Whitby Free Press, 11 May 1983, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEIJNESDAY MAY 11, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS soeARTICLES ATCLE FOR SALE Q ýFOR SALE APARTMENT SIZE humidifier $50. Plas.cail 668&2785. ATARI MO0, in good condition, wlth two joysticks, two paddîes and f lve cartrldge& (Pltfall, Pac- Man, Vîdio Olymplcs; Starmaster and Space Invadirs). $25 or beat cifer. Phone 668m495. BRAND NEW 24 volume of încy. Clopedlas, 10 vol. children's cîmsîca, 4 vol. medîcal book. Worth $1200. SalI for $690. Pliaas. caii728-2370. CEDAR gardon swing, plcnlc table and 4 binchos, $130. Chest freezr, large, $250.. 9-drawer chOst 0f'drawors plus matchlng 2-drawer nlght table $60. Round bed, matchlng end tables, arm chair, puse,. round bedsproad and matchlng drapes $50. Table tennis table $60. Phono 725-3337. CHANGE table $12. GIrls baby and toddlir clothlng: 28 Items 50Ç each; 22 Items $1 oach. Six baby sheets and blankets $1. Dia- per psul $2. BiselI carpet sweep- er $12. Electric f loor polshor $15. Cash only. Phono 666&2510. ELECTRIC imwnmower, Sunbeamn deluxe, $100 or boat offer. Cmii ELECTROLUX rug shmmpooer, new condition, used twice, $200. One moto-croi bike, excellent condition, $50. On@ 2011 child's bik . 0.Phone 578.499. ô PIECE khuches-i ut wth brown uphoitered -,chairs, ~excellent condition, $M0. Chiid'a desk and matching chair $2. Cmli after 5 P.M. 81114M6. FOR SALE - Convertible bicycle, 20" wheei, Canadian mmdi, ln ex- cellent condition, $70. Cali 668- FOR SALE - Crmftsman rldlng mower, '82 model, eloctric start, 36" eut twln' blades, 8 h.p. Briggs & Stratton enginoa, 5 pe.d trans- mission wth neutril and reverse, pneumatic tires, hemdlights, used oniy three timîs. Compare at $1800. 8e11 for $1,485. Phono FOR SALE - Envirolot icologicaI toilet, Inciudlng vent kit, new condition, $35 firm. Mandolin banjo $150. Sun lamp $25. Cil 655M00. FOR SALE - 45 aiumlnum Insort windows, one size, 40W' 45",) x 37", $4 each. Phone 655-4097. FOR SALE -'1978 Honda XR75, mint condition, $400. 1976 Honda XR75, good condition, $35. Phone 655-3977. FOR SALE:- Zenith 19" black and white- TV, $60. Wringer washîr, excellent condition, $100. Cash only. Phoneoo66-1663. 4 PIECE antique badroom suite $60. 1972 Delta Olda, rune, not certifled, $200. Oueen susze bd. sPread, drapes and sheers $100. Phono 66&.2551 after 4 p.m. woek- daye. Ail day weekonds. GARDEN TRACTOR - walk behlnd heavy duty type, Brlggs a Striton engino, 12 Inch tires, 3 speedi forward, neutral and re- vers, four attachments Inciuded. One furrow plow wlth coultor, one disc harrow (8 disco); one culivator one front end blade for grading and snow. Ail ln A-i shape. $99. Phone 655-4995. G.E. Slow Cooker, used twice, $25. G.E Coffeematic, good con- dition, $2. Phone 66e-7965 &fter 5 p.M. GUNS FOR SALE: 20 gauga $60. 22 cal. $50. Cail 728-4849 and ask for Ken. GRANDFATHER dlock for sale. A llttte over 6 foot taîl, solld cherry- Wood, Westminster dlock, Lyre 61k" pondular. Flnlshed to your requlremnents. $85. Phono 65- 4097. HEAVY duty car jack $60. Sowlng machine $50. Tali white book- case $50. Whoelbarrow, now, $20. OId oak wash stand $45. Four oak châirs $15 each. Camp stove $20. Stop Iadder $12. Iron frme old ochool desk $40. Mens bîko $50. Largo old crock $35 Typowrlter $30. Phono 083-6638. NOlISE TRAILER hltch, for full- sîzo late model Fords, cost $150, asklng $65, wlll Instali. Traloer canopy, good quallty, canvasa and vinyl, belge and brown, 8x12, $60. Phono 668&7437. KUBOTA Flail mower, new, 5 feet wldî, fine cut,' modal 3861, $2,000. Phono 655-3477. MUST SELL 26" color T.V. $20. Beautiful pîcture. Two 12" black & white TV's $100 or $60 each. Cal 683-7017. NEW black swlvoi bar stoi, regular $109.95, asklng $75. New 48" fiourescent rubes, $2 each. New large Tonka toys, asklng $15. On. bookcase bed $30. One triple dresser and mirror $60. Bookcasi $10. Box epring and mettrens, A-i condition, $100. Coleman gas Iantern $20. Beaver fable saw, 8", $300 or boast offer. Black & Docker Skiisiw $50 - sabre siw $30. Craituman sander $30. Cmii 668.056 1910 EVINRUDE, 25 h.p., $125. Standard typewrlter $25. Thre 5x7 vinyl covored rooro dlvidere with logs, $15 oach. Four f loor polishêru, $25 each. Phone 576. 0769. 1970 CHEVELLE, 4 dr., good run- nIng condition, neede mînor work for- certification, $200 as se. 1978 Hondo 400 twIn, mini condition, bémer box, highway bars and mmg wheels, muet be sean, $1,200. Two burgandy bed chairs,Ilike new, $80pair. One York exercise bench with log exorciser $60. Cai 66&2912. NOTHINO boîts an ad ln the Whitby Free Prese Emporium Section when Il come to soliing your unwmnted articles. Caii 668- 6111 now., There Is no rea- son to keep thlngs you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're valuable. There are customners willllng to pay good money for thlngs you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the cîasslfled depart- ment of the Whltby Free Press. You willl be pleased with the quick resuits. As fast as phone cali, suits happen! a re- When the advertlsed Item la sold, dlsposed of, or unavallable for whatever reason, the Item wiII be deemed to have been sold and a commission wlll be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as Illustrated below, rogardeses If prîce la stated with 'test offer". Itho Item la NOT SOLD, or dlsposed of, the ad wlII be run 'for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE oaf $600 wlll apply payable ln advance of publication of the fIrai ad. Otherwlse a $7.W0 charge wlll Sp. ply If billed whlch must be pald upon recelpt of bill. The above minimum charges willI b. appîîed to the final commission due but In any case the hlgher amount will be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-pald; $70 blled. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertlsements muet be placed on an ex- clusive basîs with the WHIT DY FREE PRESS and run atleast one month If not sotd. . 5%of averleedpric upto s .ooRATES (Ifirlie la soid): EXAMPLE: Sold Item îdvertised for $120-00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge la $600). Private advertlslng onlyl Pleaso notify the Whitby Free Prose lmmedlately when Item la sold so that we may delete It from the foiiowlng Issue. Alil ade not fitting the Emporium guidelines wiii b. treated and chargod per woek as rogular ciassifled ads on a pre-pald basis such as: services, holp wanted, clothing, rosi estate, and porsonai message type ads, or ado not quoting prIce or quantlty. Private ciasslfied ads may appear In the Emporium section under appropriate hoadîngo. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: if8-6n 1 doubt ciii: N P.0. Box 20 Whitby, Ont. * WhfbyLiN THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THEI I ~ ~FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. j~~ GnrVfn oesa $25. ne Gedronchild love seat $W. othln god condition. Phono 65&3575 alter 5 p.m. and ARICESARTICLES AUTOMOBILESI woekonds. FOR ALEFOR SALE FOR SALE 1 have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertlse- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. (don't forget tojncIude your phone number) CI I enclose $6.00 to Cover the minimum charge. CI Chàrge $6.00 to my Visa account. 1:1 Bill me $7.50 af ter flrst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Name (please print - f irst and Iast name) Street Address CIty Postal Code MAILTO0: WH ITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock StN. Whltby LIN 5S1 Ina AUTOMOTIVE PARTS FOR SALE - One new olictronlc Ignition conversIon'kit for ail GM V8's 1959 to 1974 and Amercan Moors V8'8 1963 to 1974 with Dlco dîtrbutors $5. Phono 579-2352. 1073 STANDARD VOLKSWAGEN for parts. Good body part. Tires on rms and 4-speed transmis- sion wlth swing axies. Parts $5 to $75. $150 for ail. Phono 282-870. RADIAL TIRES, two GR70-15 tires, fair condition, $45 pair. Cali PING PONO table $55. Nover used 2 man tant $15. Chlidron's bînoculars $5. Mensa 10-speod $85. Tri-lovel choeeot $12. Lamp $5. Oid Viking sterso $20. Phono 666-3712. PROPANE gis space heater com- ploe wlth pipes $125. Wrlnger washing machine $75. Phono 723-1605. ONE heavy duty set of acotylene torches, by iquid air,, comploe wlth cuttIng tlp and hoses, $20. New heavy duty air hammer $40. Phone 686-4874. 85 CEDAR 4x4's, $5 iach. Phone 655-4200. SUEDE jacket, rabbit fur coliar, excellent condition. Worn twlce, drydlimned, aimoat new. Size l6. Asklng $100 or beat offer. Con- tact Mike or Annette at 668.8404. 3 H.P. air comprossor, 4 monthe oid, 30 gallon capacity, $85. Air file $85. New feather duster $75. Impact gun $6. Torchis $150. Phone 686-4874. 3 H.P.-SEARS compressor, 30 houri use, 25 galion tank, $950 negotiabie. Phone 655-3503. TWO AR-14 booksheif 2-way speakers rated at 150 watts oach $225. Two Shure SM-57 micro- phones complote with desk stands, low Impedance, $150 for pair. On. largo Lazy Boy recliner, leathor, silghtiy worn, $75. Phono 666-3958. 200 WATT P.A. Amp and 8 Chan- nel Mlxboard.-Great for recording or performing. Excellent condi. tion. Paid $1,800. Asking $90. Phone 686-486 after 6:30 p.m. VACUUM - Filter Oueen wlth at- tachments. Excellent condition. $150. Phone 743-0929. WOOD STOVEý Fisher Marna, $280. Dlning roomn suite, Formica and wood table with extension, 4 wood and cioth chairs, $95. Cii 655-3546. 0 ot TOOBILES1 FOR SALE 1900 PONTIAC PHOENIX, power eteering, power brakes, sun roof, air conditloning, 4 epeed, stan- dard, AMIFM sterso cassette recorder, certifled. Asking $4,900. Phone 666-1499. 1980 OLDSMOBILE OMEGA, 2 door, standard transmission, good condition, 35 M.P.G. Ask- ing $5,695. Phono 728.7158 any- time. 1975 BUiCi( LE SABRE, 4 door, hardtop, mechanficaîîy eound, needs body work. As ls $65. Cali 668-8543 after 5p.m. 1974 PONTIAC ASTRE, 4 cyiind- er, automatic, 49,000 original miles. $400 or boaf offer. As la. Phone 666.2187 or 655.3279.' 1973 FIREBIRD 'ESPRI, neede body work, $1,100 ln new parts. WiIl I lifor same. Negotimbie., Cali 7284MOSafter 5 p.m. 1973 PLYMOUTH FURY, 318, aufOmitic, power brakes, power eteerlng, heivy dufy, runs good, neede some body woric. $25,0 le or trade for air compressor, sand biasting equlpment or paint equipment. Cali 668.785. 1973 TOYOTA, as le, good for car parts. Asking $200. Phone 668- 0303. 1971 OLDS DELTA 88, Va, auto- matic, ln good condition. $55 as e~Moel Iheo"eVncycler 01 Unwanls" The EmPorum sOCHO lono heWhIIhY Free PPSsSI Iý SUPPLIES 14' FIBERGLASS boat, 35 hors- POwer motor, Speedo. Two gas tanks, controis. Complote with traloer and convertible top. $900. Phone 666-1091. 18' CUTTER, convertible top, 125 h.p. Mercury motor and power trIm. Tandem Traliex trallor and Oxtras. $5650 or bost offer. MOUOS ILAUS gultar and amp for sale. Vantage VSM9B eiectric basa, MOVINOI - Complote lvng oom wIfh hard MhON case and cord. st, new, custom mde to match, Traynor bas amp Ts25B - on@ off-white v ivet. Lrg o sofa, love. 15-nch p eker, 25 watts RMS. $set and two swivel chair. Exqui- Both Re new, $450 for the pair. elfe. Pad $3,50. Aeing $2,50. Cali Riy, 68-3418, evennge. ONE chesterfleid, orlgInally Skiar, recoverdd once, $200. Phono 655-4964. ZoCii 0684111tf0place ypur md. TWIN mattrees, box spring and frame, extra long, 8011, excellent condition, $100. Phono 57 .4 MOC RCYLB S FOR SSALE 1981 HONDA Interatate, 14,000 km. Too many options to liet. Ex. collent condition.' $5,400. Cail 655-3917. 1900MONDA 400 ce HAWK, bought In sprlng 1981, good con-' dition, heimete and a rain suit In- ciuded, 17,000 km., wîll maintain- od, muet soli, $1,200 or best offer, wlil certify. EmInent organ, Solina A315, two full koyboards, five pro-set percussions, Orbi- tone and Arpeggio-matic Ritmix boi4,-f" ~tpedais, $1,550 or best offor. Phono 683-4307. 1900 YAMAHA Enduro 175, low mileage, very good condition, $1,000 flrm. Phone 668-6494. YAMAHA trail bike, NX 80, bought now summer of 1962, neyer rIdden In wlnter, mint con- dition. Perfect beglnner's motor bike, $695. Cail 655-4267 after 4 p.m. UEEN-SIE bd Chesterfield, red velour, like new, $400. Cali 666-2702. QUEEN-SIZE waferbed with brown velvt button tfut, four poster wth water mattress, heaf- r, wterbed shoots and mattres cover ncluded. $50. Cli 668& Coli Us Now At 668-6111 Or Use This Form To mail, Tour Ad HONNER Tango il M Accordlan, 96 base, totaliy recondltioned, $90. Three-year-oîd Yamaha CIassîcai Gultar, excellent condi. tion, $120. Phono(6111-7965 after Sp.m. SILVERTONE iiectric chord organ, 72 chorde, good condiftIon, wlth bench, $200 flrm. Cmli 6Oô& APACHE "'Mesa" Trallor, 1975,, good condition, 2-20 lb. propane bottios, 3-way frIdgo, new spire tire, siee- 6, curtains, ail ABS exferior, $2,500. Phono 668-7965 &fter 5 p.m. CAMPING TRAILER, 1973 Lionel, sloeps 6, excellent condition, canopy, propane stove, ico box. $14,000. Phone 668.7452 aller ô p.m. COVERED box triller, 7 foot by 12 foot, 5 foot hlgh, removable top, 2 elocitic brîke aies, $1,800. Phone 655-3477. 1974 CHEV TON with cap, 64,000 original miles, very gond running condition - body neede work. $1,000 flrm. PhoneOU8 4630 between 6:30 p.m. and 9 VAN - 1982 ý4 Ton Chev, 350, V8, 4 barrol, Super Van conversion, loided wlth oxtras. Asklng 816,500. For lIst 0f options, ploase cil 668-817a. 2% of balance over $400.00 OR DELIV ER TO: AUTOMOT NOUSEOfOLD tPARTS 1100,18 If ln doubt cali: à%à%db ý- - -

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