Whitby Free Press, 4 May 1983, p. 28

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Emporlunr Mm.. PR... iAds wiII only be accepted subjeot to the following conditions,, Soe, ARTICLES ATCE FOR SALE ARILE1 FOR SALE APARTMENT SIZE humidifiar $50. Pleese cail 668-2785. ATARI 2800, ln good condition, with two joysticks, two paddios and f ive cartridges (Pitfail, Pao- Man, Videé Olympics; Starmaster and Space Invaders). $250 or best aller. Phone 666-4M95. DA83 gultar and amp for sale. Vantago V86958 electrlc base, with hard uheli case and cord. Traynor bas amp TS25B - on. 15-lnch speaker, 25 watts RMS. Both Ilke new, $450 for the pair. OelRy, 668-3418, eveninga. BRAND NEW 24 volume of ency- clopedia, 10 vol. childrel's ciassics, 4 vol. medical book. Worth $1200. SOul for $690. Pisaesoeil 728-2370. CHANGE table $12. Girls baby and toddier ciothing: 28 Items 508ech; 22 Items $1 aach. Six baby shots and ieankots $1. Dia. per peul $2. Messit cerpot swoep- or $12. Electric flbar polisher $15. Cash anly. Phonoe666.2510. ELECTRIC Iewnmowar, Sunbeam deluxe, $100 or bost offor. Oeil 6O64m. ELECTROLUX rug shampooer, new condition, usad twica, $200. On. moto-cross bike, excellent condition, $50. One 20" child's bike M20 Phone 576-993. 5 PIECE kitchen set with brown uphoîaîered chairs, excellent condition, $M0. OhIid's desk and matchIng chair $25. Oeil alter 5 p.m. 668-4. FOR SALE - Convertible bicycle, 20" wheei, Canadien made, ln ex- cellent condition, $70. Oelil 608 6067after6 p.m. FOR SALE - Envirolot ocologicel tailet, Including vent kit, now condition, $350 f irm. Mendolin banjo $150. Sun lamp $25. Oeil 655O.800 FOR SALE - 45 aiumlnum Insert windows, ana size, 40;4" (45"> x 37", $4 eech. Phono 655-4097. FOR SALE - 1978 Honda XR75, mint condition, $400. 1976 Honda XR75, gaod condition, $350. Phone 655-3977. FOR Immediate resuits, advertise In th. Pree Pross Emporium. Check your ciosots, attlc and basemant - start summer with cash In hand and your epring cleanlng done. ClOeIW6-6111 now. FOR SALE, Zenith 19" black and white TV, $60. Wrng.r waher, excellent condition, $100. Cash only. Phone0666-1663. 4 PIECE antique bedroom suite $M0. 1972 Delta Olda, rune, not cortified, $200. Quoon aize bed- spred, drape and aheers $100. Phone 668-2551.,after 4 p.m. weok- day$. Ail dey wookenda. GAREN TRACTOR - walk bellind heavy duty type, Brlggs a Straton engin., 12 Inch tires, 3 speedae forward, neutrai and re- ver»e, four attachments Inciuded. One furrow plow with coulter, on@ diso harrow (8 disc); one cultlvator, one front end bleds for gradlng and snow. Ali ln A-i shape. $99. Ptlha655-499. .!. Slow Cooker, used twice, =15. G.E. Coffematic, good con- dition, $20. PhoneO 668-65 l fer ý5p.M. THERE ARE PEOPLE wiIIng ta psy good money for thIngs you've tired of. Place your advor- tisement ln the Whtby ro. Pros. Emporium Section. As fast as a phono cati, meults happent Oetil 668111 today. r 0MANDFATHER dlock for sale. A Milte over 6 foot tail, soild cherry. wood, Westminster dlock, Lyre 6½," pendular. Flnished ta your requiromonts. $850. Phone 655. 4097. GUNS FOR SALE: 20 gauge $60 .22 cal. $50. Cail 728.4849 and ask for Ken. HEAVY duty car jack $60. Sewlng machine $50. Teil white book- case $50. WheeIbarrow, naw, $20. Old oek wash stand $45;- Four oak chairs $15 each. Camp stove $20. Stop Iadder $12. Iron trame aid achool deak $40. Mena bike $50. Largeolad crack $35. Typewritor $30. Phono 6838638. HOUSE TRAILER hitch, for fuli- size late modal Fards, cast $150, asking $65, wil Inatail. Traliar canapy, gaod quality, canvas and vinyl, beige and brawn, 8x12, $60. Phono 668-7437. JET FLOATINO dock, 18 places, $500. Caat ran rail top bathtub, $50. Calil668&7498. KILN, ln gaod condition, 3 years aid, esking $450. Air brush, 2 years aid, asking $100. Freo giarers Inciuded. Phono 666. 1677 aftarB6 p.m. KUBOTA Fliu mawar, naw, 5 foot wida, fine cut, modal 3661, $2,000. Phone 655-3477. MANS sheepakin coat, siza 40, brand new, worn oniy twlco. Bought for $400. Asking $200. Muetosali. PhoneO6682119. MUST SELL 26" color T.V. $200. Beautiful picture. Twa 12" black & white TV's $100 or $60 each. Oelil 683-7017. NEW black swivei ber stool, ragular $109.95, esklng $75. New flourascont Ilght fixtura, two tubas, 48", wlth buiba, asking $20. Naw large Tonka tays, ask- Ing $15.COeil 668-0586. ONE ad ln the Whitby Pro. Press Emporium Section wIlsai aimoat anythlng. Oeili668-61 11. wc - PLEASE READ - Whon the advortised Item 19sosld, diaposod af, or unavailable for whatover roason, the Item wiII be deomed ta have been sold and a commission wIii be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Ilustrated beiow, rogardlesa If price la stated with 'best affor". If the Item ls NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiIi be run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 86.00 wiii appiy payable In advanco of publication of the first ad. Otherwise a 87.50 charge wii ap- piy If billed whIch muet bo paid upon recolpt of bill. The above minimum charges wiii bo appiiod ta the final commission duo but ln any casa the higher amount wiii bo charged. Minimum charge: $8.00 pro-paid; 87.50 bilied. Maximum commission: 8100.00. Ail advortlsemonts must b. piaced on an ex- clusive basis with the WHITSY FREE PRESS and run atîsast one monlth If not soid. 5% of advertised prie Up te $400 RATES (if artIie la sold): EXAMPLE: Sold Item adertis.d for $12000. Commission due $6.W0 (minimum charge ia $O.00). Privats advortising onlyl Ploase notif the Whitby Frea Prose immodiataiy whan Item la aold go that we may doieto It from the foiiawing Issue. Ail ada nat fitting the Emporium guidelinos wiii b. treated and charged par weak as ragular ciasaified ads on a pro-paid bais such as: services, hoip wantod, ciothing, rosi astato, and personai message type ads, or ads not quotlng prico or quantity. Private ciessIfied ado may appear ln the Emporium section undereappropriete headings. ALLADS WLLGOIOn:A If n dobt a., OR ---.-.,..'70: AUTOMOTIVE FREE PRESS EMPORIUM 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. PARTSIII E PO. Box 206 Whitby, Ont1. 0 * Whitby, LiN 5S1 AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FOR SALE THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE - On. new electronlc Ignition FRIDAY REVIOU TO PULICATINrATiNON.kit for ail GM V8's F RID Y P E VI O S T P U B IC A IO N T N O N . 9M o to 1974 and A m aricen MtrV881963 ta 1974 with Delco dîstributors $50. Phono ____________________579-2352. ~L ARTCLE FORSAE ~ .,ARTICLES AUTOMOBILES FO S L F RSA E 173 STANDARD VOLKSWAGEN I AUTOMOBILE 1N 0L0 * FOR LE000 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY, 318, automatc, power braks, power stearing, heavy duty, runs good, noda soam body work. $250 as la or trada for air compressor, send blastIng aqulpment or peint aqulpmant. Oeil 668-785. 1972, SUICK SKYLARK, -body gaod condition, needa transmis- alan, V8, big block, new tiras on rear. $30 or best cffer. Phono 668&1377. on rims and 4-speed transmis- sion wlth swing axies. Parts $5 ta $75. $150 for al. Phono 282-8760. RADIAL TIRES, twa GR70-15 tires, fair condition, $45 pair. Cail afler 6 p.m 668-3885. IDj NEDS ONE Gondron Infant love seat $25. On. Gandron child lova seat $50. Bath ln good condition. Phono 655-3575 afttr 5 p.m. and weekends. N3iUiiSEOLD ONE chaterfilaid, orignaly Skier, racaverad once, $200. On. Simplicity washer spIn-dryer, 1 'h yeara aid, as le, $100. Phone 655- 1956 EVINRUDE, 25 h.p., $125. Standard typowriter $25. Three 5x7 vinyl covored room dividers with loe, $15 each. Four floor polishors, $25 oach. Phone 576- 0769. Calil 686111 te place your ad. 1970 CHEVELLE, 4 dr., good run. nlng condition, noeds minor wark for certification, $200 as le. 1978 Monda 400 twIn, mint condition, beer box, highwey bars and mag whoels, must be soon, $1,200. Two burgandy b.d chairs, 1ke now, $8Opalr. One York exeoise bench wlth log exerciser $60. Oelil 668-2912. ONE heavy duty set of acotylena torches, by iquid air, complote with cuttIng tlp and hases, $200. New heavy duty air hammor $40. Phono 686-4874. PROPANE gas space hoater com- plt. with pipes $125. Wringer washlng machine $75. Phono 723-1605. SUEDE jacket, rabbIt fur callar, excellent condition. Warn twice, drycioaned, aimost now. Sizo le. Asking $100 or beat 0f fer. Con- tact Miko or Annette at 668-8404. 3 H.P.' SEARS compreamor, 30 hours use, 25 galion tank, $950 negotlebie. Phono 855-3503. TWO AR-14 booksholf 2-way Speakers ratod et 150 watts each $225. Two Shura SM-57 micro- phonos complet. with dosk stands, iow impedance, $150 for pair. One largo Lazy Boy recliner, leather, siightly worn, $75. Phone 666-3958. 200 WATT P.A. Amp and 8 Chan- nel MIxboerd. Great for rocording or Performing. Excellant condi- tion. Paid $1,800. Asking $900. Phone 688-4868 after 6:30 p.m. VACUUM - Filtar Qusen with et- tecliments. Excellant condition. $150. Phono 743-0929. 1980 OLDSMOBILE OMEGA, 2 door, standard transmission, good condition, 35 M.P.G. Ask- Ing $5,695. Phono 728-7158 any- time. 1980 PONTIAC PHOENIX, power steering, power brakes, sun roof, air condinlng, 4 spead, stan- dard, AM/FM storeo cassette recorder, certifled. Asking $4,900. Phone 666-1499. CALL 6684111 ta place your ad. 1078 SUICK LE SASSE, 4door, herdtop, mechanicaliy sound, needs bodyworic. As ls $650. Cali 668-8543 affer 5 p.m. 1973 FIREBIRD "ESPRIT", naeds body work, $1,100 ln now parts. Wili sali for sae. Neotiabie. Oelil 728-6050 alttor 5 p.m. 1973 TOYOTA, as ls, good for car parts. Asking $200. Phono 668- 0303. Mes! Ihte "Recycler ol Unwants v The Emorlum Socllsn eGIbo WhIIby Fr00 Prossi 4964. Arz1BE Uw Coli Us Now At 668-61 i Y Or Use This Form To Mail Tour Ad ln, 1 have read the Emporium guldellnes and wlsh to have the followlng advertise- Iment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press.I There is no reason to keep thlngs you don't need or enjoy because they're valuable. There are customers wiIling to pay good money for things you've tired of. (don't forget to include your phono number) CI i enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. Ol Charge $600 to my Visa account. E] Blil me $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Name (pieas e print - f lrst and iast nome) Street Addresss Clty Postai Code MAIL TO: WHITrBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whltby LIN 551 Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the classified department of the Whitby Free Press. You will be pleased with -the quick resuits. As fast as a phone cail, resu Its happen! 816,500. For ilat cf options, please cali 666.61 TO. MOVINQ - 9 place soild oek dining room suite. Brand new - nover used. Pedestai extension table, beige vaivet on chairs. 7- -foot buffet and hutch with iight glass on aidas aiso. Exquisite. Peld $5,99798, asklng $4700.00. Bought 2 months ago. Phono 668-2395. QUEEN-SIZE bed chesterfld, red velour, like new, $400. Oeti 666-2702. QUEEN-SIZE waterbed with brown veivet button tuft, four poster wlth water mattress, hat- or, weterbed shoots and mattres cover Inciuded. $500. Oeli 668. 6998. TWIN mattross, box spring end frame, extra long', 80", excellent condition, $100. Phono 579-3354. MÃ"TORCYCLES I OR SI. SALE 1981 HONDA Interatate, 14,000 km. Too many options taIlist. Ex- cellant condition. $5,400. Oelil 655-3917. 19M HONDA 400 cc HAWK, bought ln sprIng 1981, gaod con- dition, heimats and a rein suit In- ciuded, 17,000 km., weil maintain- ed, must seil, $1,200 or best affer, WINl certIfy. EmInent organ, Saline A315, two full koyboards, five pro-set percussions, Orbi- tons and Arpegglo-metic Ritmlx box, foot pedals, $1,550 or bost offor. Phono 683-4307. 1190YAMAHA Endura 175, 10w mileage, very gooid condition, $1,000 f irm. Phono 668-6494. YAMAHA trail bike, NX 80, bought now summer of 1982, nover ridden ln winter, mint con- dition. Perfect beglnnor's motor biko, $695. Cali 655-4267 etter 4 P.m. INSTRUMNTS HOHNER Tango Il M Accordien, 96 base, toteily reconditîoned, $900. Throe-yoar.old Yamahe Olassical Guiter, excellent condi- tion, $120. Phone 668-7965 after 5 p.m. SILVERTONE oiectrlc chord organ, 72 chords, gond condition, with bench, $200 flrm. OeIl 668& 9.TjRILjjjJ APACHE "Mess' Traiter, 1975, good condition, 2-20 lb. propane botties, 3-way frldge, new apare tire, aboopa 6, curtaine, ail ABS extorior, $2Z500. Phone 6687965 after 5 p.m. COVERED box tralier, 7 foot by 12 foot, 5 foot high, removable top, 2 electrlc brake exes, $1.800. Phone 655-3477. FuSALI 1974 CI-EV % TON wlth cap, 64,000 original miles, very good running condition - body nese work. $1,000 f lrm. Phonoe6M& 4630 belwoon 6:30 p-m. and 9 p.m. VAN - 1982 M Ton Ohev, 350, V8, 4 barrel, Super Van Conversion, Ioaded with extras. Asking m 1 a vm.%Owrl. 0 lvlp% y "te IUOJ, wml 1 MY FREE PRESS 2% ci balance over $M.00

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