PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 2, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS 'E.. Dm'- Emporium Ads wiII onîy be accepted subjeot to the folîowing conditions, ARTICLES FOR SALE AIR CONDITIONER $40. Glass covereci rattan table $90. Phono 668-937. BAUEA Supreme 100'e hockey skates, size 8. Retail $219. Stlili ln the box, nover usod.. PrIce $150. Great gifliCurling shoos, Bauer Bonapleis, nover uaed. size 9 $35. Size 8$25. Cali 686-0683 8 ta 9 a.m. or alter 10 p.m. BEAUTIFUL 26" Admirai console colour* TV ln goad condition. Asking $250. Phono (Ajax) 686. 2258. BEIGE à BROWN 4 PC. chester- field. New condition. Asking $400. Phone 668&2605. BONTEMPI organ for sale. Two koybaards, f ive vaice trebie, throo vaico basa, twin speakers, rhythm section, auto chard, asking $895. 35 mm S.L.R. camera, 2.8 ions, $75. Bath items ln excellent con- dition. Twa 30" hoadbaards $5 each. Phono 668-8943. CHESTERFIELD and rocker, waod framo, new cuahiana, galci, $150. Largo picture wIndow $295. Phono 688506. CONFUSED? Ploaso cail us any timo If the Emporium guidolinos confuse you. We'Ilib. glaci ta an- awer *any questions you have. Phane668.6111 anytIme. DRUMS for sale - Basa, Snare, Tom-Tam, Craah Symbol, plus amalior symbol attacheci. In good condition. AskIng $250. Alao for solo gooci b.d and mattreas $25. Kitchen table and chairs $45. Living. room drapes $40 Truck mIrrors $35.. Pleaso coui 576-1911 alter 5 p.m. TIMELINESS la Important whsn you are buying or aolling. And a CLASSIFIED AD la the low-coat timely way ta a quick solution. Cali WhItby Free Pros668-111. FOR SALE - Steel box f rouer (Dat- sun pick-up box), 15", wheels, $35. Phone 655-4814. FOR immediate resulta, acivertiso in the Free Press Emporium. Check yaur closets, ottic and basement - start the new year with cash ln honci and your apring cleaning dons. Cali668-6111 naw. LARGE train seit, N-Gouge, 124 cars, 16 engins., 27 oIectrlc swit- ches, building andi transformera. Asklng $1.495. Oelil affer 6 p.m. 579-3408. LADIES 14 kt. diamand cluster ring (9 atones). Total woight 1/ carat. Asking $35. Phonoe68.- 5214. MENS European ski boots, sizo 8, excellent condition. Asking $W0or beat aller. Phone 666-0495. ARTICLES FOR SALED NEW OUTSOARD MOTORS - unuseci. With wvarranty. 2 h.p. $395. 5 h.p. $695. Hawk alide-in truck camper with stove, aink and Ice box, aleepa, 3, excellent candi. tion, $795. Phono 965&348. 11956 EVINRUDE, 25 h.p., $125. Standard typewritor $45. One port- able typewriter $35. Thireo 5x7 vinyl covered roam dividers with loe, $15 each. Phono 576-0769. ONE fiilng cabinet, 5 drawera, $50. One socretary's desk $150. One drafting board $75. Ail In excellent candition. Phono .0193. ONE amail advertiaement la alil i takes. Place your article far sale In the Whitby Free Press and get Immediate resulta. The Free Pres la read by over 70,000 potentiel buyers each weok. Think about what wo can do for you ... thon cali us. Whiltby Free Prese 668-8111. PIERRE CARDIN doubie-breasteci raîncoat, men's, size 44 regular, beige. Worn fivo timesi $60. Phono 571-3423 aller 6 p.m. PIONEER madel KE3000 AM/FM cassette car radio, lctronic digi- toi tuning, pro-sot stations, auto- ejoct. In original box. $225 Phono 668.9805. PORTABLE Sing or sowing machine $60. Gendran baby buggy $55. Double boci, aide rails and foot board, $15. Stullod animais $18. Copper kettie $70. Saiid cop- per wood basket $75. Phono 576- 6479. SCHOOL deak, soiid oak, $45. An- tique T.V., 7" Admirai, wood cabinet, lirat model Admirai T.V. manulactured Iin Canada, warking Mie aid, $425. Solid wainut treatie table $300. Kitty boci, aolid birch diapoabie aanlfary mattroas, $59. One pair Bauer hockey skates, size 7, $20. One Foagate 100 watt car storea, power booster, $150. Phono 668-4098. 7 PIECE lama drum set plus Synare electronlc drum. Ail hard- ware Inciuded. 4 cymbale andi - stands.- List $4500. Seil $2,500. Cali 66&1377. SILVER CROSS foiding stroiler, excellent condition, $30. Pedigree baby carniage $50. Swlng-O-Matlc, rocking horse on spring, tricycle, pull toys, Fisher PrIco activlty cen- tres, assortoci ciathes, M60 Phono (416) 649-306 affor 6 p.m. SKIS, boots and paies. Ski Iength 170 cm.' Boot size 10. Prîce $85. Aiso, aid records (78). PrIce for lot $35. Phone 683-663. SLIDING DOOR, hsavy gauge alu- minum, sultabie for patio or store. front. 00sf new $975, wilil oeil for $300 or beat ofler. Phono 579- 4388. STEAEO, JVC receivsr andi cas- sette dsck wlth duel 508 turntable, 3-way speakers andi stand. Aaklng $800. Phone 668.4546. - PLEASE READ - Whon the advertised Item la sald, disposod af, or unavailable for whatever reasan, the Item wiil b. deemed ta have been soid and a commission wiii b. charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iiustrated beiaw, regardiosa Il prIce la stated with Ibest allfer". Il the Item le NOT SOLD, or dIspased ai, the ad wiii be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE af $600 will appiy payable In advance af publication af the f irat ad. OtherwIse a $7.50 charge wlII ap- piy If bIiied which muet be pald upon receipt af bill. The above minimum charges wlilI be appiied ta the final commission due but ln any case the higher amaunt wiii b. charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $7.W0 bilied. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertisomonts must be placod on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITBY FREE PRESS end run atîeast one month If nat soid. RATES (If article le sold): 5% of advertissd prIos up te $400 2% of balance over $M0.00 EXAMPLE: "od Item advertiaed for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge Ia $6,00). Private advertiaing onlyl Pioaso notfiy the Whitby Free Press Immediateiy whon Item l8 aald 80 that we may deloto if from the faiiowIng Issue. Ail ado not fittIng the Emporium guidelines will be troafed and charged per week as regular claasilied ada an a pre-paici bosIs such os: services, heip wanted, ciathIng, reai ostate, and porsoal message type ada, or ada nat quotIng prico or quontity. PrIvato ciassifIled ado may appear In the Emporium section undor appropriate heodinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whltby, LiN 5S1 If ln doubt coil: 668-6111 OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRÎDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICLES FOR SALE1 SUPER "8" Vashica mavie camnera, oioctric oye, zoom ions, $80. Hominex Super "8" projector, zoom, variable speeci, etc., $85. Movie acreen $30. Phone 668-3885. WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-61 11 ARTICLES FOR SALE 3 HORSEPOWER air compresar, 40 galion holding tank, $750. 75 feet af 120-volt Uino $75. 1970 440 Magnum Rupp $60. Gardon troc- tor, 7 horsopowor Viking, with mare attachments, $750. 1968 Triumph 650 cc customizeci motor- cycle $600. Phono 571-3024. ARTICLES FOR SALE1 WALNUT BUFFET with glass daors, excellent candition, $150. Outaide waii, chimney unit for waad stave, $200 or beaf aller. Dorchester sterea with twln speakers $25. Phone 668.0495. WHITBY FREE PRESS - 668-6111 TURN UNWANTED ARTICLES INTO Use CASH - Uethis form f0 mail ln your Emporium Ad 1 have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don' 1:1i enclose .$6.00 to cover the minimum charge n Charge $6.00 to my Visa account CI Bill me $7.50 after f lrst publication of my ad Card No. Exp. Date Nm*rn (pisas prInt - first and lat nome) Street Addrens City Postai Code it forget to include your phone number) MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.0. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 I h FOR -SALE1 WALL-TO-WALL carpet, 9x16, belge tone , short shag, $50. Two iight groen single bedapreada, nylon, with matching drapes, $30 each. One red single bedapread, heavy backed materiai, with mat- ching drapes, $30. Two-cushioned day bed, 2 years aid, beige fane, nover useci as a b.d. $200. Apart- ment-sized freezer, white, 2. yeara aid, A- shape, $185. Set of 59 ioather-bound Books af Knaw- iodgo, mint condition, $150. Cat tailet $10. Phono 668.2649. WOOD 24' extension laciders $30. Snaw akimmer, ail steel, $W0. Phono 668-1987. ZERO clearance fireplace; 36" oponing, $175. Appraximatei1y 100 amokoci glass mirror tMes $50. Vanity aniy, dark woad, $25. Prac- ter Silex 12-cup cal 10e maker with digital dlock, useci twice only, $45. Phono 683-3236. ANTIUES ANTIQUE PINE - Nova Scatia rap. bed, 48" wide, askIng $250. Phono 655-4271.- ANTIQUES FOR SALE - Victorien sala with matching chair $250. Victorien wlng bock chair $150. Canadiana b.d $175. Square aak dining table, 6 legs, 4 beaves, $400. Twa matching wing bock chairs, new, navy caftan, $200 each. Secretary desk, datoci 1879, $800. Col l579-0765. AUTOMOBILES] FOR SALE: 1975 HORNET, AMC, 6 cylinder. Asking $900. Phono 668.684. 1969 BUICK SKYLARK, 4 doar, 350 engins, driven'daiiy. $100 sasle. Phono 576-2638. 1969 CHEVELLE, 307, V8, auto- matic, os le, $350. Phono 668-7628 alter 5 p.m. 1987 BUICK SKYLARK SPECIAL, 420.2 engine, had ring andi valve lob andi rebulIt transmission. Aiso new fuel pump, and water pump. Rune excellent. Ssii for parts. $60 or basf affer. Phone 579-4388. CABINET caffee table, A-i condi- tion, $125. Hi-fl, A-i condition, $125. Dark brown velour rocking choir $200. Phono 668.2368. CHESTERFIELD suite, very good condition, green floral print, $200. Phono 655-4267. NiOiSEHO COLONIAL sofa and chair. Beige, brown and Ivary plaid.. One year new. Paid $1,2w0. Aaking $85. Muet sel1. Phono 728-7744. 5-PC. BEDROOM outf it for sale, includes mirror, box apring andi mattreas, In gooci condition, $1.000. 'Aisa, one German crIb ln excellent shape for sale, cames with very good mattrosa, $100. Phonoe68.9042. FIVE antique oak choira with lea- ther seots $250, very goadco cndi. tion. Phane 668-9170. KITCHEN countortap, 146" long, belge, with moided backapiash from la1t, 86" ta double sink cen- tre, $60. Kitchon countortop, 18" long, with two finiahed ends, $25. Chopping board for diahwasher, gaod condition, $50. Phono 576- 3925 ovoninga. MATCHINO fridge, stove and fan. Fridge, gaid, $220. Stave $150. Fan $15. Phone 579-4212. ROLL TOP desk,, medium aak finish, size 50" x 24" x 42" high, oak voners with soIid aak rail-top, custom mode (new). Asking $500. Phono 668-1385. ROUND maplo table and 4 chairs, Colonial style, asking $300. Soears 1967 trouler, aleopa 4, permanent licence plates, twa thick lcfam mottressea Inciuded, $300. Double bed bedspread, twa piiiaw shama andi curtainsaond twa table caver- Inga (aultable for hideaway tables), india weave, beige ln color, $275.compieto. Desk with three drawera, iight woad, $200. Four-drawer' cheat, iight wood, $150. Phono 668-.864 SEARS frast-free refrIgerotorl freezer with Ice mokor. Full size. Brown. Gooci condition. Only $150. Phane 725-7729 doys. NOBîOBIES FOR SALE 1971 OLYMPIC Skidoo with elec- tric atart, ans owner, 10w hours aI use, $400. Double akldoo trouer $200. Phono (416) 649-3064 after 6 p.m. nuIV Aà ms ~~7OmSM ~SALE 1970 GMC M Tan Truck, long box, 10-1 pistons, alumlnum Infake, much more, $1,100 or beaf aller, muet Bell. 1975 Honda 500 motor- cycle, needa tune up, In gooci shape, $500. Bath for $1,400. Caii Wade 668.7520. tRUCK andi frouer. 22-bt Master- caach fuiiy equippeci. 1974 V4 ton Ford pick-up. Asklng $10.500. Con b. seen at 146 Brock Street North, Whitby or phone 668.411il. - i I__________________________________ __________- ADVERTISERS *HAVîNO PROBLEMS GETTING VOUA BUSI- MESS STARTED OR KEEP- ING VOUA BUSINESS GOINO? The Whitby Free Press read by mare than 22,900 af your potential custamers every week - and aur circulation area In- cludes Whltby, Ajax, Braoklin...ali the way up ta Part Perry. a BUT YOU DON'T HAVE A LOT 0F MONEY TO SPEND? We aller many ex. tra services and yet aur rates are very reasanabie. Coul now - we're sure we con heip you plan an effec- tive advertlsing campaign wthaut galng over yaur budget. Ts~o YOU TIIOUGHT WE WERE "JUST" YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER... ~ Bring your films ln for *..... We Provide EQUALUTY PHOTOFINISHfING INSTANT PHOTOCOPYING Voit can count on us We're open to serve youI i.for ail your photofinishing needs when you need us. :~ ~,Ç~,510.0 ...~................~ I 131 BROCK STREET NORTH, WHITBY - 668-6111 - OPEN MONDAY TO FRIDAY 9:00 A.M. TO 5:00 P.M.W ADVERTISERS *CAN'T DECIE HOW TrO WORD VOUA AD OR JUST WHAT IFORMATION' YOU 5HOULD INCLUDE? Taik ta one af our prolos. sianai advertislng consult- ants. They're hors ta heip yau. We con asao help yau put an eye-catching ad ta- gether. dur paste-up dePartment consiste ai experienced peaple who wii design a tastelul. ef- fective ad geared speciflo- aiiy towards yaur service and the message yau want ta put across. ,, SOUND 100 GOOD TO BE TRUE? Coul the Whitby Free Press now and get ail the particulars. oelm I - yà Kuem, mj a