Whitby Free Press, 11 May 1983, p. 8

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ANNUAL MEETING The twelfth annual meeting of Information Oshawa wlll be held on Wednesday, May 25, 7:30 p.m. lni the Council Chambers of Oshawa City Hall. Guest speakers Larry Solway and Nuala Fitz- Gerald wlll discuss "Bard Sel ln a Tough- Seli Time". The meeting is open to the public and ail people present have voting privileges. Refreshmnents will be servedi. Cail 728-233 for further detais. WE'RE SPRAYING WEEDS NOW' CALL US FOR PROMPT SERVICE 655u8888. LAWN CARE PROGRAMS '83 FORA WEED FREE LUSH GREEN JEIj HEALTHY LAWN CALL 655-8888 NO CHARGE TO HAVE THE WEED DOCTOR VISIT & CONSULI WITH YOU. The Church Spea'ks Sponsored by the WHITBY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION By REV. STANLEY ISHERWOOD Rector, St. John's Church, Whltby GOD 15 STILL AT WORK I received in the mail last week notice of an inter- ýnational conference for Anglican Clergy to be held this suznmer in Texas. On glancing over the names of the leaders, men of great repute, there among them was the name of Canon Charles Alexander, of Calgary. This rnight notbe at ail extraordinary ex- cept that this very week that same Charles Alexand- er is in Whitby - to be precise, leading a mission at St. John's Anglican Church. The mission is called "Something New'?, but, it isn't really, because we wil be learning about the power of God and that's the oldest thing.we know about ... "In the beginning God created..."* What might be new to some of us is the idea that God is stiil at work and flot enjoying an eternal day of rest. If we'read our Bibles we discover that God is at work throughout its pages from beginning to end, and it is full of promises that his work doesn't end with the writing of Bible. Why then do we not expeet to see hlm working stiil? So many Christians have tuned out God the miracle worker and substituted God the friend. Do they need to be exclusive of each other? As a young- ster I used to hear of "Roman Catholie" miracles usually having to do with saints. Since they were Roman Cathollc, to me they were lmmedlately sus- pect, not to be taken serlously. As I grew older I heard about miracles in Pentecostal Churches. But these were equally suspect because of their associa- tion wlth the "lemotlonallsm"l so forelgn to my kind of Christianlty. So the power of God at work was successfully limlted in my mmnd to bis hand in nature. Soon, however, the miraculous began to leap denominational bounds, and It was not in other churches only but in mine that they began ta, talk of God's power. Gradually the miracles became not Roman Catholic 'or Pentecostal or even Anglican, but Biblical!1 It is there, isn't it, that wo read of the Church as a place of power? And s0 I was forced ta ask, should we not expect to see God at work in every church and every congregation, not only in the great gift 0f forgiveness, but also in the empowering of its mom- bers to ministries of reconcifiation, healing and wit- nessing? I have to confess that this is not really my exper- ionco. It is more true ta say that many of our chur- ches conform ta Paul's description of the last days, when "men wiil be ... holding the form of religion but denying the power of it2 1 (2 Timothy 3:2-5). If we are to take the Bible at ail seriously we have to see it as the record of workings of a powerful God who bas not removed hirnself from Ris people but wants to work in -and througb them to do great things. "Behold I make ail things new" ho promises (Rev. 21:5). That is a promise to bis church as much as to any one member. Please pray for St. John's parish and Charles Alexander that we may be open to God's renewing power. Ken Taylor at Durham College Kenneth Taylor,- Canadian Consul Gener- EAST ENDal in New York, will be the speaker at Durham * £IY EA S Colege's Fifteenth An- nual Convocation on &DELCATESENMay 28. The ceremony starts at 1 p.m. in the Oshawa Civic Audi- Servng yu pesonai1ý ith torium.- the ines & reshst mat.Mr. Taylor bas had a distinguished career in the Canadian Foreign Fonde matbaco rols, Service, serving in Gua- temala, Detroit,.Krachi, spicd bef, orkroass'.London, Ottawa and Tehran, prior to assum-_ ing his present post in LargevarityofNew York. coldcuts& cheseHe exhibited great valour in rescuing partyplaters.American Consular staff and their families during the hostage Freeer eef r prk.taking ordeal in Iran. WernkeouownMr. Taylor received the United States Congres- homlimde ausge.sional Gold Medal, and is an Officer of the or- FREE OFFE wit ànyder of Canada. Ris academic and per- Kaisr orSandich.sonal honours are Loýaed i themany, and include: 'I Doctor of Laws, Lauren- BlairPark lazatian University, State 107 upinDr.University of New York Whitb 6684782and St. Frances Xavier University; Haas Inter- Closd Modaysnational Award, Univer- sity of California; NOW OPE IN YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD 1010 DUNDAS ST. W., WHITBY ai GREENWORLD GARDEN MARKET -FRESH DAILY Pot Plants Fruits Garden Plants Cut Flowers & Hanging Baskets Vegetables ALWAYS A WEEKLY SPECIAL May 9-14 Freshly plcked from - Durham Reglon Greenhouse Tomatoos...................$1.501 per lb. 13.3 kg. Open dally from 9:00 a.m..-8:30 p.m. - Saturdays tili 6:0 p.m. Closed on SU nda -s Detroit-Windsor Inter- national Freedom Festi- val Award;, Canadian Club, New York, Gold Modal, Award; New York Police Depart- ment, St.' George's Association, Golden Rule Award; State of California, .Medal of Merit; Avenue of the Amnerica's Association, New York, Gold Key Award; Freedom Foun- dation at Valley Forge, American Friendship Modal; Honorary Police Chief, Association, of Canadian Chiefs of Police; Keys to New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas, Las Vegas, Mami Beach, Ottawa and New York. Durbam Coilege's 1983 Convocation will be the largest ever, as thore are more than 800 prospective graduating students. Ruth Milne, Chair- man of the College's Board of Governors, will introduce the guest speaker, and Durham's President, Mol Garland, will preside at the Con- vocation. Cortificates and diplomnas wiil be presented by Dean of Academic Affairs, Lis- ter Robinson. There wiil be a reception at the ECollege foilowing the ceremony. 0.0,000 MEETING General elections for the 1983-84 executive'0f the Parent Advisory Committee ôf St. John. the Evangelist School, Whitby, are the order 0f business at the next meeting ta be held May 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the St. John's School gym. The Parent Advisory Committee has been a viable body since its in- ception two years ago. {owever, new member- bhips are essential for th committee to remain effective. We noed your interest. Weo need your support. fe need you. Joinus IWay 11. Cst L MAY DAY EXTRAVAGANZA SaturdaY, May 14183 f romi 12 noon - 5 p.m. Foaturlng: The Rlght Honourable Pauie McGlbbon, Mlnl.midway, pony rides, clowns, glant auction, car wash, dancing around the may pole, tea gardon, castie tours. For Further Information Cail 668«3358. FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY. I THE CORPORA' THE TOWN OF HTB STHE TOWN 0F WHITBY PROUDLY PRESENTS lION 0F THE 13TH ANNUAL "#RECOGNITION 0F ACHIEVEMENT NUGHT"I JUNE 229 1983 - 7:30 P.M. AT HEYDENSHORE PAVILION Anyone knowing an Individualor group worthy of recognition by the Town is cordially asked to forward any such names to the Parks & Recrea- tion Department of the Town of Whitby on or before May 27th. Please cali 668-7765 or send us your recom- mendation to 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8. ma /,ý cLf4;z. Li CLI- Sch-c5oL eh.-

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