Whitby Free Press, 2 Feb 1983, p. 18

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GPERSOAI May the Sacred Hear Jesus be praised, adc and glorlfied througl- the whole world for E and ever, amen. Say1 six times daily for r days and your prayer be answered. Publical must be made wi prayer Is answered. Dear Marie: 1 found the perfec gift for you. Pleas, meet me at Booth 2. at the Oshawa Bazaa & FIes Market, 72' Wilson Rd. S.( locks S. of Blooi thîs Sunday at 1:0 p.m. Love, Larr RANDOM HOUSE AUCTIONS OUEuclld St., Whltby PhIOMe<088&2112 or 606302 Conslgnmonts wicome for Our weokily sales. We spocial- Ize ln ostates, liquidations,. [bankruptcle and ail con~- aignments ln houeehold con- tenta and antiques. DO YOU HAVE hidden troasunea your houai? Cash pald for ai thlng cioiId 1ke fumnitune, antique glass, china etc. Estates ai househoid contants of spaciali teret. Phono 655-352. DI8WASER - Kerimore, hurvet gold, 9 months Old,ýstlilI urtde warranty. $425. Phoneo 6687821. DRY FIREWOOC Bech, maple, White bimch. 16 sticke. Deliver anywhene. $45, pe single cord. Phone <70) 4548260 FIREWOODý Seasoned Hardwoods Maple & Beech 113 Cord (4'x8'x16"> $50 WI1I Deliver 985-8284 OR 985,8036 (port Perry> FOR SALE: B3MX, Raleigh framo, vîscount areo seat, alioy seat post, clamp nack, 1 plece 7" crank, 40-18 goaring, Raeigh tango forks. Asking $100. Cal Rob 579-0878 attor 4 p.m. "HIEROIES of the Bible"~ coiouring book avaleable et Dickson Printing & Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, 683 1968. Dernier lnquirims Invited. IBeutify your home wihsvnson PICTURE FRAMESI g from our largo solection. 82 FroatDd» , Whitby Cal Ken 68-4521 2"7 Storm Doors Triple Sealed *5colos,l189a5 0 a4 styles instailed i ncluding tex. Aiso, eco- nomical and' onergy officient storm or replacement thermal win- dows and patio doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666-1847 rt ni y ti ci ge ni et ln, el 'Ir TWO antique Singer sew machinos, one crank and ono ol trio. Ono Boif & Howoll 8 r movie projoctor., One Kot movie projocton plus lights. Phd 68-0193. VlIST our usod furniture w house by appointment. i savInga on desks, chairs, 1111 cabinots, o tc. Cai Dickaon Pnil Ing & Office Supplies to amean an appolntment to viow. 68-1961 WHITBY FLEA MARKET Sundays 9 a.m. to 4 p.an Acrosa from K-Mat, behinc and below checkers, ait Thi Hidoaway. Colloctables, crafns wholosaie marchandise. Von. don finqulies68-2924. ,Ing Iec- mm dak ýo ire- Bg ng nt. go M. ] rt of îred loui ever this nme ilon ,en lu ge sr !7 (2 c in il ny. gc es, Ft id M ln.-, PIC ge 90 dei tri orl mal ond aval fice call repi 1973 PLYMOUTH, 60,000 rniles good running condition, as Ia $MO. Phono monnings or wooi ends 728-126. t, 1, c. 1978 850 KZ Kawasaki, 15,000 km., lood shape, muet soil by end of oebruary. $1,300 cortifiod. Phono 123-6212. 1973 KAWASAKI 900, recently ,bulit 78, 1,000 ongine, excellent Dndition, asking $1,500. PhIone TRUKSUN FR SALE 077 FORD F-150, short box, 4x4 Ik-up, Texas truck, 351, auto- itio, power steering, power rakea, stermo, power booster. qullizer, roll ber, white spokea, Dod condition. Asking $3,900. hone 668-4880. 35 FORD %1 TON, 55 chevy, un- er cardage, 350 chevy, 400 turbo ans. On the road ln 1978. $1,000 bost offor. Phone 723-6212. ARTICLE 'PEWRITER RENTAL, many kos and models, by the week- d, wook or month. Discounts illabie. Dickson Printing & Of- ie Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. i us for business machine )airs 683-1968. a 3EEI FREE: Drop Int tho Dickson Fi ing & Office Suppiy store In Ajax Piaza and pick up a firom c of thoir 1983 Moetric caler, Printod ln two colours, it ma for handy roforence.683-1968. AUCTION SALE SAT., FEB. 5 - il A.M. Brooklln Community He Household contentsf R. Begg, Oshawa, incîl ing antique & modern f nishings, glasswar china, Jewelry & guis. EARL DAVIS' AUCTIONEER 728-4455 rint Ithé opy Idai. aks ail for ud. ýur- re, t. o y r. s I AUCTION SALE SAT., FEB. 5 -6 P.M. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE, on Shirley Rd., 4 miles south of Port Perry. An excellent sale with 16 h.p. Roper garden tractor with mower, tiller, blower & biade; 1980 Arctic Cal Pentaro snowmobile with trailer & sied; Rupp mini- bike; 6 h.p. Mercury twin. boat motor; 110 220 Homelite generator; ace- tylene tanks & gauges; gas 6.8.0.; deep- wel pump; air compressor; 14' aluminum boat;, 20 ton jack; table saw on stand; chaln.saw; bench grinder; 40 channel C.B. base; bat- tery charger; Gone With The Wind lamp; wash stand with mirror; Aiaddin lamp; cuiter with parts; 4x12 barn boards; color TV; power tools; smail electrical appliances; f ire extinguishers; tap & die sets; wheel barrow; dIsh- es-& many more valuable Items. Terms cash, Visa or known cheque. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1614 Charles St., Whitby EVERT MON. & THURS. AT 6:30 P.M. Ail estates and consignments welcome. The0 place t. bu>'or soif. We will pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 (DAYS) (EVOS.) Classif ied Ads Are People Movers .they move peop homes and apartmonti nelghbourhoods. If you're thinking of selling or renting, advî "Whitby's Most Wideil Classified section. WHITBY FREE PRESS )le into s ln new buying, ertise in y Read" 668-6111 TENDERS to deterioration and construction a walkway be- tween the existing kitchen and temporary kit- chen, Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, Whitby.' 75-ECR (64710) SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:00 P.M., Local time on Monday, February 14, 1983. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ont- ario Ministry of Government Services, Regional Manager's Office, 178 Queen's Quay East, Toron- to, Ontario, M5A 1 B4. NOTE: For further Information regarding the Ten- der, please cail Mr. G. LePard, at the above add- ress, Telephone No. (416) 965-6034. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accept- ed. ~ Ministry of Governmen t OntrjoServices 1. Tenders are invlted to instail new double hung aluminum storm windows for buildings, no. 6, 9,11, 15,16,23 and 27 at the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, Whltby. 72-ECR (64854) SEALED TENDERS will be recelved until 3:00 p.m., local time on Monday, February 7, 1983. Tender Documents may be obtalned f rom the Ont- ario Minlstry of Government' Services, Regionai Manager's Office, 178 Queen's Quay East, Toron- to, Ontario, M5A 16B4. NOTE:- For further Information regarding the Ten- der, please cail Mr. G. LePard at the above add- ress, Telephone No. (416) 965-6034. The iowest or any Tender not necessarily accept- ed. Ministry of (~) Government Ontrlo Services CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATEÎ WW VACATION FLORIDA cloamwaten - Thnee bedroom "mobile homos. Pools, ten]ns, Close to beaches and major at-o tractions, children wolcome. 8225.00 U.S. wookIy lese than motel roOM). tC 683-5503 WAIRFRON1 in ROTRY9 COTTAGE - 1,006 square foot, 50 Miles from Whitby, double lot, hot and cold running waton. etc. $32,900. Phone 668-4104. I ~OESP]cE WHUTBY Off ice Space 500 square feet Next to Post Office 668-5112 THREE-ROOM WHIT BY OFFICE SUITE with pivato washroomn. Has over 750 sq. ft. of fully bnoedloom- ed anid air-conditioned speclous- nose. Main office about 32 fait long. could b. divided int smaii- or off ice. For funther Information caîl Mn. Burgesa betwaan 9 arn. and 5p.m. at66M-672. Corridor Capers CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Executive Meeting - The February executive meeting of the Corridor Area Ratepayers Associa- tion will be held at the Whitby Municipal Building on Thursday, Feb. 3 at 8 p.m., Committee Room 2. Al executive members are asked to be present. Public welcome. SWEETADELINES "1SHOWCASE '83"'1 The Oshawa Chapter of the Sweet Adelines will present their 2Oth Annual Show on Saturday, Feb. 5, 1983, at Eastdale Collegiate, Harmony Road North, Oshawa, at 8 p.m. Tickets are $5 for adults and $2.50 for chîldren under 12 years. Caîl Anna-Jane Shar- rard at 576-2358 and reserve your tickets now. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Junior Choir Practice - Tuesdays at 4 p.m. Adult Choir Practice - Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. CAPERS BALL The February dance of the Corridor Area Rate-, payers Association wiil be heîd at Heydenshore Pavillon on Saturday, Feb. 26 at 8:30 p.m. Frank Truil and Gary Tummons will supply us with their excellent music. Tickets are $10 for members and $12 for non- members. Prizes, lunch and bar. Reserve your tickets early by calling any member of the execu- tive or Bey at 725-5008 or Sandra at 668-8949. Pro- ceeds from the dance willbe directed toward parks within the Corridor Area of Whitby. MR. ATKINS LEAVES WHITBY Mr. J. Atkins, who has resided on Powell Road for the past 25 years wil be leaving our area'and moving to Roblin, Ontario to live with his daughter. The neighbours gathered together to wish hlm a sad farewell, and presented hlm with a. book on the 'History of Oshawa'. We will miss him very much, and hope that bis new home at Roblin will be plea- sant. Best of luck. HEART MONTI! February is Heart Month. Captain for our area is Dennis Fox. If you have time to canvass your street, please contact Dennis at 571-040 and ývolun-, teer your services. Helpers are de sperately needed. Please caîl 725-967 with news items for tis column. RAISEID PRINTINO aBUSINIESS CARDS LETTERHEADS ENVELOPES By MARY MCEACHERN Call 725-8967 with Items for this columu. iCOMPUTER I SCHOOLI FOR AL AMS W _ Ms nroutint J7 Kin St W Osaw 72« M ~~EZZ~ mail~ E ZM-, mp W- AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1M8 HONDA CIVIC, 4 spood, A-i condition,. etnipes, radiaIs, defroston. 83,950 on best offor. Phone 66&-3339. J

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