Whitby Free Press, 2 Mar 1983, p. 32

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PAGE l16t, WEDNESDAY MARCH 2, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS m PEUmml.. 1Im [ Emporium Ads wilI oniy be acceptedl subject to the foIIowlng conditions. ARTICLES ýFOR SALE AQUARIUM, W50 galion, with wooden cabinetand canopy, f ilter system, pump and corai, excellent condition, $150. Twin mattreas, box sprlng and trame, extra long,, 8011, excellent condition, $100. Zenith storso record'player wlth 2 speakers and stand, excellent condition, $75. Wooden desk, 4 drawer, writing top 2211 x 39"1, $30. Phono 5793354. BAUER Supromo 100's hockey skates, size 8. Retali $219. Stili ln *~the box, nover used. Prco $150). Great glftl Curling shoes, Bauer Bonspiels, nover used." Size 9 $35. Siz 8 $25. Cail 686-06838 to 9 s.m. or attor 10 p.m. CHESTERFIELD snd rocker, wood trame, new cushiens, gold, $150. Largo picture window $295. Phono 66&5060. DRUMS for sale - Basa,, Snara, Tom-Tom, Crash Symbol, plus amaller symbol attachod. ln goad condition. Asklng $250., Also for sale geod bed and mattreso $25. Kitchen table and chaire $45. Livi *ng room drapes $40 Truck mIrrors $35., PIsas ceil 578-1911 alter 5Sp.m. 54TRING BANJO wth case, usod 3 montha, "$175 or beat -offer. Phonoe68-4300. FOR SALE: BMX, Raleigh trame, Viscount areo seat, alloy seat- post, clamp neck, 1 pieco 7" crank, 4018 gearing, Raleigh tango torks. Aaking $100. Cal Rob 5790878 after 4 p.m. FOUR Michelin tires, 5,000 miles, like new, $300. Ovor 20 now wood panais, value cf $16 oach, only $8. Osys cail 668-6922. Eveninga cail 6684046. GOLF CLUBS - 8 Irons, 4 wo ods., MîcGregor -Jack Burke. Excellent condition. $125. Phono 6554344; LADIES 14 kt. dlamond cluster ring (9 stones). Total welght 1/4 carat. Asking $350. Phono 668- 5214. MAN$ sheepakîn coat, size,40, brand now, worn only twice. Bought for $400. Asking$20 Must oeil. Phonoe6662119. MENS European ski boots, sizo 8, excellent condition. Asking $50 or bout offer. Phono 668-0495. NEW OUÏBOARD' MOTORS- unused. Wth warranty. 2 h.p. $395. 5 h.p. $695. Hawk sldo-in truck, camper wlth steve, slnk and Ice' box, sîsepo, 3, excellent condi- tion, $795. Phono 985.3486. ARTCLS - FOR S SALE 1956 EVINRUDE, 25 h.p., $125. Standard typewritsr $45. One port- able typewrt.r $35. Three 5x7 vinyl covered room dividers wlth loe, $15 oach. Phone 57"4769. 7 , PIECE Tama drum sot plus Synîre olectronic drum. Ail hard- ware lncluded. 4 cymbale and stands. LJst $4,500.'Bell $2,000. Calil668-1377. SILVER CROSS felding stroller, excellent condition,, $30. Pedigree baby carriago $50. Swing-O-Matlc,, rocking herse on sprlng, tricycle, pull teys, Fisher Prics activity con- tres, assorted clothes, $60. Pho no (416) 649-3064 alterOe p.m. SKIS, boots and polos. Ski longth 170 cm. Boot size 10. Prico $85. Aie, ld records (78). PrIco for lot $35. Phono 6834638. STEREO, JVC rocolver and cas- sette dock with dual 508 turntibie, 3-way speakers and stand. Aeki'ng $800. Phene68-4546. SUEDE jîckot,, rabblt fur collar, excellent condition. Worn twice, drycleanod, almost now., Size 16. Asking $100 or bost offer. Contact Miko or Annette at 668-8404. SUPER. "8"9 ashica' movie camera, obectric oye, zoom ions, $80. HamInox Super 1"8" prajoctor, zoam- variable speed, etc., $85. Moviesacreen $30. Phono 668-,3885. 35 MM S.L.R. camora, 2.8 lons; in excellent condition, $75. Twa 30" headboard $5 oach. Phono 668- 8943. 3 HORSEPOWER air compresser, 40 galion holding tank,,$750. 75 test et 120-volt lino $75. 1970 440 Magnum Rupp $60. Gardon trac- ter, 7 horsepewer Viking, with more' attachments, $750. 1968 Triumph 650 cc customized mater- cycle $600. Phono 571.3024. WALL.TO-WALL cirpot, 9x16, beige tone, short shag, $50. Two iight green single bedsproads, nylon, with matching drapes, $30 each. One red single bedspread, heavy backed materiai, with mat- ching drapes, $30. Two-cushloned day bed, 2 years aid, belge tone, nover used as a bed, $20. Apart- ment-sized freezer, white, 2 years ai od,_ A-i shape, $185. Sot of 59 ieather-bound Books et Know- lodgo, mint condition, $150. Cat toibet $10. Phono 6682649. ZERO clearance iroplaco, 36" oponing, $175. Approximîtely 100 omoked glass mirrar tules $50. Vanity eniy, dark wood, $25. Proc- ter Silex 12-cup cette. mako r with digital dlock, used twico oniy, $45. Phone 683-3236. -PLEASE READ - -When the advertised Item le soid, dispesed et, or unavailable for whatever reason, the Item wiil b. desmed te have boon eold and a commission wlIi b. charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Iliustrated b.iow, regardiess If prico le stated wlth "bout ottor"l. If the Item la NOT SOLD, or dispased of, the id wili b. run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE af $6.00 wiii apply payable In advance of publication of the tiret ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge wiIi ap- ply If bIlied which muet be paid upan receipt ot bill. The above minimum charges wiIi be applied te the final commission due but ln any case the higher amount wiii b. charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre.pald; $7.50 billi. Maximum commission: $100. 00. Ail advertisements muet b. placed on an ex- clusive basie with the WHIT BY FREE PRESS and run atieaot on. month If net sold. RATES Oif article la sold): 2% et balanbo over $40.00 EXAMPLE.~ Sold Item advertIsed for $12000. Commission due $8.00 <minimum charge lu$86.00). Priateadvrtiinganl Peo tify the Whitby Free Prose immediately when item le sl eta we may deleteit trom the foiiowing Issue. Alil ads net fitting the Emporlumn guidelinos wiIl be treated and charged per week as regular ciassitied ado on a prepiid basrs such as: services, heip wantod, ciothIng, reail estate, and personal mfessage type ado, or ado not quoting price or quantity. Private cIassIiod ado may appear ln the Emporium section undor appropriate headinge. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 206 Whitby, LIN 581 If ln doubt cali: 668-6111l OR DELIVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whltby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FR1 DAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON.I TURN UNWANTEDARTICLES INTO U.CASHj- Uethis f orm to mail ln your Emporium Ad I have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertise- ment placed under this section o the Whitby Free Press. 't forget, to Include your phone number), E: I enclose .$6.00 to cover the minimum charge 13 Charge $6.00 to my Visa accou nt, Il Bill me $7.50 after flrst publication of my ad Cord Mo. Exp. Date Nom@ (ple. print - f rat and last name) Street Addres City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS- P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN SI FAre you okn after your lungs Your Lu ng'Associatilon For f urther information "'"h hita contactS epe ARTICLES FOR SALE 3 HP. SEARS cempressor, 30 heurs use, 25 gallon-tank, $950 negetiable. Phono 656-3503. G3NTQUES ANTIQUES FOR SAM - Victf-rian sofa wlth matching chair $250. Victorian wing back. chair $150. Canadiana b.d $175. Square oak dinfing table, 6 legs, 4 leaves, $400. Two matching wlng back chairs, new, navy cotton, $200 ach., Secretary deak, dated 1879, $800. Cali 5790765. 13AYNNEDS CR19, rmattresa and shoote, white finish, very good condition. Aeking $75. Phono 666&1899. ANUWTMOE PARTS- FOUR H78-14 tires on rime, white walia, two menthe wear, $30 each. Phono 655-4289, ask for Gary. HIOUEOLD BEIGE ili BROWN 4 pc. chester-* field. New condition. Asklng $400. Phono 668-2605. CABINET caf fe. table, A-i condi- tion, $125. 'Hi-fi, A- condition, $125. Dark brewvn veour rocking chair $200. Phono 668-2368. CHESTERFIELD suite, very good condition, green floral prInt, $200. Phono 655-4267. COLONIAL sofa and chair. Beige, brown and ivory plaid. One year now. Paid $1,2W0. Asking $8W0. Muet oeil. Phono 728-7744. 5-PC. BEDROOM auttit for sale, includos mirror, box sprlng and mattrees, in' goed condition, $1,000. Aiea, oe German crib In excellent shape for sale, camnes with very goed mattrees, $100. Phono 668-9042. FRENCH Provincial chestertield, constr ,uction excellent, ceuld use slip cover.ý Asking $70 or boutet-, fer. Phono 668&21 50. KITCHEN countertap, 1456, long, beige,, with molded, backsplash tram laft, 86" te, double sink con- tre,,$60. Kitchen countertop, 18" long, with twe tinished ends, $25. Chopping board for dishwasher, geod condition. $50. Phono 576- 3925 evoninge. QUEEN-SIZE bed chesterfioid, rod veour, like now, $400. Caii66 2702. ROLL TOP dosk, rnedium oak finish, size W0" x 24" x 42" hlghr, aak voners with seiid oak rail-top,' cuatamn made (new). Asklng $50. Phono 668-1385. ROUND mapie tableand 4 chaire, Calonil stylo, asking $300.' Double b.d bedsproad, tWO PIIlOW shîms and curtains and two table coveringo (suitablo for hidea'way tables), Iridi weave, belge In calor, $275 complote. Desk with, threo drawers, iight wood, $200. Four-drawer cheot, light wood, $150. Phono 6684868. 2-PC. Danish olive chestortield sot. Suitabie for family room.. Asking $125.,Phono 683-3894. MTRCYCLEWl 1981 YAMAHA SPECIAL 400, 7,914 'ki lometera, $1,500 certitioed. Phono 668-1275 atter 6 p.m. 1M8 HONDA 400 os HAWK, boîught ln sprlng 1981, good condi- tion. helmots and a rain suit In- ciudod, 17,000 km., weli maintain- ed, muet oeil, $1,200 or, bout atter, w111 certify. Eminent ergin, Salu*na A315, two full koyboards, f iv. pre- set percussions, Orbitone and Ar- Peggie-matic Ritmlx box, foot pedals, $1,550 or boot offer. Phono 1978 650 KZ KAWASAKI, 15,000 kilometers, good shape, muet oeIl. ,$1,000 certitied. Phonoe685155. FOR SALE.ý4 1971 OLYMPIC Skidao with olec-, tric atart, ans awner, 10w hours et use, $400. Double skldoo tralior $200. Phone (416) 649-3064 afier 6 p.m. TIUM/VA1S TRUCK and triller..22-foot Master-, coach fully'oqulpped. 1974 ;4 ton Ford pick-up..Asking $10,500. Can b. seen at,146 BreckStreot North,' Whitby or phone, 668-4111. VAN - 1982.34 ton Chev, 350, V8, 4 birrel, Super Van conversion,. loadod wlth extras.' Asking $16,500. For lot of aptions, please caeli 668-8178. Mm.. 5% of advertlssd price up to $M00 SALIES, DOWN?1 Reverse This Trend Tdy QUICKLY *ECONOMICALLY *CONVENIENTLY Advertise your product or service in the Whitby Free Press.ý IT PAYS TO ÀDVERTISE Cail Nowý WHITBY FREE PRESS... a 1- il <I - - %%A%01 m 668M61 11.

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