Whitby Free Press, 18 May 1983, p. 5

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Corrdo Capers By MARY MCEACHERN Cai 7Z58967 wlth Items for ibis column. WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Tthe annual meeting of the Whitby Women's Insti- tute was held on April 27 at 1:30 p.m. at the house of the president, Dorothy Gregor. The meeting was opened ^by the ,president, with the assistance of the eceaytreasurer, Josephine Smith. The Institute Ode and the Mary Stewart Collect were repeated in unision by 13 members. The busi ness portion of the meeting then took place, and the convenors read and handed in their reports for the year 1982-8. The ehection of officers toplce and the officers for the coming year are: past-peident, Dorothy Gregor; president, Kath- leen Hepburn; secmretary-treasurer, Josephine Smith (re-mstated); assistant secretar-treasurer, Dorothy Gregor; flrst vice-president, Grace Carr; second vice, Emmy Ryan; district director, Aheta Campbell; alternate, Grace Carr; press represen- tative , Kay Hepburn; card convenor, Grace Carr; public relations officer, Dorothy Gregor; curator,' Kay Hepburn; agriculture and Canadjan industries, Greta Caverley; citizenship and world affairs, Grace Carr; education and cultural activities, Bessie Acton; famihy and consumer affairs, Laura McCarl; resolutions, Aheta Campbell. .The meeting adjourned wlth the serving of a deli- clous huncheon by the convenor, Kay Hepburn and M. Ward, assisted'by Dorothy Gregor. The May meeting wiih ha held at the home of Grace Carr, 309 Dunlop St. E., at 1: 30 p.m. BETA SIGMA PHI Beta. Sigma Phi would like to extend an invitation to women in the community who would 'like to enrich' their lives culturally and socially. Beta Sigma Phi meet, twice each monthi, and have several chapters in the Whitby-Oshawa area. Although Beta Sigma Phi is not a service organi- zation, its members do experience the joy of helping others. The record of theïr generosity is unbeliev-' able. If you would like to meet new friends and find out more about'Beta Sigma Phi, phease cail DeidreL Hope at 668-3544. Job report The number of clients un m lo e and reg is- erdfor work at th e Canada Employment Centres in Ajax, Whitby and Oshawa for the month of April totalled 19,051, -consisting of 7,848 femahe and 11,203 mie clients. Placements in the three offices totahiled 704 for the, month, which compares to a 'total of 386 placements during March. The majority of clients were registered In Clerical and related; Sales, Service; Product Fabrlcating, Assemb- ling and Repairing; Construction Trades; Material-Handling and Related. Durlng April, the greatest emphoyment opportunities existed in Manufacture of Trans- portation Equipment; Retail Trade; Health and Wehfare Services; Accommodation and Food Services. In April, there was one agreement signed under the General In- dustrial Training Pro- gram. As a resuit, four people wihh benefit from both training and em- ployment in the Region of Durham. At the end of April, there were 213 students in the skill courses sponsored by the Canada Employment Centre and 29 people receiving academic up- grading at Durham Col- loge. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION Annual Meeting - Location Change. The annual meeting and election of officers wlll be held at Dr. Robert Thornton Public Sehool on Thursday, May 26e at 7:30 p.m. At the same meeting, at 8:15, a representative of Whltby Towne Estates will be available to talk wlth the residents and air their cOncerns. Plan to, attend. AUCTION AND FUN FAIR There will be an auction and fun fair at Westmin- ster United Church parking. lot on Saturday, June 11, from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. Prizes, games, flea market, baked goods, tea, coffee, hot dogs, etc. if you wish to, donate items for the auction or leave ar- ticles on consignment, contact Rick Hearne, 57&- 0661 or Bill Clarke 668-1526. Proceeds for the Annversary Organ Fund. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCII Advance Notice - Suinday, May 29 - Sunday School awards and picnic. Sunday, June 5 - Communion Service and Reception of Members by Confirmation and Transfer. Sunday, June il - Fun Fair and Auc- tion. GET WELL WISIIES Get well very soon wishes are extended to Ross Lofthoue, who is convalescing in the hospital in Toronto. A very speedy recovery. THORNTON INTERESTED PARENTS Thornton's Interested Parents recently hehd their general meeting and election of new officers. Next year's executive Will be as fohhows. Chairperson, Margaret Mereha; co-chairperson, Pauline Reid; fund raiser, Barb McKinnon; secretary-treasurer,' Ehaine Johnstone; primary rep, Iris Knoester; Junior rep, Lois Coleman; senior rep, Carol deMer- cado; past chairperson, Sharon Munro; staff reps, Mr. Jeffs, Mrs. Muir, Mrs. Bryant and Mrs. Atkin- son. The elections were followed by a performance of the primary choir led by Mrs. Bryant. Many thanks- to the past year's executive for a super job. A specia.l thank you to, Mrs. Delaney's needlecraf t class for making the two afghans that were recently raffled off at Dr. Robert Thornton sehool and for donating the proceeds to T.I.P. Congratulations to the two winners - Bey Rogers and D. Gilman. f#~ Gîve.. .I THNE HEART FUNYD Summer Special Special WEEKEND RATES for Cottage Goers i I J,ý Only3a.99foranytapeI FRIDAY until MON DAY*I F I Great selection of VHS & BETA moviles. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAy MAY 18.,1983, PAGE 5 Bridge The folhowlng are the results of hast week~s play at the Whltby Duplicate Bridge Club. North and South: Mr. Derrick Aistein and Mr. Pauh Beischlag, 89%; Mrs. Helen Spratt and Mrs. Donald Wilson, 71%; Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Winter, 70; Mr. and Mrs. L.E. Evans, 64%. East and West: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wells, 81%; Mirs. Douglas Maundreil and Mrs. Ed Booth, 68; Miss Georgie Bovay and Mrs. George Steffler, 65%; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wharrle, 62h. The results of duphi- cate bridge are carried each week by the Whit- Floppy Disks by 7J)lfon I THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN 0F WH ITBY THE TOWN 0F WHITBY PROUDLY PRESENTS THE "RECOGNITION 0F ACHIEVEMENT N(IHT"i J U NE 229,1983 - 7:30 P. M. AT HEYDENSHORE PAVILlON Anyone knowing an individual or group worthy of recognition by the Town is cordially askedto forward any such n amesto the Parks & Recrea-, tion Department of the Town of Whitby on or, Please cali 668-7765 or send, us your recom- menidation to 575 Rossland Road East, Whitby, L.QJi~ri Li N 2M8. I I E Corne over few w-th ... the local pro, If you've neyer eve n tried a personal Computer, this is your chance. Because the computer professionals at Com- puterLand wilI show you just how easy it is to use one. You'11 quickly see that the computers at ComputerLand are not only easy to ui-raani peat. - downright friendly- wnere personal servi*ce is par for the W% a .w S m a tcU puI Lm » us Iidg<.y«.. 111i N. SIMCOE (The OId Fîrehati) OSHAWA 43O O 433-0800 Oomputetonu J N i à i a Màkddllàý or 1 a 1 m 1 They're aiso 41 1

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