Whitby Free Press, 23 Mar 1983, p. 18

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]PAGE 18. WEDNESDAY MARCH 23, 1983, WHITBY FREE, VENTS TYRO CRAFTS INDOOR DIMONSTRATIONFf LAMRE Sée.us atthe' L MRE Craft Show at the Every Saturday Oshawa Centre a 'I'Meých2to26Harwood Place ail day. Mi for more Information al~e .&ilSt catiAjax TYRO CRAFTS For more Information 5.71-2206 Cal 683-3442 [NE DWNE Y -es ~Service# DO YOU ENJOY A CHILD ORIENTED CHALLENGE? Vour regional Children's AId Society is expanding the Specialized Foster Home Programme. Remun- eration 18 at the rate of $18 per day if you have ever fostered and are wiliiiag to attend the required Agenicy training course. We wouldilike to receive your reply ln writing ad- dressed to:' Mrs. C. MacLeod Durham Family & Chiidren's Services Box 321 200 John Street West Oshawa, Ontario Li H7L-3 CHIi CARfl SERVICES BUTTERFLY Daycare Contre No. 2 Open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Qualified Staff Children From 18 Months to 2 Years Hot Meais German Lessons 309 Beech St., Whitby 668-927 OR 571-0031 ARTICLES FOR SAIELE 1HIERCIES of the Bibis" coiouring book availabie at Dickson Printing & Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaza, 683- 1966. Deaier inquiries Invite&. WhtyGlrlnAjPA-1Ohaa and estSii.Dcsn intn Offic6SupliesStoeAja Sbpp in HlzaI8N16.DeaeS nur les .9nvie:. $43 GENDRO y anaeSCO a nefs, PioeringAjaPrOshw,n- flaandnetyHl. DckOniy848 ls tax Minimumppnl ty Plaxiopp8. in arN174. tWrInur MATURE part-tlme receptioniat to work eveninga. Abe to do light of- fie duties In service reception. Contact Bob or Keith 576-1800. RELIAILE part time heip 10 work ail day Mondays and also Tuesday eveninga. Muet b. able to lif t fur- niture. Idemi for hsalthy, retirsd or semi-retlred person. For Informa- tIon phono 416.985-8161 or 294- 1890. ~~TILEï1 SFOR SAIE] 2" Storm Doors> Triple Sealed 5 Scoloras$1 89 .50 4 styles Instalisd Inciudlng tax. Also eco- nomical and snsrgy efficient storm or replacement thermal win- dows and patio doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 866-3355 after hours 666-1847 VISIT Our ussd fumnIture ware- ho0u» by appointment. Big savînga on deaka, chairs, fillng cabinets, etc. Cmii Dickson PnInt- lng & Office Supplies to arrange an appointment to vlew. 683-1968. RAILWAY TIES for sais. 85.00 each. Cmili1223. WE PAY THE TAX! Instant tax rebats on ail water- beda a&W accesonfea. Water- beda frMM$M.956. Financlng WATERSHED 244 Broo St S. Whftby IBJ3O Open Wekdays 10.9SW. 10" FLEA MARKET CASH FOR C00W Ail Gold and Silver Items, rings, watches, earrings, chains, me- dais, and dental gold. Damaged or broken Items acceptable. Spe- cial prices for Canadian arnd American silver coins, any condition. Also buying any for- elgp silver coins. SHORTYS ClOUR STORE 121 Brock St. N. Whitby Exclusive Agent ln Whitby for Northland Goid & Silver Inc. FRSALE ARTICLES FOR RENTI 'YE RIT RMENTAL, many makes and modela, by the week- end, wsek or month. Discounts avaliabis. Dickaon Pnlnting & 0f. fie Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Caii us for business machine repairae683-1068. FREt. Drop Into the Dickson Print- lng & Office Suppiy store In the Ajax Plaza and pick up a f ras copy of their 1983 Metric Caiendar. PrInted In two colours, it makes for handy reference. 683198. FORGSLES 1973 TORINADO V8, PIS, PIB, $1200. or bieat offer. Cmii 668-7446. CLASSIFIED AD CALLfliî WHiTOY FREE PRESS POOOLES FOR SALE 8 WEEI< OLD, SMALL MINIATURE, MALE & femais. $160. sach. cali anytîme 579-5541.. "FOR SAIl E1 ô PIECE kitchen set with brown uphoistsred chairs. Excellant condition. childa dsak & matchIng chair.- Cmii aftsr 5 p.m. 608&5254. BELL your unwanted articles quickly and easiiy with an ad In your local newspaper - the Whtby Free Proe. as.ii 66841 11. ~ITO BY DO YOU HAVE Maddon fressures ln your home? Cash Paid for any. thlng oid 1k furniture, an- tiques, glass, china etc. Estates and househoid con- tents of speclali nterest. Phone 655-3526. IDtcL(GoudaPOfteryl ~CalMaRTy 1655-38721 Iafter 6p.m.I AUCIOSI WANNAMAKER AUCTION SERVICES 1814 Chartes St., Whitby [ERTIYMON. a TOURS. AT 6:30 P.M. Ali estates and conslgnments welcome. The. plce t bey or se». We wIi pick up. 666-3731 668-8403 PERNANLS LSE WEIGHT slY. naturaliy, on ail naturel producta - and feel terficl Fust, sim- pie, Inexpensive. 100% guaranteed. For infor- WFOR SAL.E 1979 FAIRMONT $2,000. Auto-- malce, 4-cylînder, power stseeing, buckets, 5 new tires, duel wing mirrors, rear defroster. Phono evenfings/weekends 655-3102. AUTMBLE 0 FOR SALE9 1978 IHC CARGO STAR, 16 foot box, 5 speed transmission, front axis 6,000 iba., rear axis 15,000 Ibo., 345 cubic Inch motor, 88,000 original miles, good condition. 85,900 or best offer. Cali 6862651 between 8 a&m. and 5 p.m. USER BIKES SALE (SOLD AS 18> 1980 XL 100 8599 1980 GB 750 $2295 custom 1978 CB 750 81399 Super Sport 1979 CR 250 MX$S 799 1971lTrIumph $1099 650 Tiger 1979 DT 175 8 599 Vamaha 1978 CR 125 8 499 Honda 1977 CB 750 $1799 Honda 1981 CR 125R 81199 Honda NMM CYCLE LaD 578«3150S Il I ~0NS AUCTIONEER MM '<J 705.786-2183 WýHITBY DEALS!1 Special Car & Truck Prices For Our Good Whltby Friends Phone Now 576.1800%/ "lYou should have a FORD in your drlveway" ENTERPRISE FORD 815 King St. W., Oshawa <at Thornton Rd.> Honda. Spend less Urne in tieshop., You're ahead ini '83. SERVICE, SALES, PARTS, ACCESSORIES. Authorized Honda dealer with 10 years of expert servicing experience. DURHAM CYCLE -LII. Taunton Rd. E. & Townllne, Oshawa 576-3150 OPEN: Mon.-Wed. 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Thurs. 9-7; Fr1. 9-9; Sat. 9-5 a AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, MARCH 26 AT 12 NOON Gausll' Auction Hall Berczy St., Aurora Household furnIture, an- tiques, collectables. Cement mixer, bench saw. Terms: Cash. AUCTIONEER: EARL GAUSLINI Corne to Pearce Auctîon Service RR 2Port Perry Sat., March 26.-6 p.m. At PEARCE AUCTION CENTRE on Shirley Rd. 4 miles south of Port Perry.- Excellent estate sale with,8 piece dining room suite, 5 x 5-fridge f reezer, heavy duty washer & dryer, two lawn mowers, con- tinuous dlean stove, Admirai color T.V., Czechoislovakian dish set for 12, mink stole, cornflour crystal, air condîtioner, bone* han- die f latware, chan- delier with matching iamps, '5 piece bedroom suite, large mirror, lustre ware dinet set, chesterfieid suite, and many more good Items too numerous to mention. We take Visa and Mastercard. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES AUCTION SALE Frlday March 25. 6:30 p.m. BROOKLIN COM- MUNITY CENTRE, Cassels Rd. E. High- way 1, & 7. Our sale conslsts 0f some of the best vintage fur- niture available In- cluding:,In Mahogany: a 9 pce. dinîing room suite, ieatiier top drumn table, mlrrored mentIe, round occasional table, knee-hoid desk, parson's bench,& wall dlock. In Walnut: a 5 pee. ca.rved bedrom suite, extension games table, cedar chest, rose velvet armchair, side chair, old bar, and Art Deco china cabinet. ln Maple, Pine, Oak etc: marbie top washstand and dresser, arrow- back rocker, bow front washstand, French carved chair,, 2 gramophones, smail press-back rocker, wlng back chair, nur- sing rocker, blue vic- torian sofa, leaded glass door buf fet, wicker chair and other chairs, rocker and table. Aiso we have an excellent selection of duck decoys, crocks, copper & brass trays, beits & bolers, hooked rugs, iamps, lanterns, sîlver pleces,, tins, an old doli, WW2 army Issue 303 rifle, pain- tings & prints & gold Jewelry. ln china & glass: we have an engish commode set, Royalty memorabilia, Noritake stiver overlay, carnival, depression frosted etc. Partial listing only. Preview 4:30 p.m. Terms: cash, Visa or approved cheque. EARL McKINNON AUCTIONEER 655-3526 AUCTION SALE Friday March 25 6:30 p.m. CORNEILS AUCTION. BARN, 3 miles east 0f Little Brîtain & 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lindsay, Little Britain Rd. Matching green McLeary f rtdge & stove, green RCA por- table dlshwasher, McLeary dryer, single box sprIngs and mat-

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