WHITBY FREE PRESS PROGRESS.EDITIONe WEDNESDAY MARCH 2, 1983, PAG SALUTIETO PROGREFSS Grow-th continues Thbe past year saw 17 Limited. Both building Several industries re- P eo p le w o rk in g Inustries elther relo- cest more tha $2 mil- located their operations cate, expand, or fel ion to»construet, and tis year, indicating t g t è loae nthe to:wnof >willpovdecontinued ttogether....rie.ar i osdrn isi h on iu oprovide V' ueh th aereeconmlc The Liquor Control needed jos COnitins < te pst Board of Ontario is coin- Douglas Steel ià mited year. pleting a huge distribu- moved W aà bigger Despite higil interest tion warehouse on Boun- location on Hopkins rates and double digit ar Road in Whltby at Street in Whitby, n inflationi, WhitbY 1main1- an estimated value of Duramold Limited now taind asoll grWth $81,000. By mid-M98, a occupies a 30,000 square pattern in the industrial 'Minimum of 75 per cent foot building on Crown < ", seto.of all LCBO locations in Court. Duramold is Many factors contri- Onaio will be sevie planning to increase bute Wo Whitby's indus- by the Whitby outlet. their operations by 66 trial giowth and attrac- A *48,000 industrial per cent in the near tiveness, among them building was construct- future. the proximity W large eci by Rider Tool and" It is a tribute to the csumer markets, the Manufacturing Com- town and its people that availabifitY Of trans - pany Limited on Vic- Whitby' continues to portation routes, corn- toria Street in Wbitby. grow in a period of psrably low indutrial The plant is a heavy ma- economie slow-dowii land csts, an alre-ady chine and fabricating across the country. It healthy industrial sec- operation. bas been a stated goal of tor, and strong promo- Companies that ex- town council to actively tion of the town. by panclec their operation promote Whitby as a . . politicians, business- in 162include Dupont 0 lc hr W en e.nJ1> men and industrialists. Canada,, Whitby Auto business". 0 Approxlmately 230 Wreckers, Anrw n The dedication Wô in- new -jobs were created tenna Limited and Loc crease Whitby's attrac- In the industrial setor 'Pipe Industries. tiveness on the part of as a resuit of expansion Dupont's $2.2 million' the town bas, andi will ani relocation in 19M. expansion wiil create continue, to provideÀ *lglights of the in- between 10 andi 12 per- much needc tax dutrialyear include dmh« manent jobs in the revenue and jobs for American Can Canada Inc. ,purchase of a 39-acre manufacture of plastic Whiîtby residents. site on Thickson Road packaging for food and The OUtlook for 1963 is 4y Sony Of Canada meat. Dupont's move an optimistic one. Withî Limited, andi the open- into this area represents the hope of an improveci 1506 Wentworth St. W. 6 6 3 8 lng of a new plant on the first North Ameri- economy and continueci Whltby, Ont. 6 63 8 Wentworth Street by can production of the expanMion in Whitby, American Can Canada material. the industrial future shoulci ho bnight. WHITBY PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL THANKSA MýW~ -COMMUNITYTHATOCARES The Whitby Public Library and.others who ensure success Valunteers who heip outfit patients from a varuety af at opir Patient Library. donated ciothing. 62 YEARS 0F WORKING TOGETHER--