Report from. Q neen 9's Park By The Hon. George Ashe, MPP PC- Durham West) Ontarioo Minister of Revenue April is Often referred to as "the cruelest rnonth"l and I arn Certain that this reference 18 made be- cause April la the rnonth in whlch most of us finally get around to the onorous task of cornpleting our federal Incorne tax form. But there 18 a positive side to this. forrn and I would 111w to discuas the subjeet of Ontario tax credits In this week's report. Ontario tax credits were introduced in 1972 to re- duce the burden of municipal and achool taxes on those with low and moderate incomes. That year, the property tax credit carne into being, followed in 1973 by the, sales tax credit providing for a maxi- mum tax credit of $250. Restructuring of the pro- gramn aince that timne has raised- the maximum for these tax credita to $500, inthe forrn of tax relief. Currently, there are four tax credits provided by the Ontario government., The property tax credit is designed to assist tax- payera by returning . to themf sorne of the rnoney which they have spent in property tax or rent pay- ments. The sales tax credit providea further relief by returning to the taxpayer sorne of the provincial retail sales :tax which he bas paid in the previous taxation year. Between the property tax credit and the sales tax credit, Ontarians under the'age of 65 may dlaim a maximum of $500. Those Ontario residents over the age of 65 receive similar rebatea through the On-. tario tax grant program. Thileves caught Three Oshawa men have been charged la connection wlth a theft Of car batteries 'and radiators from Wagg Brothers, Auto Clinic, Hlighway 7, Brooklla, last Thuraday.. .Police apprehended the men,- who were try- ing to selI the stolen gooda valued at $100. Charged with posses- sion -under $200 are Michael Des Coleaux, Mon ey stolen The Durham Squash Club, 1450 Hopkins St., was entered and over $200 was stolen early Friday evening. Durham Regional police say that the pro shop door was opened by a key, which club membera had accesa to, and the cash box was removed. Gerald M. Bourgeous, and Thomas Rocheford. In 1981, temporar assistance toreduce home heatlng coes waa added to the exlatlng tax credit program. To cushion the Impact of sharp increases In heatlng coes for low income rentera and home- ownerath home heatlng tax credit was Intro- duced. The credit la available to thos taxpayera whose taxable income la lesa than $4,000 and who are eligible for a property tax crecDt. The home heating credit la worth up to $40 per household for the 1962 taxation year. To encourage participation 'In the political pro- cesa, Ontario reaidents are alao eligible for the poiltical contribution tax credit. If you contributed to a reglatered Ontario political party, reglstered conatltuency association or candidate in an Ontario provincial election, you may dlaim up to $500. Those residenta, who were over 15 and under 65, as of I)ecernber 31, 19a2, should complete an income tax return even if they dld not have a taxable in- corne. These individuals rnay still be eligible for an Ontario tax credit. To assist taxpayera who may have difficulty un- derstanding the Ontario tax credit systemn, the Ministry of Revenue operates a comprehensive in- formation service. This office may be reached by dialing 1-800268-7121. Over the yeara, Ontario tax credits have proven, their effectiveneas by reducing municipal and spchool taxes for those who are least able tô pay. 0f- ten individuals with low incomes have no taxable incarnes to report and Ontario tax credits affords them valuable relief. If you are eligible for the Ontario tax credits, the provincial governrnent wants you to obtain your full entitiement. But la la up to each Ontarian to take the first step - by. cornpleting the Ontario tax credit forrn which is included with the federal incomne tax return. YOU CAN BE A PROFESSIONAL -~ ~ HAIRSTYLIST ART Et TECHNIQUE - nomSc"~ ENROLL NOW FOR*NEXT MONTH'S CLASSES 7 Government Licensed instructors 27 succSuM leurs of kulrstyihi exprieuic 14 Ontario St. 221 Pitt St. Oshawa Cornwall 578-0479 9389313 Thank you. for 'heiping our students today to he Sprof essionai hairstyiists tomorrow. Buy Now!. 83 Models at.Pre-Season Prices 2 TON AIR CON DITIONING Installation. - No Interest for 1 Year < e elcm For Average Resldentiai S 1588a Installation Heat Pumps, C.O.S.P. grants, energy savlng devices ail heating & air-condltioning accessorles available. 'i WHITBV FR EE PR ESS, WEDNESDAY APRI L 13, 1983, PAGE 3 First Aid course begins St. John Ambulance, Whitby branch, are holding a standard firat aid course at Anderson Street Coileglate ln Roorn 132. The course atarta April 26 and runs every Tuesday fore8 con- secutive weeka. Enrolment la on April 19 from 7 to 9,p.m. Cost MEETING Big Brothers Ladies Auxiliary will hold a meeting Wednesday, April 20, at 7:30 p.m. in the Augustana Hall of Faith Place, 44 William St. W., Oshawa. Everyone is welcome. For more information cali 579-5287 or 725-5062. of the course la $2. For CONGRATU LATIONS to Mr. and Mrs. T. Lese Jesse of John St., Whltby wlnnors of our f rme draw for a Graço Wonder Walker "~The Childrens Marketplace - The conugnment shop with a différence" 215 Dundas St. E. tlie* acrose from the Post Office> chlden HourbTues..- Thurs. 1. Frlday 10" mcnktrlaeSeBt. 10-5 Monday 010sd St. John Ambulance at WHITBY FENCE COMPANY ~ SUMMER FENCE SPECIAL M M1 w 0 9 5 tusolou[IIn*uiq COMPLETELY INSTALLED PRESSURE TREATED 5 FOOT HIGH WOOD FENCE $1 0.95 per linear foot (depending on terrain) COMPLETELY INSTALLED FENCE INCLUDES: " ail materiais end Installation labour " choice of 4 fonce designs et this special price (including scalloped top) "only top grade wood used " customn bulit on site " main poste piaced 41 ln the ground and secured ln cernent *plastic caps on main poste, for that fI nished touch &Hai fencing work le guaranteed for 1 year against defect ln workmran- ship or materiais under normai use *this fonce speciai good untîl June 31, 1983. OTHER WOOD FENGE DESIGNS AND'HEIGHTS ALSO AVAILABLE AT SUMMER SPECIALS STAIN OR PAINT EXTRA CALI FOR A FREE WRITTEN ESTI MATE I PHONE NOW FOR FAST CREDIT APPRO VAL L.J. Systems iNc. HEAT ING &AIRÇNIOIG WHITBY COMMUNITY CARE HELP US CELEBRATE OUR FIFTH BIRTHDAY Wsdnesday, April 20, 1983 7:30 p.m. at FaIrview Lodge Auditorium - Entertalnment - Speaker Carol Childerson on Consumer Awarsnoss Birthday Cake & Fun "iPlease Corne" Cqli 6684223 for further Information WOLI DAY SERVICE: 1916,DUNDAS ST. E. WH ITBY 576-1312 " OMO PARTS à ACCESSORIES " HIGH PERFORMANCE WORK ,@ FISHING EQUIPMENT INSTALLATIONS UN bER NEW MANAGEMENT Every motor needs periodic servicing ta, ensure trouble-free performance. Have your motor checked now to make the most of sunny weekends aheaci. Our factory-trained mechanic wilI check... " and set plugs and points a' cylinder head " coils and condensers 0 iower unit and refi " repair ignition Ieads propeller " adjust carburetor OR.P.M. " filter-clean fuel bowl 0 fuel systems *lubrîcate compietely 0 flush cooiing systemn I Authorizèd Service for Evinrude and JohnSon Outboard Motors, OMC Stern Drives. OMC Sait Drives & Accessories. 1 > 1