WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY APRI L 13o 1983, PAGE il By W. ROGER WORTH Syndlcated Columnlst SmaU business doesn't get the respect It deserves. Who would bave guessed, for'example, that smaller flrrms would bave been em- ploying an extra 700,000 people if the economy was as healthy as it was two short years ago? The point, of course, is that small and medium- sized flrms play a vital ro9le in the economy. While major companies such as Chrysier and Massey-Ferguson get thé media attention, the hirlng, layoff or expan- sion decisions made by hundreds of thousands of entrepreneurs across the country are what really make the economy tick. The major companies are Important, but a healthy smail business communlty is crucial. There Io no question that smaller firms bave fallen on bard times. Bankruptcies and re- ceiverahipo are at near- record levels, declining sales bave, forced staff- ing cutbacks and few entrpenus are prepared tW expand, partlcularly considering the uncertainty over in- terest rates., Si, Ummre lusolid reason for hope. As the economny (hopefully) turne around, more and more Canadians are taking the gamble of golng out on their own. -,.Laut year, for in- stance, at the height of the worst recession sin- ce the 1930%s 150,000" new firmu were started. And according Wo thet Canadian Federation 0f' Independent Business, there wiIl be another 200,000 startups this year. Those figures are en- couraglng. Nevertheless, the real solution to the unem- ployment wiil be to en- tice Individual entrepre- neurs Wo rehire the 700,000 workers they have been forced Wo lay off. It won't ho easy, even. if the economy booms. > New technology and meebanization are steadily eroding the number of jobs avail- able as smaller firms take palce April il, 18, 25 and May 2, 9 and 16 from 5 Wo 7 p.m. There will ho a variety of guest speakers and a buffet dinner. For further informa- tion please contact Diana King, Status Con- venor for Durham Women Teachers' Association, 666-2500or (home) 683-322. are forced to upgrade facilities to compete wlth their big business counterparts. And ln many cases, the money to expand or even revert to the situation that existed two years ago is flot available. Stifi, governments can help ini the effort to produce more jobs. One method is to hold the Uine on government spendlng, thus ensurlng that interest rates wiU remain at relatlvely low levels. There are also a varlety of tax policy changes that could be made Wo reduce the risk involved in entrepre- neurship. One major problem is Now when you buy any new 1983 Datsun truck, you can finance up to $10000 for only 9.9%. Not fr just the first year. Not for two years. But for up to 42 months. Which. makes iR one of the best factory- backed deals you'll find anywhere. So, if you've been waiting for interest rates to corne down, your watt is over. And Rt applies to ail new 1983 Datsun trucks. Four-wheel drive or two-wheel drive. Gas or diesel. Long box or regular.Anid the one and only King Cab. Pries on this great line.-up of tough that our mandarins and pollcy makers bave lit- tde understandlng of the smal business sector, 50 they tend to under- rate its importance. But it lu important. The Canadian Federa- tion of Independent Business proved that with a survey that indi- cated smailer firms were forced to Iay off 700,000 people in the last two years. The politicians who are interested ini getting the economy movlng should take a serious look at these figures, and accept proposais to help smail compamies thrive and rehire the jobless. Datsun trucks start as low as $7.283* Sa corne on in ta any participating Datsun dealer for full details. Qualified buyers can save big. But hurry Offertis good white supplies last. No respect for'small business Type writer RENTALSI also SALES & SERWCE t. DAlrSUN ANNONCES NO GIMMICKS. NO HIDDEN QUAUF1ERS. ..MiDWAY.DATSUN LTDO 1300 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 66.8-6828 mi. '