PAGE Z~ WEONE8GAY APRIL 133,1083,WHITSY FREE PRESS ii COMING EVENTS CALENDAR SUMMER COOKING Startlng Thursday, April 28, from 7 to 10 p.m. at Whltby Senior Public Sehool, Mary Llsko will teach a 3-week tourse in Summer Entertainlng. Mary Llsko, "The. Happy Cooker", is a 4th year 'Y' ini- structor and wil give cooking hints and menus to assist you in your suinmer entertaining. FLOOR HOCKEY Men's Pick-Up Floor Hockey (non-contact) on Wednesday at Henry Street High School from 8 to 9 p.m. starting April 13 offers men an informai night of recreational play for fun and exercise. ti (i Re of Po roi SU of roi foi DA Api )e le ie il- n- fe t- Ie TENNIS Tennis Lessons are for beginners and those who need to improve their strokes. Along with correct stroke techniques, serves, overheads and court positions will also be taught. Frank Todd, a certi- fied 'Y'instructor, will teach the program at Trafal- gar Castie Sehool from 7 to 8:30 p.m. for 6 weeks, starting Wednesday, April 27. TAKE-A-BREAK Frank Todd will also instruet Ladies Take-A- Break Tennis at Peel Park on Tuesdays, starting Tuesday, April 26, from 10 to 11: 30 for 6 weeks. This is a morning of instructional tennis and court play. Lessons given each week are designed for the level of player present. Round robins, doubles, position. ing play and strategy are just some of the events planned. Babysitting is available at a nominal fee. GARDENING Those interested in planning and preparing their summer garden wil be given assistance by Ken Brown, Horticultural Consultant. Ken will also give assistance in types of flowers to be Planted and other plants which can be used in the garden, along with tricks for the best looking garden wîth the least amount of work. This program wil be offered on Tuesday from 7 to 9 p.m. at Henry Street High School, starting April 26. ORIENTAL'COOKING Oriental Cooking is also being offered, starting Wednesday, April 13, for 5 weeks at Whifby Senior Public School. Teresita Rovillos, an Oriental Food Market Owner, wil be the instructor. This is your opportunity to learn this nutritional and economical cooking style. Each week a different recipe will be featured. 19 HNE6316 &Ofie 1plesON AI FIELD NATURALISTS The Durham- Region Field Naturalists Meet- ing for April will be held on Monday, April 25 at 8 p.m. in the auditorium of the McLaughlin Public Library, Bagot Street, Oshawa. The topic for the even- ing's program is "Fer- ns" presented by Ron Scoveil. Mr. Scoveil wil have a slde presenta- tion and also samples for viewing. Members and non- members are ail welcome. There wil be coffée and cookies after the presentation, and an opportunity to find out more about upcoming meetings, outings and activities. GLIDING The Central Ontario Soaring Association wil begin' the 1983 flying season April 30. No ex- perience is necessary to learn to gide. For more information contact Walter Weir, 668-9976, between 6 and 8 p.m. CONCERT The County Town Singers. are holding a concert at Eastdale Coilegiate Auditorium in Oshawa on April 15, at 8:15 p.m., to benefit diabetes education in Durham Region. ickets are $4.50 per person, $2.25 for seniors, and can be purchased at Middleton's Book, Store in Whitby,- Craf t Cellar in Ajax and Saywells Book Store in Oshawa. COMMUNITY CARE Help Community Care celebrates its first birth- day on Wednesday, April 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the Fairview Lodge Auditorium. There wiil be music, birthday cake and fun. Carol Childerson will be there to talk about con- sumer awareness. Everyone is welcome. OSTOMY ASSOCIATION The Oshawa and Dis- trict Ostomy Associa- tion wii meet Wednes- day, April 20atB8p.m. in Room 1002-F of the Oshawa General Hospit- al. Dr. Mankiewicz, a urologist, wiil join a panel of- members who have urinary diversions for a discussion. Everyone is welcome. There wiil be refresh- ments and a social period following the meeting. For more in- formation please cal Louisa at 728-1869 or Irma at 576-8922. Chase Sportswear TEAM UNIFORMS Jackets 0 Sweater-s 0 MatIs aw RUGGER s18 Sports EqulpmentAvallabie 205 Bond W. Mon.- Fr1. 3 p.m. .6 pa. Sà turdaYslS0rn. .3 P.M. M SAM E DAY SERVICEM h ALTERATIONS AND REPAIRS * .ped to the hlp. that fits right IntoM * *Tbey are ruffled a# the- new style.M * SPRING the botorn, a look Corded and ribbed FASHION like that of1 the fabrics wiII be big - M FA HION Flappers'. . lncluding lustrous M SCIENE Tops are longer poplîn. * Fashion changes and fulier - bot New colors thisM * this spring may items are the tunlc sprlng are splceyM cause you to de- and the -blouson. ones Ilke coral andM * pend more on your Pants have also saffron, and theM * drycleaner. The gotten shorter; dusky, vegetable styllsh look bas be- you'l be seelng colors of Afrlcan M corne fuller and culottes, knickers and American in-M M more textured, -and Jodphurs. dian prints. Khakl -M * with lots of detail. Bermuda shorts an iranlan word Ail of that means are back. meanlng "dust-M more care is need- Watch for cro- colored9% - will be aM ed to keep your cbeted sweaters; strong seller. ciothes looking ernbroldered and As you go outM M sharp. smocked blouses; shopping for the M The blggest gathered, petti- new looks, you * news is that dress coat-Ilke sklrts; can feel confidentM * lengths have risen pleaied and crin- that K&M Cleaners aboe the knee, kled looks. Seer- can keep thernm adtheir walst- sucker is a tradi-, looking that goodM M Unes have drop- tional spring fabric ail the time! " 'A Cleaning Service for the Entire Family" M 112 COLBORNE ST. W., WHITBY 668-2831 W 123-5629 NIGHT 0F CARDS Whitby Chapter No. 248 Order of the Eastern Star is havlng its annual Night of Cards, Wednes- day, April 13, in the Masonic Hall, Cochrane Street, Whitby, at 8 p.m. Tickets, costing $2 each, are available through Patricia Lawrence at 668-127. RUMMAGE SALE The Durham Regional Police Ladies Auxiliary is holding a Rummage Sale on Wednesday, April 20 at Simcoe Hall from 12 noon until 2 p.m. Ail proceeds will go to a Durham Region charity which wil be determined later. Anyone wishing to do- nate items of clothing, dishes, etc. please con- tact Gail Delves at 576- 6084, Marlene Hall at 668-3982 or Judy Van- dyke at 987-548. ONE PARENT FAMILIES One Parent Familles Association of Canada, Oshawa Chapter, meet at Lake Vista Club House on Cedar Street and Emerald Avenue every Tuesday at 8:30 P.m. The next meeting will be held Tuesday, May 3. A film on coping with stress will be shown following a general meeting. DANCE The Durham branch of One Parent Familles Association will hold a fund raising dance Saturday, April 25at the YWCA on Simcoe Street South in Oshawa star- ting at 8 p.m. Everyone is welcome, but no jeans are allow- ed. For further informa- tion caîl 723-8784. Whitby Fabrics. NEW MANAGEMENT Drapes & Sheers - custom made. Alterations on clothing & draperies. "Rugby" cloth, jogging & swlm wear, Bridai fabrlcs avallable. 215 Dundas St. E., Whltby 668-4821 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY TECORPORATION 0F THETOWN OFWHITBY PROCLAMATION Communlty Justice Weok Take notice that Aprli 17-23, 1983, l8 hereby pro. claimed as "Community Justice Week" ln and for the Town of Whitby. Citizens of Whitby are reminded that the theme of Community Justice Week ln 1983 ls "Justice: A Shared Responsibiiity". Dateci at Whltby, Ontario, 1983. this llth day of April, R.A. Attorsiey, Mayor, Town of Whitby M 723m56291