Parents Wthout Part- ners is a non-profit organization decicated to community service through its social and educationai programs. The organization is designed to' meet the needs of men and women who, by reason of divorce, separation, death, etc. find them- selves in a position of frustration, confusion and concern needing support and friendship BROOKLIN BYLINES themn for enrolment into Meadowcrest Public Schoor this September, please cail the school secretary, Mrs. Brown, at 655-3731 and give ber your child's name, address, phone number and birthdate. WELCOME TO TOWN Hair Dimensions, 5i Baldwin Street, is now under new management and will be known as "JohnLyn Hair Design and Unisex". They are now open for business and invite you to come in and have a coffee with them and "get to know them". Welcome this new business to our fair town, give them a caîl at 655-3134. GET READY FOR THE FAIR The Brooklin Spring Fair Baby Show will be held this year on June 4 at 1:30 p.m. It is open to al babies between the ages of 1 and 24 months. Please pre-register before May 31 by calling 728-3470. Al passes and final registration wil be made at this time at the Concept Center from 2 to 4 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m. There'will be prizes for each class and an overail trophy for best baby boy and best baby girl. Miss Brooklin Spring Fair contest will be héld on June 2 at 8 p.m. at the Brooklin Arena. Ail interest- ed contestants must be between the ages of 17 and 22 at the time of the pageant.^ First prize will be $300, with first and second runners up receiving $100 each. Only 12 contestants wfil be chosen to enter. Applications will be accepted on April 14 and April 28 at the Concept Center between the hours 0f 7 and 9 p.m.' For further information please cail 728-3470 or 655-4936. SPRING FASHION SHOW A spring fashion'show wiIl be presented by the Brooklin United Church Women, with fashions from the Brooklln Village Shoppe on Wednesday, April 20 at 8 p.m. in the C.E. Building, Brooklln United Church. There will be door prizes and refreshments will be served. Tickets are $3 by advance sale only. Cail 655-3053 or 655-4181. JUST FOR YOU "Just for You", a spring fashion show with a dif- ference will be held by Burns Kirk Guild on April 12 starting at 8 p.m. at Thunderbird Golf Club, Ash- humn. Fashions presented will feature the Welsh Dresser, Pickering and Bill Fitches, Oshawa. There will also he a segment entitled "Remember When? ", a just-for-fun flashback to years gone by. The major door prize of the eveming will he a silver love spoon pendant and matching earrings. There will ho other prizes and a luncheon will be served. ALL SAINTS LUNCHEON 'M'm»m Don't forget to attend hte AIl Saints Anglican O Church luncheon Fni-ON T day, April 22 from 11: 30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The menu includes sandwiches, salad andco > homemade pies. c m u Admission is $3. Tickets can he obtained at the Church Office, Dundas Street West, Whitby or at the door. If you require addi- MI tional information, cal Gill Neale at 576-6442 or Linda Giulfoil 668-0677. to help them and thier children adjust to the situation and to cope with the many probiems which may arise. There are many areas to be dealt with at a time like this, sometimes they are urgent, such as family counselling, financiai and legal mat- ters. From the divorce or separation which divides a family, or the ioss of a parent by death, the entire famîly (From Pal Pare nts Withou't Partii ge6 Advance tickets at $5 each are available by calling Joan at 655-3900. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations to Veronica Colangelo whôÃ" represented the Brooklin Horticultural Society in the floral competition of the "Pool and Patio Show" in Toronto recently. She.won first and second prizes. in ber class and then had an "1honourable mention" in the finals. Good work Veronica. ANNUAL SPRING FLING Brooklin Business Association will be again spon- soring their annual Spring Fling on April 9 at Thun- derbird Golf and Country Club. Musicwill be by B&H Sound and a lavish late night buffet will be served. There will be many prizes available. Tick- ets are lirnà ited and are available from Cosgrove's Variety or Brooklin Bakery at $20 per couple. CLEAN SWEEP There is something regenerative about the ap- proach of spring. As the doldrums of winter begin to lift, i find myself seeking to rejuvenate my life, to cleanse my soul and greet the awakening of nature with a spirit of purity and innocence. I accomplish this by having a garage sale.. See you next week ...Roxanne Reveler Brooklln'Bakery drop off Fridays, before noon please 655-4951. P EACOCK LUMBER LTD.' y Over 1,,000,000 feet of kiIn cried - Hardwoods. - Sol twoods. Dry Ki Ins Dresslng.Facilities WHOLESALE - RETAIL 328 Ritson Rd. N. Oshawa 725-4744 SETTJING 'HE PREMISES :,,.,% ITERUZED & PHOT0~' WHITBY F REE PR ESS, WED NESDAY APRI1L 6, 1983, PAG E 9 i ers giveÊ viding both for our- selves and our chlldren a reasonable equivalent of normal family life are increased by that iso- lation. The established pattern of community life lacks both means of communications and in- stitutions to enable us to resolve our special problems and find nor- mal fulfilment. Therefore, in the con- viction that we can achieve this end through working together, suffers. For children in such circumstances, to mature unsearred requires the utmost in love, understanding and sound guidance. To pro- vide these is a respon- sibiity inherent in parenthood. It. does not end with separation or divorce, for either parent. The singie par- ent in our society is iso- lated to some degree.' The difficulties of pro- member. Semotiol through the exchange of ideas and through the mutual understanding, help and companionship which we find with one another, we have esta- blished "Parents With- out Partners, Inc." to further our common welfare and the well being of our children. We regularly present guest speakers from ail walks of life - political, law enforcement, reli- gions, educational, legal and medical. Qualified h nal support professional people who us at one will assist you with in- meetings formation on what help 8 p.m., is available, where and Parish B~ how to apply for it. Our St.), be jirograms strive to meet ,look us c these needs and more. find a coi There are activities awaits yo for our children and decide to, social functions for the come a mi aduits. We hold a dance do so by once a month and have applicatici many other activities of our w that you wîl find help- may atte fui, beneficial, stimulat- for six ing and enlightening. "4guest" bx We invite you to join to decidec Dof our weekly i(Thursdays at St. Georges [ail, 51 Centre our guest and over", you wiIl )rdial, welcome ou. Should you D join and be- iember you can, ,filling out an on card at one mieetings. You ^end meetings weeks 'as a )efore you have on becoming a Fui Course Deal $59 CaII 571m3042 LIve Entertalnm.nt Wlth Accordionist "Dunlomanti" - 83Buy Now! UModels at Pre-Season Prices 2TON AIR CONDITIONING Installation - No intoresi for 1 Year ForAverage Resldential $1588m Installation, Heat Pumps, C.O.S.P. grants, energy savlng devices & ail heatlng & alr-condltlonlng accessorles avallable. NO PAYMENTS TILL MAY PHONE NOW FOR FAsT CREDIT APPROVAL L.J. Systems. HAIGARONTOIG mmuffl F - 'q IL member.