Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1983, p. 14

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PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY MAY 25, 1983, WHITBY FREE PRESS PROASHELP - ARTICLES ARTICLES FRRN WANTED J FOR SALE FFR RNSALEE Thanks to. Sacrod I of Jesus, St. Judo an Anthony, for prayori swered. yGARAGEJ ADSALE -Ioart id St. a an. JOBSaaliable In Australie. Cali: 14604-54794 or 1-W4.547-2184 24 hours T deys. C.G. CIDCR WV VCES À MATrURE BABYSiTER ivallible f ull Or part lima, Whitby arei. Phone 6684892 ater 4 p.m. BUjTmFLY Daycare Contre No. 2 pe ..ta 6 p.m. OaiUmi1fou ri& Rif - NT UTRE M YARD 3LE - '1êiiciU[re rom May 28, 10a.&m., Robmnar StIret (1 18 Months to 2 Vears mile south of Brooklln on Hwy. 12). Ciothlng, toys, books, Hot Meals househoid goode, furnîture- Gei'man Lessons L~ BSINES Isomsîiîng for sveryonei 309 B.ech St., Whltby I~PE.SO~1I..S~NALS6688927 OR 571-0031 ABSOLUTELY priva. convea ,iTiB'USINE 1 tiions. 24 hou > . 1-485-324. I. PERSONALSI ESICHELP AVAILABLE WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT?- MTESSMMRHLES On ail natural produots. with chlldren and housework, succees or refund guaranteed. No drugs * Fast e Simple Cati 282-2478. Feel Good e BeWAiVe Cali Me ANE THE HIDEAWAY BINGO &t Its BEST THE__HIDEAWAY A WEEK 7I SPÉCIALS m S7 P.M. START m , 25 REGULARS (433-0751) ----THE>IDEAWAY-- Ail game lIc. by Town of Whitby and run by members of Hidssway Bingo Com. matmes., Nsed ceSi with specd lapbb »M ne- Wiifw- lao reSsons.Ciii578.1921. FULL OR PART TIME - Vanessa Creatione requires fashion coun- seliore 10 work 2 10 3 evenînge a week to selan anlet. ne of fashion jewellery by home-party plan. No exparlence neceseary. No investment f0 etîrt. Full train- Ing le providsd and car essentiai. Interviewe will be heid Thursday, May 26 frorn 12 noon t0 7 p.m. at 1h. Holiday Inn, 1011 Bloor Street East, Osawa. Please contact Marg Lodiard. HAIRORESSER wanted. 55% stralght commission. Phono 668- 3621. MANAGER requlrod for th. supervision of youth'in door-to. door cindy sales. muet have large9ca or van and be able f0 work four eveinge and Situr- daYs Par weei. $125 par week for succesful candidate. Muet be from Whtby or surrounding irsi. For further Information contact Miks Train if 1.584.276ven. Inge. PART-TIM CARETAKEA for i pei!ve ohocilocitedln Whitby. Duties inciude ciewuIng Md Osserilmin«i reaira.Phone 443. oWI -WE BUY anid SELL USED APPLIANCES WE RECONDTON AND GUARANTEE rwD UMOBILES FRSALE nm CAMARO Z S, tinted gluss, defogger, carmine red with op. tionîl Interior, 4 speoid, excellent conditIon, $4,950. Phone 668& BRUCE ENTERPRISES wlshes to announce the publication of Thoughta In Véee, a book of posmne con@lsting of 100 pooma &Hi wrIfteri ln the lut year by Har. vey Sparic, 937 OonovMn Crssc., Whltby. FOR SALE. aie treet mip,. Wtîltby, Pickering, Ajax, Oshawa and Weet Hill. DIckuon PrIntInaç & Office Supplies Store, Aime Shopping Pliza, 883-1m6. Dealer Inquiries nvlted. FOR SALE. 4 drawer letter sîze fing cabinet $6U. Olivettl.Proxis 48 - electric typewrItsr, worklng order, $125. Sharp- electric caiculator, EL-1057, $50. 3M dry photocopier, no. 01182846, ln. cludes piper, $S0, retali value $29, hirdly used. The foremen- iioned ire contents of an estate. Pisiseil 6è&.2815 eveninge oniy. FOR SALE'- One sterso, Ideal for young teenager, beat offer. One mals budgle $15. Phîone 608.4915. FOR SALE - W6"Pioneer chain saw $ 125. Three horsepower 20", lawnmower$50. Caii 6684169. FOR SALE - Swirnming pool. Reasonîble prIco or best 0f fer. For more Information caîl 723- 1349. FOR SALE - Used dlean glass cut to size. Aiurnlnurn storm win- dows. Phone 655-4097. jUOBIBLE1 FORR SAELE 1978 NOVA, 6 cylinder, auto- matic, good condition, power ateerIng, power brikes, radio, $3.000 or beet offer, certlfisd. Pitons 666&2187. 1974 RENAULT 17 TL SPORT COUPE, 60,000original mlles, 4 cylinder, 4 epeed, rociining soifs, roar-wlndow defrosl. Excellent condition. White with black striPe. Coli iffer 6.00 p.rn. Mon. dI&Y t0 Fridiy 668.7476., Asic for Marc.7 GEOTYPE prsaon isttsrlng now ln stock et Dickson Prlnting & 0f- lice Suppil Iin the, Ajax Shop- ping Pliza. Large soec«tion of styles and slze. Why pay mors for iàsrniiier shoot of letterIng7 "1HERbIES of the Bibis" colourlng book avaliabie at Dlckson PrInt. Ing &, Office Suppiy, Aax Plaza, 683-1968. Douler Inqulries ln- yited. 2" Storm Doors Triple 55usd *b5 color$l189a5 04 style lnstalled lncludlng tax. Also eco- nomical and energy efficient storrn or replacement thermal win- dows and patio doors. FREE ESTIMATES Durham Glass 666-3355 after hours 666.1847 VISIT our used furniture ae houe by appolntrnent. Big sivInge on deake, chaire, filing cabinets, etc. Caîl Dlckson Print. Ing & Office Supplies to arrange an appoîniment 10 view. 683. SUPPLIES PROP and skeg repaire. Fiet ser- vice. Fîbergiase and aiurninum. boit repaire. Fibergiies sup- piles. Plastic shoots, tubesand rode. Oshawa Glus Fibre, 341 Durhamn Street, Oshawa, 579- jii--~ Looking For ONE mle cocktiel with aeff EPAGOEW1 and staMd. Boat f for. Phono TYPIEWRITER rentai, manynike and modale, by the wéeend, week or montit. Discounts*iv"f- ibis. Dlckson Printing & Office Supplies ln the Aax Plusa. Coii us for business machins epaire 1183-1m6. FREL Drop Imb 1he Dickson Printlng & Office Supply store In the Ajax Plaza Md pick up a fres copy of their 1963 Metria Ciien. dii. PrInted ln two coioure, it mikes for hindy ,ufernce. 6M3. 1968& CLASSIFIED IEAL ESTATËEj Stltdmry WORKSHOP LsamleMakelsvely sacu"ferysurbere. 0:30 a.m.l WED., JUNE 1 TYRO'CRAFTS 74 King St. W., Oshawa 571-2206 FLOIDA w VACATION RWNTASLS FL RIDA Cleirwater - Thres bedroom mobIle homes. Pools, tennIs,ý close to beaches and major attracions, chlldren wel- corne. $22500 U.S. weekly lvestn Imotel room>. "FZdESPAC'I FOR RENTf BROOiCLIN off ice $Pice aviI- ibis. idlei for trîvel agent, îc- countint, lawyer, Insurance, etc. Phone 655.3M6. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT - wHhT1y - Three-roorn Whitby offie suite with private wishror. Has over 750, square feet of fuliy broadloorned, ad air. condltloned spaciousness., Main office about 32 fest long. Couid be divlded into smiller off ices. For further Information caii Catherine Moffat, Century 21 Gold Jacket Beatty Ltd.6684221 ýRe. 571-3727. THE IÃ"mheIpI I'Iyourl U RIO UERM ~LHeartHAISUNN O VTNE "r FundTO PLACE VOUR AD CALL I ~ AUTOMOBILES FOR SALEI TIL1IL OD SERVICE, SALES, PARTS, ACCESSORIES. Authorized Honda dealer with. 10 years of expert servlclng experience. DURHAM CYCLE LII. Taunton Rd. E. & Townlne, Oshawa 576-3150 OPEN: Mon.-Wed. 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; Thurs. 9-7, Fr1. 9-e, Bat. 9-5 1I&- CODCSFOR RENT ONE SEDROON apartmsnts ln emaili Port Wtiltby building. Adulte only. AvallabIe July 1 and Auguet 1. $30 per month ln- cludes fridg., stove, hydro and parking. Cible TV and lîundry facilitîse îvallabIe. Phone 668. 6372 between 9:30 &.m. and 5 P.m. IAND CLEAN wo bedroorn apartments lnPickering Village. Rent rges from $350 to $45. Imediate occupancy, adlti only, no poe. Caii Of792 or 57"219. 1 IWO BEDROOM apartrnent ln Whltby avîllible Auguat 1. Cen. trslly Iocated, close to GO and local bus stops. Frldge, stove, hydro and parking lncluded. Laundry fîcilîtles and cible TV avîllable. $400par month. Ciii 668472 between 9:30 &rn.and 5 P.m. NOW 5DAYS AWEEK MONDATELECTRONIO Uc. No. 366745 TUESDAY Jaycen & Picicerng I G Molnor ebWli WEDNESDAY $35000 H THURSDAT 00USTGO 1 MDAY OOMUTGO Uc. No. 3W843 LIGHTNING ROUND 7:00 P.M. REGULAR GAMES 7:30 P.M. - PAY $9000 ITa out m W M INI 1160MACHINE MLAT STAIS AT 6:00 P.M. L SILVER DOLLAR BINGO 1735 Bayly (et Brock Rd.) BAYLYPICKERING [ LVj DOARj 831-2421 LAST KLT 3 WHEELER $22490 1 a -1 d2iAUT *TROMT Vaun OtAi v

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