Whitby Free Press, 9 Feb 1983, p. 11

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Between You and Me By RUTII COLES The power of perpetuating our property in our families is one of the most valuable and inter- esting circwnstances belonging to it, and that which tends the most to the perpetuation of society itself. Edmund Burke (1729-1797) What price security? Peace of mind? Fear of vandalism forgotten and the loss of personal things a thing of the past? In the commercial world, security to proteet your business interesta is rather imperative these days. We have another entrepreneur in Whitby, Wally Shaw, a former-R.C.M.P. officer, retired from the force to pursue a hobby which he has enjoyed for years, security systems. A national and interna- tional investigator in the drug field, Wally is very knowledgeable when it cornes to every aspect of security and the man we look to for advice. Has your home ever been burglarized or vandal- ized? If so, you will understand that dreadful feel- ing of repugnance and revulsion which grips your very soul. Exaggerated? No, just a fact. Your home is your castle not to be invaded by.friend or foe. The average person is probably well insured but this is only part of it and in many cases a smail part. This means you will receive mones to replace replaceables but there is no coverage on sentimen- tal treasures. What about things bought and given to you by your small- fry which you treasure and hope to have forever? What about family heirlooms valuable to you but flot worth much in the marketplace because of sophisticated police methods of retracing such thinigs. A case in point. Many years ago after returning from our summer home, my Dad went to the bank downtown to take out things of Mother's which she wanted to wear at a large wedding. Two days later the house was lnvaded. Why? Had someone known? Noone talks 0f such things anymore than you would talk about taking siums 0f money out of,: the bank. Who would know what he was carrying? Anyway it happened. They went straight to Mother's room, opened all the'drawers, pitched things hither and yon and made an ugly mess of the room. Mother had a beautiful gold mesh bag which she often carried to parties i the evening. That bag was thrown back as they probably thought it was brass or something similar. Many other things were taken including a pendant watch, small but exquisite, gold, studded with pearîs and diamonds. That they would melt down as those kind of things are too "hot" to selI or take to a pawnshop. A gift from her Dad and the loss a sorrow to her for this reason. Mother worried about the mesh bag and felt they might come back, which they do by the way, 80 the Toronto police say. They figure you will be insured and that you will replace silver and such in short )r- der. Mother, after much deliberation, asked her dentist who was also a friend if he would like it. She figured he would give it to the school of dentistry! I have wondered since if he gave it to his wife! -An interesting aspect of this burglary was that they only went into two bedrooms. My old room, the *MALL MUSIC OFFERS THESE SUGGESTIONS FOR what todo in Whitby in the winter 1. Knit. 2. Read War & Peace. 3. Go qulotty crazy. 4. Leam to play the LOWREY ORGAN. FarT for y( niiy music fun At Malil Music we oung and old. want you ta get fuît enjoyment fromn your neW Lowroy Organ. orne in ta see how Lowr.y and a Mati Music tesson ptan can put a littIe sun- shine In your life. NALL NMUSICj IOw~oi The t.am to play store. Midtown Malil Oshawa 571-2100 nursery where my children slept when visitlng and two other bedrooms were flot touched, Anyone who worked in the house, painters and such or help were well known to my parents and very honest. The police at this time had found a "black" book some- where on the street not far away detailing the activi- ties of certain households. Certain times when the house was left empty, devoid of household help and family which meant they must have kept an eye on certain properties. These would be pro's flot kids. After consulîtation with Wally Shaw we know he can secure any property. Every building is ciffer- ent and there are certain needs for certain build- ings. There are various types of security used for various reasons. Infrared, magnets and pressure mats to name a few for space protection. He can ex- plain the different systems from hard wire to wire- less which works with transmitters and receiver. For people who are away a great deal there are other monitoring systems which could be equally important. In fact these would be important at any- time. Tapsco can monitor sump pumps, fire detec- tors, heat, sprinkler and medical systems. Just think what a relief this would be. I think insurance companies should give thought to this and allow greater deductions than they do now. God help anyone who tries to invade a Tapsco Electronic Alarms System in any building. A loud siren and if you are monitored to the police system their arrivai will be imminent. No fear if you walk in on anyone, hostage taking can be taken care of. Neither my husband nor myself have ever been nervous but we are devoid of common sense so we feel it's worthwhile to "secure up" with Tapsco. WHITI3Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY FEI3RUARY 9, 1983, PAGE il St. Mark's helps Wurld Relief The last meeting of St. Mark's United Church, U.C.W., Whitby, was chaired by the Presi- dent, Mrs. Carole Murkar. The proceeds from the Brown Bag Lunch were sent te World Development and Relief. Some of the events planned this year by members of St. Mark's U.C.W. are a soup'n sandwich luncheon to be held on Friday, Feb. il with Mrs. Isabel Farn- dale acting as Luncheon Convenor, and a quilt show to be held on Mar- ch 10. Reports were given by the Secretary, Mrs. Marlene Nicholîs, Trea- surer Mrs. Kay Bowes and Correspondence Se- cretary Mrs. Margaret Smith. Mrs. Alice Price and Mrs. Myrtle Felîs of the Friendship Unit took part ln the Worship Ser- vice. The program was under the direction of the Convenors, Madames Kalnay, Tane and Law and a film called "Dominga" was enjoyed by aIl. The meeting closed with the U.C.W. Bene- diction. LIQUIDATIO'N SALE. Saturday, February l2th, 9 a.m. to 6 pem. Sunday, February l3th, il a.m. to 6, p.m. Beds Ki ng's Doubles Linens $ 9eMo0 King Sheets Double Sheets$ 1 2.00 $ -O.oo PilIow Cases Sheers Tablecloths 25.ooý Bath mats pr.. 5 500pr $25.00 $ 6.00 pr.. ea. $35a O pro 1 325 and mnany more items too numerous to Iist. From Ieading hotels in Toronto. (cash or chargex only) CEDRICKS BANQUET HALL 173 Brock St. N 668m8822 M MWhitby f$~~~\ THE CORPORATION 0F g~:Am4i~j THE TOWN OF WHITBY '~.~1983 MUNICIPAL TAX NOTICE The f irst Instatîment of taxes.for 1983 is due and payable February 15, 1983. If paymentA18 fot received by the due date, penalty will be added on the f lrst day of default and the f lrst day of each calendar month so long as non-payment con- tinues, at the rate of 11/4 % ýer month or part there- of. Taxes may be pald at any Whitby bank wlt hout bank collection charges or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario. Deborah A. Smart, Tax Col lector, TOWN 0F WHITIBY. 0 H eadboards sionoo

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