iP£AGE 8, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 9,1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS lai au THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITy 0F DURHAM DURHAM PUBLIC NOTICE THE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITy 0F DURHAM IN THE MATTER 0F: The Municipal Act, Sections 298 and 301 (R.S.O. 1980) TAKE NOTICE THAT the Council of the Regional Municipality of Durhai may'pass by-laws authorîzlng construction of the following projeots: ROAD NAME Slmcoe St. N. Ninth Conc. Rd. Ninth Conc. Rd. 15 SImcoe St. 15 Roadi15 30 York-Durham Boundary Road 2A Centre Street 17 Mill St. 21/ Road 2l/Road 23 23 22 Bayiy Street 4/ Taunton Road/ 57 Road 57 44 Harwood Avenue MUN ICI PALITY m IL m.ý ÀM du KEMIALS alSALES & SERVICE going on mhe roaci, Sylvia says she won't be playing in clubs mucb in the future. "This one (the Corral) is easy, we just drive up from Toronto every nigt." Despite tbe problems of playing the clubs, Sylvia 'loves live audiences and gives them wbat tbey want. "I tbînk it's too mucb rn Oshawa From Swltzer Drive to Regional Road 4 (Taunton Road) Whitby Through Ashburn Pickering From 2.1 km west of Regional Road 23 westerly for 2.7 km Brook From John Street easterly (Beaverton) for 0.9 km Brook Camneron Bridge, 2.9 km east of Highway 12148 Uxbridge From Highway 47 northerly for 2.2 km Oshawa Intersection improvement at Brook Street Newcastle Intersection improvement at (Newcastle North Street Village) Uxbridge/ Intersection Improvement Scugog Pickering Intersection improvement at Sandy Beach Road Newcastle Intersection improvement Ajax Intersection improvement at Station Street, Kings Crescent and Hunt Street Plans showing details of the projeots and the lands affected may be seen at the office of the Road Design Engineer of the Durham Works Department, 105 Consumers Drive, Whitby, Ontario, Telephone 668-7721. Works Committee, being delegated by Regional Council as the hearing body, shaîl hear in person or by hls or her counsel, solicitor or agent, any person who dlaims his or her land wIll be prejudicialîy affected by the by-laws and who ap- plies on or before February 25, 1983,. to the undersigned to be heard at a meet- ing of the Works Commttee on March 8, 1983. DATED at Whitby this 25th day of January, 1983. G. EMM WORKS COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN W.A. TWELVETREES, P. ENG. COMMISSION ER 0F WORKS WFP SALL FORg >ONLY$1 288 WITH THIS AD 110, Includes OIL, FILTER AND LUBRICATION lnspect: Exhaust System Shock Absorbers Steering Linkage Front and Rear Suspension Radiator and Heater Hases Battery Cables and Connections AlilBelis Ail Fuid Levels Air Cleaner Filter Wndshield Wiper Biades Lubricate: Hood Latch and Hînges Ocor Hnges Oeck Lid Hnges Test: Sylv-ia Tyson is going grea -t guns on her own By LESLIE BUTLER ing at the Corral in Not one to sit at home base bere in Canada." Free Press Staff Oshawa ail this week, in Toronto and refleet on Sylvia bas been in the For 42-year-old Sylvia has spent most of her past glory, Sylvia has a country music business yson, there is life after time since breaking up weekly television show for 20 years, 15 of them ýn and Sylvia, both per- with Ian Tyson in 1975 (Country in My Soul) as the internationally nally and profession- establishing herseif as a that attracts sucb coun- known country/folk due [y. solo artist. And it has try greats as Emmy Lou Ian and Sylvia. Sylvia, who is appear- paid off. Harris and Kris Kristof- Unlike many of the Sferson. She is preparing folk music beroes of the S for a concert at Roy 1960's, Sylvia bas not W hhbyoabrssn Hin March lpped into theobscur- N EW MAN G EMENTtelevision's C Channel. tianity or "cross-over"s And she has written country-pop music. She Draes Shers- csto mae. enough material to cut is a determined and Draes& hers- usommae. another album. capable women wbo bas Alterations on clothing & draperies. "The identification stayed true to ber con- Speclal on ail wools & woolen blends witb Ian and Sylvia was ception of pure country Vlyelas now avallable. 50 strong it was difficult music. for people to accept it "People still think of 215 Dundas St. E., Whitby 668-4821 wasn't the duo," says me as a folk singer even Open until 9 p.m Fridays Sylvia. "It took a lot of tbougb I haven't sang time, effort and promo- folk for 15 years, " the tion to establisb a firm Canadian-born singer- songwriter says. "I ____________________________________________ tbink 0f myself as a 1 country singer, but cer- tainly there have been other influences in my CLEAiOSE VC Sdrifted apart in themid- ber Rosedale home and Inutra &Cmmria e on bis Alberta ranch. 1 Their 16-year-old son, 6 86-2336 Clay, bas joinedth mk punk-rock movement in Toronto playing in a Sp«w/zù,~ iiitbree-piece band. * f ee stim tes"Ian bas a ranch in f reeest imatesthe footbills ... and be < Sylvia Tyson and ber band, The Great Speckled Bird, will be at the Corral * Io prcesstili does concerts, but in Oshawa aIl this week. Sylvia bas establisbed berself as a solo artist since low picesbe bas tbe same pro- the break-up of Ian and Sylvia in 1975. *hîgh quality cleaning blems I bave travelling- Free Press Staff Photo *service; weekly, monthly with a band, it's very ber worke. to expect of an audE Be case f er ork nottoplay tbe old "lViuaanz qa(1,. cndc~ diai/i"'in television and the songs," she says. "Ob- Tvn e w ritir cost of viousîy hsolsng mean sometbing to tbem." Recently in Nashville, Tennessee to look into co-writing and publisb- ing country music, Sylvia says the country capital recognizes there is a big market for coun- try music in Canada. "Part 0f the problem witb country music, is that tbe audience is 50 spread out," she says. "Most f the country fans aren't in the big cities." "People wbo want country music often can't get it because tbey're served by rack- jobbers wbo only stock the top 10."p As for tbe future, Sylvia says she tbinks she will always be in country music, and tbat video is the medium of tbe future. "I think the next collectible tbink in art is going to be vildeo,... I don't tbink anyone bas done anytbing quite as good with country (ver- sus rock and roll) with video." Sylvia's six-night run at tbe Corral ends next Saturday nigbt. SPEECH CONTEST Wbitby Toastmistress Club members are now busily preparing for their annual speech con- test. This special event will take place on Tues- day, Marcb 1 at the Earl f Durham Restaurant, 227 Brock St. S., Wbitby, commencing; at 6 p.m. This promises to be an exciting evening. The public is invited to attend to see bow rnembers bave Ieveloped in self-confi- dence and communica- tions skills.1 For furtber informa- tion please contact Shirley MacDonald 668- 4817 or Betty Dubowskj e à ROAD NO. 2 5 5 M M fSERVICE CENTRE9 mmuni 1 m a il LOCATION