. M Hi there: Altougb I must admit that I personally couldn't care less If it snows ail winter 1 do feel sorry for those that enjoy the "typical" winter weather. MY son, for instance, has been trying to figure out if there is such a thing as an Indian snow dance. The plight of skiers was brought home by a ski resort's report on conditions this mild winter: "We have 10 inches of rock and five inches of slippery grass" it said. The Town of Whitby will hold its first annual Marigold Festival on the weekend of Sept. 8 to 11, 1983.. Since there were no plans for a County Town Carnival in 1983, a meet- ing was called by 'the Chamber of Commerce recently to come up with AM l e c-r u - & a new annual event. Representatives of local organizations unani- mously agreed to hold a Marigold Festival. The Marigold Festival will tie in witb a festival already planned by Cullen Gardens for the second weekend in Sep- tember. Events plan- - w.-- ~ I Hlow to change a forecast. Corne into aur store and see how an IBM Personal Computer can help you weather the storm of econ'omic variables. With software like VislCalc* (reaily an "«electronic worksheet") you can calculate up to U3 columns and 254 rows of numbers - implementing formulas and changlng labels as you go. We'Il also show you how an IBM Personai Computer can help you create a sales forecast. Spot a trend. Test a budget. And find the right answers to your "what If" questions. But don't wait for a rainy day. Vîsit us soon and let our expert staff demonstrate al the ways an 113M Personal Computgr can be your tool for modern times. LIBRARY NEWS were Hild You are invlted to enter the "'Miss Jelly Jelly- Membel bean"I conteat at your llbrary. Drop in and make a beld at th, lucky guess. The fortunate wlnner will be announc- p.m. on FE ed on Feb. 12 at the Saturday Storyhour from 10:30 This 411 to 11.,30 a.m. vened by Have you read anything good lately? You are "Peace o welcomne to share your book review with the mem- prevails h bers of the Tuesday Afternoon group on Feb. 1 from "4name a c 12:30 to 1: 30 p.m. will be Alic Please start off the new year on the rlgbt foot by returning ail your "overdue" books. A-fair eu Keep tuned for lots of happy times planned for veled at hi your cbildren at your library. y 5 smin HOCKEY DANCE said Schin -The Brooklin-Whitby Hockey Ladies Auxiliary h(eIds andi are planning their "Face-Off Dance" for Saturday, some here' Jan. 29. It wil be held at Heydenshore Pavillon mullet. "TI. from 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. As. usual they wil have a Tbelady terrific dise jockey to play your favourite music and that her I. there will be a delicious buffet served. Tickets are enougb Yet, only $12 a couple and can be purchased from heriifg bea Peacock Family Sports in Whitby or Brooklin Home On her ný Bakery and Deli in Brooklin. Tbere wiil be a ,Hafp-. ever. "Say, py Hour" from 8 to 9 p.m. where "refreshments", a lVhOle ber wil be offered for balf price. With such a bargain O e tickets will be going fast 80 get yours todayl nhrn ever. "Say,' WOMEN'S INSTITUTE a whole ber The Brooklin Wonien's Institute held their Jan- fifty cents f, uary meeting at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Stanley. on Schmullet, 4 Wednesday, Jan. 19. See you nexl The resolutions meeting conducted by Camre Ark- sey proved informative. Mrs. Arksey also looked after "current events". Hostesses for the meeting Marigold replaces Coùnty ned by Cullen Gardens include an antique car show and balloon rides. Other new events proposed for the town 's festival are ethnic dan- ces, demolition derby, go-kart grand prix, and tours of the winning gar- dens in the Chamber of Commerce Marigold Contest. The Town of Whitby will consider providing a grant to start the Marigold Festival this year. The grant would be eventually pbased out s0 that the festival can be sl-uprig Varions ways of financ- ing the festival are being considered. A meeting, will- be called Feb. 9 at 7:30 p.m. in Committee Room 2 at the Whitby Municipal Building to- set up a separate com- mnittee to manage the Marigold Festival. A number of repre- sentatives of the Cham- ber of Commerce and local organizations volunteered to sit on the committee. Among those wbo volunteered is Jack Woodward, the founder of the County Town Carnival 17 years ago. Howard Smith, past president of, the Whitby Chamber of Commerce, will act as chairman un- tii an executive is form- ed. Brian Winter, Secretary-Manager of the Chamber, will be secretary. Any Whitby organiza- tion interested in parti- cipating in the Marigold Festiv al are asked to phone Brian Winter at the Chamber of Com- merce, at 668-4506, and attend the Feb. 9 meeting. A survey distributed to interested organiza- tions by the Chamber revealed that the organizations did not- want the'festival to be on a holiday weekend and that one weekend and two or three days prior was sufficient time for the event. la Stanley and Allie Lee. brs are to, note that the next meeting will b à e home of Mrs. Stafford Cosway at 1:3 leb. 16. International Day" meeting will' be con rEileen Young. The "motto" will Lm Dnly prevails among nations when i In the beart of man". Roil cali will bg country and Its emblem". The hostessei 2e Arnold and Bessie Cos-way. S"SUPER SMART"I ustomer of Scbmullet's delicatessen mar. ,s constant perspicacity. "lWbat makes tart?" she wondered. "Herring heads," aullet promptly. "Ea' t enough herrlng you'll be positively brilliant. " "Can I buy B?" she asked. "Certainly," said Scb- bey'refifty cents apiece."1 took three. A week later she complained .Q. was uncbanged. "lYou didn't eat ,said Schmullet, so this time she took 20 ads. 'Cost: ten dollars. iext visit she was more perturbed than ,she accosted Schniullet. IlYou sell me -ring for fifteen cents. Why sbould I Pay text visit she was more perturbed than "she accosted Schniullet. "'You seil me rring for fifteen cents. Why sbould I pay for just the bead? " "You see, " beamed 'bow much smarter you're gettmng?"l à week ...Roxanne Reveler Brooklln Bakery drop off Friday before noon please 655-4951 Town Carnival TYPESETTIIvG 4 A The-IB KrsonaI Cmiputerat ComiputerLondr 111 NORTH SIMCOE W nwsalcmues "The OId Firehali" reEkno m lc our. 433-0800 t ON THE PREMISES,.. COMPUTERUZED &PHOTOj BROOKLIN HOME BAKERY & DELICATESSAN 61 BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN 655-4951 SPECIAL THIS WEEK DON UT & COFFEE 30" See our unadvertised ln-store specials. 16 Bantam WA's 0on a streak ît By e ROXANNE REVELER Free Press Staff The Whitby Major Bantam "A" team par- ticipated in the Fort s Erie Tournament Jan. 'y 21,22 and 23. They went 9 into the first game of their round robin series against Dundas, Ontario flying. Their enthusi- asm showed as they won by a score of 13 to 0. Greg Roberts played superbly scoring four goals. Brad Ashby, Jeff Page and, Gary Mark each scored two, with singles coming from Greg DeWltt, Chris Reier and Glen Sachko. In their second game against Owen Sound, two goals by Jeff Page and singles by Dale Johnson, Grant Revel- er, Greg Robe *rts and Gary Mark spurred themn to a 6-2 victory. Their only defeat came during the third game against Fraser, Michigan. They lost by a score of 7 to, 1 with Greg Roberts getting the only Whitby goal. In the semi-final game they were mat- ched against Cleveland, Ohio. Wbitby was down by a score of 2-0 halfway into -the second period when a shot from the point by defenseman Dale Johnson put them on the board. Just 39 seconds later Gary Mark of Whitby tied the score. Another Whitby goal by Greg Roberts in the second period put them ahead. After an exciting and physical third period Gary Mark got bis second goal of the gamè with less than tbree minutes left in the game to clinch it and make the final score 4-2. The .Championsbip Game saw> Whitby up against their archrivaIs Fraser, Michigan. The first period remained scoreless in a fast moving game until the 2:47 mark when Greg Roberts put Whitby on the board. Twenty-nine seconds later Jeff Page madé it 2-0. I the second period Gary Mark, Greg Deitt and-