Whitby Free Press, 25 May 1983, p. 6

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PAGE 6, WEDNESIJAY MAY 25, 1983, WH ITB Y FREE PRESS iCOMIN G EVENTS CALENDAR. TRUCKERS The Association of Christian -Truckers, Durham Chapter,, are Planning to take a bus trip to Jam-Con, June 2 to 5, in Doswel, Virginla (Exit 9&-195). For more information please cali Steve Mc- Carthy at 725-80. FLEA MARKET The lst Port Whitby Scouts wIl hold a flea market at St. John's Anglican Church in Port Whltby (corner of Brock South and Victoria streets) on Saturday, May 28 from 10a.m. to 4 p.m. Everyone wel- corne. JUNE 2,3451983e ITVLZ~ Brooklln Communlty Park Wlnchestor Rd. E., Brooklln Thuruday EVening, June 2nd 11:00 am. Presentation cf 12:00 noon Canada Sports Parade Prizes Action DIspiay (Fair Grounda) m 4:00 p.m. Pony Show for 1:0mnCaaaSot Childen -Action Display 5:00 p.m. Midway, Beer 12:00 noon Beer Tent Open 7:0 T..Batnet 1:00 p.'m. Cattie Judging 7: 0 o.m eauy nte îl- Dairy Cattie I Loisentr ct 1:30 p.m. Horse Draw Lo28-3470) ac 6:30 p.m. Hell Drivers Officai47 en) n(Trans-Canada) Officaiby nig Sunday, June Sth of Far by8.,00 am. - 11:30 &m. man - Gary Scouts Pancake HomerrmBreakfast tO rn. OntaJlo Guem- 8:30 am. Arabian Horse M a.. Otari Gurn-Show sey Association 9:00 a&m. Tennis Touma Show retfr8.rc 10:0 arn.Carsberg Show m elt r Wagon & Mornes Ltd. Trophies 1MOOam. - 12:00 noon. ~O m. - 330 p.m.Aren Exhiits o beopen topublic E piaced ln Arena 10:00o&m. Carasberg Show M 12:00 moon Canada Sports Wagon & Horss Action Diupiay 11 -00 m. Canada Sports 4:00 p.m. MidwayOpen Ato ipa 400pm. - 9.Wp.m. Are" n & GAtonDisyo nanfor oienl. 10 r otDiy Ito view Exhibits 1: 500 p.m. Beerent Open 1: 0:,00 p.m. Tennis Tourna- Cal 06M&2058 11:4! A. Piepic Tractor Pull Miodified Trac- 12: tors, Four-Whesi 7:30 p.m. Dog Obedience show Steldeyi.Jum 4t I W arn. Tennis Tourna- ment - Al Day tOOam. Aes pn o 1:30 tOWpm. ltOOam. Calaor.g Sho* Wagon & Horses 2: lffOOam. Apploosa orse show 1M30m. Parad (to enter 6:301 Cam 055-3198 or 05S-353judg. kWgof Mater cia.ameea, to 5:00 p.m. 30&M. Bed & Bath Tub Race- Tel Wayne Disney 655-3160 or655-4M3 45 &Mn. Horsehoe Tour- narnent M noon Rabbt Show t0 5:00 p.m. 1noon Midway Open 0 p.m. Sheep Show.- Judging end Demnatration of ShearIng ("00p. A 3*00p.m.) Beef Cattie Judging Dpm. Hanm Mrs Races -PaM Mutusi Beting Privileges )p.m. Log Sawing - NaI DrIvIng - Don Mit- chelle65-490 1.mn. Oid Tymne Fid- diarsConte«t ln Ana. Mra.L Cmawterd 5564M I I I I w-i w- CHAMBER MEETING The Whltby Chamber of Commerce wil be holding their monthly meeting May 25 at the Manigold Dinner Play- house. Carol Baker, Whitby Branch Supervisor for the Canada Employ- ment Centre, wiil dis- cuss programs and ser- vices available to assist chamber members. There wiil be a display, panel discussion and question and answer, period. The coet per person is $7.25, including a lun- cheon. The- social half hour will begin at 12 nuon whlle the luncheon will get underway at T ýhe Dinner Theatre is commltted to a confirm- ed attendance 50 reser- ve by calling «68-45m8 by Friday, May 20. YARD SALE The Parent Advisory Committee, of St. John the Evangeliat Sehool, Whitby,.is sponsoring a, giant yard sale on May 28 (ram date June 4) froin 10 a.m. to 4 p. m. in the St. John's School Parking lot on Giffard Street. Lots (12ic12) are avail- able at $10 each. Tables are available at $4.50 each. To reserve your lot cail Linda Van Veen at 668-1107 ___ - - --------- IKurlieQ G :BEAUTY SALON VALUANE COUPON -auts lpcu 69 Baldwln St. Carson Centre Brooklln 655,4201I Lease a VCR 3900 from S$328O/mrth. ici 655-4229 s') " e938WInchester at Anderson, Q- Brooklin 8 New Hous: Mon-Sat 10- WALK, BIKE, BOWL-A-THON A Walk, Bike or Bowl. a-thon, sponsored by the Whitby-Brooklin Bran- ch of the Canadian Bible Society, will, be held in Whitby May 28. The walk and bike portion of the event wil begin at 9a.m. from, AU Saints Anglican Church, Whitby. Bowling starts at 12 noon at the County Bowl, 118 Byron Street, Whitby. You must have sponsors to bowl free. The Society is hoping to raise $4,5W0 to send Bibles over to Uganda. MEETING The regular meeting of Parents Without Partners, Pineridge Chapter 204, will ho held May 2q at 8 p.m. at St. George's Church Hall, Centre and Athol Streets, Oshawa. Featured will ho a discussion led by Ann McGregor on "Whât your kids reaily know about why you and your spouse separated."' Thre answer will really open your eyes. Ail interest single parents in the area are uwvited te, attend. For in- formation cail 579-5063. RUMMAGE SALE St. Mark's United Church Women's rum- mage sale will ho held every Wednesdaày after- noon from 1: 15 to 2:30 p.m. at the Church House, 200 Byron St. S., RROOKLIN HOME SAKil T & DEL ICA TESSAfj 61 BALDWIN ST., BROOKLIN 655-4951 SPECIAL THIS WEEK:, Fresh Chelsea Loaves Round or Long $1.49 Ses Our Many ln Store Specila GENEALOGICAL MEETING The Whitby-Oshawa Branch of the Ontario *Genealogical Society Dwil meet on Tuesday, 1June 7ats8p.m. sharp. This meeting wili be >held at the Church of 1Jesus Christ of Later 1Day Saints, located on the corner of Thornton and Rossl and. Road West, Oshawa. At this meeting we will have Mr. Brian Gil- christ, who is a certified genealogist. He will be discussing four case his- tories, researched in Canada back to England, Scotland, Nor- thern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Our meetings are free and open to the public. For further information please call Gil Mclntosh at 668-2792. REGATTA The Oshawa Model Power -Boat Club pre- sents the Second Annual Darlington Regatta on Saturday, June 4 and Sunday, June 5. The races will be held at Darlington Provincial Park and get underway at 10Oa.m. Approximately 60 model power boats will be racing for trophies Members of the public are invited to attend. There is no admission charge, for the races - 12.50 per car entry'fée into the park (subject to, LA CONTESs HAIR SALON SUPER SPECIALS Mondays PeMS - '/2 Price Wednesdays '/2 Price on every other service (except Perms> (This offer applies to Susan only.) Cali for your appoiniment now. 119 GREEN ST., WHITBY 668-9262 JaYCETTE GARAGE SALE. The Whltby Jaycettes are holdinga, garage sale at 24 Jermyn St., West Lynde, in Whltby, on Saturday, June 4 from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Articles for, sale in- clude healthy plants, furniture, bath tub, laundry tub, toys, games, books, baby fur- niture and many other articles too numer ous to mention. The proceeds will assist the Jaycèttes- with many community pro- jects. MUSIC NIGHT The, Music Depart- ment of Anderson Colle- giate will be presenting, "Music Night '83", May 25 at 7:30 pan., in the auditorium of A.C.V.I. The evening will fMature performances by the Anderson Concert Band and Stage Band, as well as the debut of the 1983 Junior Band, ali under the direction of Andrew J. Uranowski, Head of Music. The evening will also feature solos by stu- dents in the Music Pro- gram. Tickets for the per- formance may ho ob- tained in advance from, any music student, by caliing the Music Department at the school, or at the door on. the evening of the. per- formance. Ticket prices- are $3 for adults and $2 for students. The members of the Music Department would like to extend an invitation to, everyone to, corne out and enjoy an evening 0f ,relaxing musical entertainment. For more information caîl Anderson Collegiate at 668-580 or 686-2431. BRIGHT CHILDREN The Association for Bright Children, Dur- hamn Chapter, will hold its final meeting of the school year Thursday, June 9 in the cafeteria of Central Collegiate, Gibb and Süncoe. streets, Oshawa, at8 p.m. Guest speaker Peter raylor will discuss orne computers and leir rnany uses. For nore information cail NATURALISTS -MEETING The monthly meeting of the Durham Region Field Naturalists wil be held Monday, May 27._, The meeting wil start with an outlng to the Pumphouse Marsh, Jut south of G.L. Roberts Secondary schol. Mem- bers are to meet there at 7:30 p.m. From the Marsh members are to return to the McLaughlin Public Lib- rary, Bagot Street, Oshawa to continue with the regular meeting. Election of officers for 1963-84 wiIl be held. Members and non- members are ail wel- corne. Following the meeting refreshments wlll be uerved., I I I I I I I I I I I ÀrIvam Vàý#Mwààlkv om - - - - - - - - - - - - 9 m 1

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