PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY MARCH 2 1983: WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WideIy Read CLASSIFIED, ~ADS 1 Contlnued f rom Page 1 FR3jiZJ TINSI AUTIOS FREt» Drop Into the Olokuon Print-. Ing a office suppiy store in the- AjxPlusa and pick Up a free copy G 'jN AU uTIO N of their 1983 MetrIc Caiendar. At Stouffilîle Sales Barrn PrInted In two colours, It makes I for handy reference. W3.1988. THURSDAy, MARCH 3 -7 P.M. ARICES flrPNDUTI PI FOR RENT For conslgn or purchase (5 contact the auctioneers Bud McKee 1- TYPEWRITER RE NTAI., many 705-324-9560 and Phil Faulnrl46 moaes and modela, by the week. end, week or month. Discounts 640-5691. avllabie. Dickson PrintIng.& Of- fice Supplies In the Aax Plaza.WA Cali us for bus iness machine WAN. NAMAKER ( APARTMENTS/I repara 83.168.AUCTION SERVICES CONDOS FOR AE~FRIENT _____________1614 Charles St., Whitby 1R--.--_ __ HELPFIO T EEITMON.£ IIUm. OE BEDROOM apartment for èfE P FGHT EYEIrmON & fun ON$300parmot.Everything KIDNEY AT 6:30 P.M. Inciuded. Phone Mîke 728-3974. Ail estates and DIS ASE cnsInmetsweîcome. FOR Immediate resuits, use the Thnsignets U l #1 Free Press Emporium - 888"111. AUTOS/TRUCKS W Ilpc p WANTED 666-3731 6688.8403 <ATE DAYS) <EVGS.) ACMOATION ~~WA NTED SATUCTI A LEMRC ONE large 1 bedroomn apartment H IG H ESTSA RDYMRC with utilities. Rstired couple. p PR ICES At PEARCE AUCTION Press._____ PAID FOR miles south of Port Perry. FOI1D SCAPCAS With ref rigerator,'eîect ricj SCRAP CARS range, color 'TV, coaî oilVCTO AND TRUCKS. îamps, aîr-tîght stove, . RENTALS New & used motors hangIng iamps, Aîaddin's L RD sold &lnstalled. iamp, wash stands, press- F O ID back chairs, bar fridge, Ciearwater - Three bedroom, 655- 045 carpet, bar & 2 stools, mobile homes. Pools, tennis, _________________ eîectrîc typewrîters, sew- trcosobe:cendryIiora. ing machines, record [$225.00 U.S. weekiy (Iesa than -. cabinet, 9-pc. dîning room motsi room>. SAUTOMOBILESI suite, air condîtIoner, 683-5503 FOR SALE couch, dressers & many 10 1HvTE 90 more Items yet to pick Up. ___________ klometres, undercoated, floor Terms, cash, Visa, Maeter- CVWOFFI C ESPAC E mata. $4,250. Phione 855-8081. charge or known cheque. ! FOR RENTI 1M8 OLOSMOSiLE OMEGA, 2 AUCTION SERVICES TiiREEROOMWHTYOFC door, standard transmission, good SUITE wlth private waahroom. Has condition, 35 M.P.G. Aaking 985-7492 over 750 square feet of fui ly broad- $6,450. Phone 728-7158 anytîme. ioomed and alr-condltloned spa' TIMELINEsS la Important when clouanesa. Main office about 32 FOR SALE - 1979 Raiiy STX Van, you are buying or seIllng. And a feet long. Oould be dlvlded Int automatic, V8, certified, very good ÇLASSIFIED AD la the iowcost amailer offices. For further Infor. condition, approxîmateîy sooo tlmely way to a quick solution, mation coui Mr. Burgess betWeen 9 miles. Other options avoulable. Cail WhItby Free Pres8684111. a&m. and 5 p.m. at 6884372_ Phone 65&3978 between 1 and 3 p.m. or 0 and 10 p.m. 1073 GREMLIN, as la, $20. Phono AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES ______________ FR ALEitSALE Deficits are deadly: columnist By W. ROGER WORTH Syndlcated Columnist The fadaâ about the matter are relatively simple. In November 1981, Ottawa forecast a deficit of $13.3-billion for the 1982-83 fiscal year. Seven months later, that estimate was revisied upward by 50 per cent to about $20-billion. Then last fail, a new Finance Minister changed the forecast again, project- ing a revenue shortfall of $23 .6-billlon, bringing the total federal debt to more than $114-billion. To znany Canadians, these astounding num- bers are snippets -of news that, are read and easily forgotten. Yet these numbers bave a tremendous impact on ail of us. Here's - how. A$5 billion deficit ln 19U2-83 (that's a conservative estimais) means' Ot- tawa wlll bave to borrow the equivalent of $2,5W0 for each and every worker in the country. More import- antly, even at a 10 per cent interest rate, it will cost the equlvalent, of $250 per year per work- er tofinance the debt. Added to Ottawa's pre- vious debt load, this means the government will bo spending roughly 30 cents of every tax dol- lar it receives to pay in- terest on the money it owes. But that's only the present fiscal year. Now some experts and well- connected observera are predictlng a staggering deficit of $35-billlon for 1983-84. The problem, of course, is that we can't go on living on borrowed money forever. In the United States, for example, the finan- cial markets are ex- tremely uneasy about a U.S. deficit that may reach $200-billion next year. , Yet on a per capita basis,.Canada's deficit is expected to be much, much higher. As Canadians' know only too well, heavy deficits can mean high- er interest rates if gov- ernments start to com- pete with businesses and individuals borrow- ing money. This would A Free Press ýwinner The winner of the Whitby Free Press quarterly draw was Nancy Meaney of Centre Street North in Whitby. Mrs. Meaney received a 12-piece wine caddy set. The Free Press regularly draws the name of one custemer and one carrier to show our appreciation of the community support given the Whitby Free Presa. -Free Press Staff Photo be a heavy blcw toe ei- ployment and job crea-' tion, partlcularly among smaller firma. So wlth interest rates on the way down, it would seem foolhardy to re- verse the trend by bud- getlng for an exorbitant deficit * The basic politica question, of course, la wbat te do about the 1 05' million jobless Canadians. Some sug- gest borrowlng an extra $5-billion to $&-billion to spend on job-creatlng public works programs. Wbile such a political solution may appeal to governinent, the effort will be wasted if sucb activity prevents in- terest rates from falllng and real economie recovery and job crea- tion from taking holà . Nor will entrepreneurs be encouraged te inveat in new businesses and expand older ones.,. The sad fact is, unem- ploymnent levels are too, high. But borrowrng' larger and larger amounts of cash is nlot a solution to the dilemma. Fund at J.O.-- Ruddy The fund-raising com-., mittee of the Dr. J.O. Ruddy Hospital la baving a public' meeting. on Wednesday, March 9 in the Coundil Chambers of the Town Hall, Rossland Road, commencing- at 7:30 p.m. Th;Fe purpose f the meeting is to explain the Llpcoming campaign th raise $460,000 to, convert the currently, unused second floor into a con- tinuing cars facility. The committeea, head- ed by local lawyer; Pat Johnston, bas invitedý numerous service groups, and organiza-ý tions te attend in order to make them fully aware of wbat the new Facility wiIl mean te the community as well-as ieek thefr help in the GREAT DEALs ON TWO WHELS Yo're ahead11n'83, SERVICE, SALES, PARTS, ACCESSORIES. Authorized Honda dealer with 10 years of expert servicing experience. DUIHAN CYCLE LII. Taunton Rd. E. & Townlne, Oshawa 576-3150 MORTGGE RIATES ARE DOWN It j!lViCIORIA AND GREY TRUSV Whitby: 308 Dundas St. W. 668-9324 Toronto Line 683-7189 Member: Canua Depoit Insuranc Conpoation