Nearly 2,000 people were added Io the region's unemployment lines in the month of January, Statistics Canada reports. The number of clients unemployed and regis- tered for work at the Canada Employment Centres in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa for the month of January totali- ed 16,926,. consisting of 6,981 female and 9,945 maIe clients. This com- pares to 14,830 for December 1982. 'Placements in the three offices totalled 271 for the month, which compares to a total of 348 placements during December. The majority of clients were registered in clerical and related; sales; ser- vice; machining and related; product fabri- cating, assembling and repairing; construction trades; material hand- ling and related. Top January ISalesperson.I During January, the greatest employment opportunities existed in personal services and retail trade. In January, there were five agreements signed under . the general industrial pro- gram. As a result, five people will benefit from both training and em- ployment in theRegion of Durham. At the end of January, there were 245 students in the skill courses spon. sored by the Canada Employment Centre and 44 people receiving academic upgrading at Durham College. 225 Brock St. N, Whitby 668-6171 CHEAPER THAN RENT! - Central Oshawa; 3 bed- roomn, large kitchen, large dining room. Asking $38,500. CalKim Greenwood 668-6171. Canada-wide (eOCCWi rmal estate service. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY FEI3RUARY 9, 1983, PAGE 19 To ast mistres ses try micro phon e t echniquesi By LEE IRWIN Whltby Toastmlstress The theme was "Testing - One - Two . Three", and the aim was "To experiment in video programming"l, at the Feb. 1 meeting of the Whitby Toastmis- tress Club. Hostesses Germaine Barr and Pauline Torresan greeted mem- bers and guests' and Presîdent Lee Hewitt extended a cordial wel- come. After an enjoyable dinner, Aithea Darwen presented an informa- tive educational feature explaining microphone techniques. Following the busi- ness session it was "Showtime" as Toast- mistresses Dorothy Hart introduced the stars. The first pèrform- er, Barbara Blair gave an edifying book report based on a biography of the little-known iirst wife of John Diefen- baker - Edna May Brower. Obviously mat- erial to out-rate "Empire". Aithea Dar- wen evaluated the report and timers Betty Dubowski and Helen Hines kept the show on schedule. Topicmistress Nancy Spencer's celebrity act followed as Nancy requested one-minute Impromptu speeches from all members. Her directive to produce a TV commercial or news broadcast, before a microphone, challenged the members' imagina- tions * and dramatic abilities. Her program was hailed as an enjoy- able and stimulating, learning experience. Winner for the best mini-speech was Lee Hewitt with her witty and amnusing portrayal of a British broadeaster. Viewing guests, Alima Lusito, Veronica Stoute and Jill Clements ter- med the evening as im- pressive, professional and enlightening and signified their intention to return. During the meeting consideration was given to changing to non- dinner meetings, in or- der to extend speaking and educational oppor- tunities., The next meeting of the Whitby Toastmis- tress Club, which is open to the public, will be held Tuesday, Feb. 15 at the EarI of Durham Restaurant, 227 Brock ST. S., Whit- by, commencing with Fellowship at 6 p.m., dinner at 6:*30 p.m. The cost is $8. This will be the club's third birthday and. the special guest wlll be Mary Aspinall, President of Council 2, International Toastmis- tress Clubs. For further informa- tion, please contact either Betty Dubowski 668-856 or Shirley Mac- Donald 668-4817. r SUPER SAVINGS on the No. i Kerosene Heaters KEBq1rCt Because you dont have money to bum. Up To ~1OO0300Off (We Also Seli Kerosene) DON VALLANCE EQRUIPMENT BROOKLIN, ONTARIO PHONE 655-3291 LILIAN NORTH People Mie LILIAN NORTH have helped the CENTURY 210 system become the Number 1 real estate sales organization in North America.- In 1980 alone, the CEN- TURY 21 system help- ed generate over $25 billion in real estate transactions. Whe- ther you're buying, selling, moving or in- vestIng, It's people like LILIAN NORTH who can help you with ail your real estate needs. Cali us, today. GOLDJCE 668-6221 824 MM cST. M. WRiht cos The 'AgtArom lb. Curling ftlnk Unemployrnent up 2,000 le January Have your special photos glazed on a Beautiful China Plate, A t.ruly unique idea priced from $ 9,91 For more information cal I 668«3390 SAVE $1.OO on any size of portrait plate (one coupon per plate> VaIid until Feb. 28/83. 225 Brock St. N., Whitby 668-6171 MERV PARCHMENT The Management and Staff of W. FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED, 225 Brock Street North, Whltby, are happy to congratulate MERV PARCHMENT as Leading Sales Agent for 1982. Merv would be pleased to have you cail for his professional, con- scientous assistance ln your real estate needs at any trne. LINIITEO CPEATIOtNS GALOPE . 305 Brook St. N. Whitby q SWEETHEART SALE Various pieces of wicker on SPECIAL NSilk Roses from Il2.50Odozen Order Today 666«l 444 We have the programs to suit you & the people to guide you at a price that's affordable Limited Time Offer é>lOIoff Paros n3 0 al programs WE DETERMINE YOU CAN LOSE 3 TO 8LBS. A WEEK! Lose wetght à keep it off Stabilization & maintenance plan Nutrttional plan at no extra cost FREE CONSULTATION. ITs fltascae S~hanyoter weight FA1~T T aSNSBE Ioss~~~UCWEGTOSCNrE Hloci h rae oot ae 5D5." Curs:1at7m o-r