WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAV APRI L 20, 1983, PAGE il Corridor Capers By MARY MCEACHERN Cail 7258967 wîth îtems for this column. MUSIC DEPARTMENT - HENRY STREET HIGH SCHOOL Garage Sale - The Music Department of Henry Street High Sehool will hold a garage sale on Satur- day, April 30 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the parking, lot of the school. Space may be reserved by calling 655- 384 betweeno6p.m. and 8:30 p.ni. or 666-2907. Cost to reserve a table is $10, but s'pace may also be reserved. Proceeds from the sale will be used to help offset costs of Henry Street High School Music Department. WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The March meeting of the Whitby Women's Insti- tute tobk place on March 23 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Acton. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. Gregor, with a warm welcome for everyone and the repeating of the Women's In- stitute Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect. The secretary, Mrs. Smith, assisted carrying on with the business portion. The roll caîl was answered by each member bringing a small jar of jain, jelly or pickles, that sold among the members later in the eveming. One of the visitors acted as auctioneer, causing a great deal of merriment. The convenor for the meeting was Mrs. McCarl. The motto - iBlessed is the family where peace and joy abound and where distrust and greediness are neyer found. The meeting took the form of a debate. Subject - 'Should the mother stay home with the children, or is it a wise decision for her to work outside the home.' A lengthy discussion took place, which brought out facts and opinions. The meeting then adjourned. A social time followed and the hostesses, Mns. Ryan and *Mrs. Pringle, produced a most delicious luncheon. The April meeting will be the annual meeting with the annual reports and election of officers and will be held at the home of Mrs. Gregor on April 27 at 1:30P.m. GARAGE SALE The 2th Oshawa Scout Troup will hold a giant garage sale at St. Mark's Church, Stevenson Road j North, Oshawa, on May 14 from 9 a.m. to 4p.m. Tickets wiJI also be sold on a quilt, picture and afghan. The draw will take place on the same day, Saturday, Mayl14. Proceeds from the sale and draw will be used to thelp the Scouts offset expenses for their Alaska trip. Tickets for the draw may be purchased by calling jJohn Sharrard at 576-2358 and are $1 each. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE NEWS You are cordially invited to a free public Christ- ian, Science lecture on the subject "More than a Superstar" by George Aghamalian C.S.B. of New 'York City, New York. The lecture will be given in the First Church of Christ, Scientist, 180 Rossland Road East, Oshawa, at 8 p.m. on Monday, May 2. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH U.C.W. Card Party - Tuesday, April 19 at 8 p.m. in aid of the Organ Fund. Tickets are $2 and may be obtained from any member or by calling E. Wood at 668-368. Prizes and lunch. On Sunday, April 24, the Youth Choir will sing and there will be ti& sacrament of infant baptism. There will also be the sacrament of infant baptism on Mother's Day, May 8. Board of Management - Tuesday, April 26 at 7:30 p.m. a very special meeting wil be held. The Board wilmeet to conduct necessary business at 7:30 p.m. and at 8:30 p.m. there wil be a visit by the Oshawa «**0 Bridge r es ults The following are the resuits of last week's play at the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club. North and South: John MeLean and Don Titherington, 67; Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ket- cheil, 65½; Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Evans tie with Mr. and Mrs. George Magvus, 59. East and West: Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Win- ter, 70; Mrs. Douglas Maundreil and Mrs. George Steffler, 64; Mrs. Janet Clarry and Mns. Louise Teltenburg, 60%; Mns. Helen Spratt and Mns. Donald Wil- son, 60. The resulta of dupli- cate bridge play are reported each week in the Free Press. ! VANDERMEER WId soecton of NURS RIES plants & nursery stock grown In our own Ir N RSE I ES graeonhouses wlth cars. OPENING'SALE 25 % off ail Fertilizer __ _ 9 -&à (one week only - Apr. 20 to Apr. 27.) AISO avaliiaoie- 0 Evergr'een la Shade Tree *Shrubs *Veeable Seeds laLarge Selection of Flouwring Plants la C.IL. Fertilezer ,0 Planter$ i I668e9068 * % -'Uv j Durham Rd. 23 & Baseline *s. Presbytery conducted by the Rev. Boyce Elliott*of Brooklln. Full attendance of the Board is requested. A I"Colours"' demonstration will be held in the Church hall in aid of the Organ Fund on Monday, May 9 at 8 p.m. "Colours" Is an indlvldualistie ap- proach to co-ordlnating wardrobe and make-up. For advance tickets at $3 eall Marg Swain at 728-7666. A door prize wlll be given and lunch served. Fun Fair and Auction - in the Church parking lot on June il in support of the Organ Fund. For our Ventures in Mission program, a chair- person and co-ordinator of information and study are needed. If there are any suggestions, please contact the minister of John Morison, the co- chairman of the Board of Management. THORNTON INTERESTED PARENTS Thornton Interested Parents are sponsoring a series of educational talks by specialists from the Durham Board of Education and the Whitby Public Library in conjunction with Education Week. The t.alks will be'held on Tuesday, April 26 from 1 to 3 p.m. during open house at Dr. Robert Thornton School, Scott Street, in Whitby. Topies include: Study Skills, Helping Your Child at Home, Community Resources, and Volunteering in the School. Anyone interested in attending one or more of the sessions are welcome. For further in- formation, please contact Nancy Cooper at 571-1471. WHITBY COMMUNITY CARE Whitby Community Care will celebrate their fifth birthday on Wednesday, April 20 at 7:30 p.m. at Fairview Lodge in Whitby. There will be music, skits, speaker Carol Childerson on Consumer Awareness, birthday cake and fun, and *you are in- vited. Any support you might give this worthy organization would be greatly appreciated. Whitby Community Care is located in the Bank of Nova Scotia Building, 185 Brock Street North (cor- ner of Mary and Brock) in Whitby. Conimunity Care services seniors, handicapped and persons with special needs in the Whitby, Brooklin and Ash- burn areas. Cal668-6223, Monday to Friday, 9 ar. to 3 p.m. Service can be received seven days a week. STOPS A new service has arrived at Garrard/Kendal- wood and Highway 2. Grace and Barry Nolan, long- time residents of Garrard Road, recently established a fish and chip business 'STOPS'. You can't miss the shiny yellow van. Presently open Thursday through Sunday. PEACOCK LUMBER LTD. IN-STOCK Over 1,9000,000 feet ofiUn dried Hardwoods *. Sot twoods. Dressing Facilities WHOLESALE - RETAIL 328 Ritson Rd. N. Oshawa 725-4744 ENGI NEERED FOR EXCELLENCE Gi. 4-Door Sedan A comfortable, reliable sedan with lots of standard features. Smooth and economical front- wheel drive with responsive road handling. That's Subaru engineering - test drive the GL Sedan today. 155 KIng St. W. Oshawa 579-6224 li~ 8 %i 160 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa 728-0181 or 728-7655 Improve business -topic Guidelines for a Busi- ness Improvement Area Board will be the topic of an address at the Aprîl meeting of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce. Guest speaker will be Clinton Collier, execu- ti ve director of the Downtown Oshawa Business Improvement Area Board of Manage- ment, who will outline what has been done by the Oshawa board. Items to be discussed include the need for hiring a part-time or fuil-time executive director, how money is spent by the board, benefits of an increased budget, studies done and their purpose, stu- dents to conduct studies, setting up breakfast meetings, block cap- tains to keep member- ship informed and at- tracting new businesses to the area. The meeting will be held at the Earl of Durham Dining Lounge, 227 Brock St. S., with a social hall hour at 6 p.m., followed by din- ner and Mr. Collier's speech at 6:30 p.m. The date of the meeting is Wednesday, April 27. Anyone wishing to at- tend is asked to cail the Chamber at 668-4506 be- fore April 25 to confirm their attendance. <Take WE'RE C5fNote MO VINE AN UKUAN ITRANSPLANTI IT COULD BE CALLED... FROM MIDTOWN MALL TO THE NEW DINES PLAZA CORNER KING AND GIBBONS! NEW FACILITIES TO SERVE YOU RETTER THROUGH LESSONS. ~ AAHA MUSIC BOOKS AND CESRF. NALLNMUSIC 400 King St. W. (at Gibbons) (Di nes Plaza) OSHAWA 571-2100 *Roses *Vegetable Plants *SOU *Peut Mosu PRI NTING invitations -matches.- serviettes m - MR ta A ai-Pl R 1 a a- -