WHITBY FREE PRÈ~S, HOME4IPROVEMENT SECTION, WEDNESDAY MAY 4. 1083,PAG-E 0 Made of a microscopi layer of metal sandwiche( beween durable polyes<e film, transparent shade. use the same technolog) that provides tlin, lightweight insulation foi satellites and the Space Shuttie. "Transparent shades are a down-to-earth windov treatment that operate just like conventional roller shades," said Wadlinger whose firm markets a line of tra 'nsparent shades called Valvac Film Shades. "During the day, when solar heat gain problemis are at their worst, you can draw Valvac Film Shades without totally losing light robs a room of lighi.' The fourtb possibility- transparent insulating shades - îs becoming the choice of thousands of hou-sebolds througbout thc U.S. The sun, which is good for growing crops. warm-, ing the eartb and providing a tan, often is an unwel- corne visitor in the home. Sun streaming through windows can rob a house of the cooling effect of air conditioners, and it can damage furniture and rugs. The suni has only one means of entry into a house - through the windows - and experts have proven there are fourmethods of preventing this. . 'Move into a cave. 2. PaÎit ail windows black. 3. Use bulky layers of insulation or light-blocking shades or drapes. can be expensive and it or the view outside. As the weather changes, or the sun moves, transparent shades can be drawn up or down to permit the degrees of light and beat desired to enter through windows," he added. Transparent insulating shades also function dur- ing the winter. When drawn, they not only mrate an insulation air space be- tween the window and the shade, they also bounce in- terior heat moving against the window back into the room. Ano the r their abilityi nishings. advantage is to protect fur- carpets and drapes by screening out virtually ail of the sun's ul- traviolet light. In addition, the shades reduce glare and uncom- fortable hot spots near windows. T 'hey also insure privacy:, you can see out and the light shines through, but outsiders can- not see in. ONE SYSTEM FOR ALI SEASONS - Valvac transparent window shades provide homeowners with a complete, year-round solar contraI system for their windows. The insulating shades, shown on the lefi window, reg ulate the amount of solar energy that goes through windows, reflecting heat out in the summer an d keeping it in during the winter. Best of ail, the shades work without blocking sunlight or the view, and can be raised or lowered nie regular window shades. lt's 'clear ta see' that transparent window shades are a sure bet for helping homeowners keçp comfortable and cut energy costs - twelve months a year. t 4. Adapt space-age technology and bang trans- parent insulating shades that bounce the heat of the sun back through the win- dows while allowing.igbt to fui the room. The first two alterna- tives usually are rejected for esthetic and social rea- sons. The third choice 'is thé traditional approach, but it bas'built-in drawbacks: It n DO-lT- YOUR SELF How to achieve proper ventilation Q. "We bad Our home insulated this past year. ln the summer, the bouse be- came botter witb the temperature up to 8501F. even witb the air condi- tioner running. We bad put in extra roof vents but that didn't seem to help as tbe installers.. ran the insulation over the eaves. I've since beard that tbis isn't rigbt. Wbat do you say?*" (Reader question from Mrs. G. Brooks of Hamilton, Ont.) A. First of aIl. any insula- tion contractor that instails insulation rigbt out into the eaves is doing a borne- owner a great disservice. Altbougb some insulation may spill out there during installation, ani air passage must be left for the free flow of air from the over- bang to tbe attic. Most building codes in- sist on 144 square incbes of unobstructed ventilating space for every 300 square fret of attic floor. Hall of this must be in the over- bang: the other hall in the roof. You migbt also want to consider an attic exhaust system. We wvould suggest thath you get tbe installer back and bave bim do the job rigbt. If you don't get this condition fixed. you'Il be faced witb even greater problems.h >If you bave any questions. send tbemn to YES YOU CAN c/o Canadian Do-lt- Yourself M agazine. 2000 Ellesmere Rd., Unit 3. Scar- borougb, Ont. M 1H 2W4. As a special bonus, ail readers wbo send their nameand address will re- ceive a free back issue of Canadian Do-It-Vourself Magazine. SALES New Motors, V-Boits, Puilsya Ohains & Sprockts Pumpua& Bearings -I DOORS WITH 4SEALS (PATENTED) MORE THAN 2" THICK SUNRISE sALE £f ALUMINUM 1626 Charles St. (Factory) Whltby, Ontarlo i 668-7602 F BUY DIRECTLY L FROM FACTORY L SAVE THE COST 0F MIDOLEMEN. PRICÈ REG PRICE 8260.00 Si159.91, 8300.001 IN COLOUR "ROM 9 $12 9SALE PAICE .WER PRICEO THAN 2" DOORS WITH ONLV 3 SEALS. SALE PRICE VALID UNTIL MAY 14,1953. DO h.N O IuM Valvac transpare nt shades are available in sev- eral decorator tints. Used with decorative window treatrnents such as draper- les, shutters or blinds. they give homeowners a year- round energy control sys- tern. HONDA -Aerators -Roto tillers Brookliin Rentaisl 53 Baldwin St. Brooki In 655-3600 Segeeogu ONINOUIaNOO lUlY VR NIIV3H 1VAOUddV ±la1lio J.8% *elqeIf eu e logsoou ouîuo, seolÂep ouilAUs AOeue 'nuei JBOAI 5 SSJB1UI !ONINOIlNO, IMON "istw .lss ore ýV UOd MON BNOHd LN3flÂVd O îIiîpuoo-jîe lebUlIgeL liîe IR ?JO 'd'S*'0 '9wnd IUSH 'O %% Jod ON- uoIWIIBI1suI Q111V NOILZ Id Me SIOPOW ee Aflg Transparent Shades irîsulate Year Round SERVICE Repr and R.wlndlng to ail mokes of Eloctric Motors & Pumpa Ajax Eiectrlc Motor Service 121 MOMASTER AVENUE AJAX, ONTARIO LiS 2E6 683-7541 WHY PAY $ 1, 000. OR MORE FOR YOUR LANDSCAPING? Bole&, Campbel,# Grdon Ceëntretb Hwy. No. 2, On. Block East of Harwoodl, Ajax. Imagine Vour Home Iandscaped with full 5' to 6' MOUNT BATTEN JUNIPERS complemrented- by 3', GOLD TIP OR GREEN SPREADING PHITZERS. 5'PINE TREES $6305apiece WHITE BIRCH Singies $30.oo We cari offer You EnisIiih style flagsione, wvalkways, traditional cobblestone or interlock. SPECIALS CONCRETE BSIRD BATHS $2996 HALF OA K BARRELS $0 Strawberries, Onions and Seed Potatoes in Stock. -INDUSTRIAL - RESIDENTIAL - -MAINTENANCE - LANDSCAPING- For service and free estimates cai -I lmflted CUSTOM BUILT POOLS AND SPAS. Let us put 2Oyear of experience to uork for you in your backyard. 579M2623 163 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa - - Àr L - 9- m a à ,LRAY MURRAY 1 r 1 686*4747 es . 655m36001