WHITOY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY JUNE 1, 1983, PAGE 17 Beauty Tiïps For oa-Pretty",Neýw You Now's whenyou should rcnew yourself as well by giving yourself a beauty makeover. Start with a facial treat- ment. Cold 'weather and dry, indoor heat combine to duli and dry the skin, so give yourself a facial mask to brjjig a fresh glow back to your face. Keep that rosy glow by getting regular outdoor exercise, now that the days are getting pleasant. A healthydiet is important for maintaining that alive look, too. What kind of shape are your hands in?'Cold, dry air often resuits in ragged, split nails, so give your hands the beauty treat- ment as well. Start with using lots of your favorite hand cream to restore rough and chapped hands ... then take measures to strengthen nails by using proper techniques in mani- curing: don't cut your nails, file them; dontz file your nails to a point, as fil- ing deeply into the sides weakens nail base; do buff nails to improve 'circula- tion, always buffing gently in one direction; do use nail polish, even if it's col- orless, as this helps to pro- tect your nails. Give yourself a good manicure and retouch it every other day. If your nails are quite short, create an illusion of longer nails with a polish that matches your skin tone. To make nail polish Iast longer-, apply a base coat first, then apply two coats of color. Last, apply a clear top coat, brushing over nail tip and under as anti- chip insurance. Look to your1 crowning glory. If it's dry,,with wiry ends, it's time to restore that lost glory with a con- ditioning treatment. You may want thi$ done pro- fessionally, but if you decide to do it'yourself, re- member1 to apply condi- tioner two inches from the roots, 50 it covers the hair, not the scalp. Distribute LA CONTESSA HAIR SALON SUPER SPECIALS Mondays Perms - 1/2 Price Wednesdays 1/2Price, on every other service (except Perms) (This of fer app lies ta Susan only.) Calil for your appointment now. 119 GREEN ST., WHITBY 668-9262 and only require founda- tion cover-up. (Neyer apply on open blemishes and always wash hands be- fore applying with a dlean sponge.) .Keep these principles in mmnd when applying make-up: light colors reflect the light, shadows absorb. To accent a fea- ture, r brighten away, tired shadows, use light colors. To shadow away unflattering features, use darker tones. M ost wornen sijil remem- ber their frwst perma- nents with horror. Who could forget siinig under one of those fearsome-looking metal domes .with the striped elec- trical cords, wearing those heavy duty hot clips and rofiers? You knew you were donc when your hair began to snxell bumnt. At that point, it still took another ten minutes for the operator to unplug you and take out those heavy rollers. In those days, a pern lasted a full ycar because you did not want to cut your hair until every last over-cooked end had grown out. 0f course, there has been a continuaI evolution in the beauty industry since then. Permanents have had an in- teresting history. ,NowI1 have people writing to ask me how they can make their permanent last longer. The new complaint is that you have to have a new permanent every four or five months. Permanent waves do not last permanently because our hair grows. You cannot snake'your perm last longer. Depending on the type of Join the Non-Smoking MaJorlty Two-thirds of Canadians don't smoke and feel better and Jiappier for it. If you smoke, it's neyer too late to break free. Over two million Canadians have done it. You can toc. Think of the advantagei of breaking free from the tobac- co habit: eYou can save more than $30,000 not including med- ical costs. That's what it will cost you at current prices if you smoke a pack a day from the tlme you start as a teenager until you penn you have, soft or curly, it will last from two to five mon- ths. As ageneral rule, the tight- er the wave or the curlier the resuit, the longer the penn wil last. Soter, more "natural" perms sometimes last ittie more than two months. The important question should not bc how long wiil the penn last but which type of penrn best suits your needs. Perhaps you have tried a home penn. The products are good but the application takes skill and timing. It seems very few can do a good job on their own. The choice of a permanent solution is als important. It depends on whether your hair is coloured or natural. If you use a lotion for natur- aI hair on colouresi hair, or simply leave the lotion on too long,- your hair wiIl become over-procmsed. The result of over-proces- sing is hair which may be curly when wet but which turns out dry and duil. René Vincent la executive director of tlhe Allled eauty Association. retire. Ihink what you can do with aIl that money! " You rediscover food fIa- vours. " Your voice sounds better. " Your breath is sweeter. " You probably have fewer facial wrinkles. " The air around you is fresher. " No smoky smell in your clothes. " The costs of cleaning walls and curtains is lower. " You help reduce the risk of house fires. And most important of ait - thhak of how mauch heelthleryou1l bel conditioner evenly right down to the ends of hair, Ieaving it on at least a min- ute to penetrate ail areas. Rinse hair thoroughly with warm, flowing water. Make up with care when you sally forth this spring; it can make the différence between merely looking attractive and looking stunning. Pale eyelashes need mascara to keep from fading away; occa- sional blemishes can mar an otherwise pretty picture SUMMER'S CLOSE. What's better than to, crochet a siple but elegant top. One size fits ail. Would you fi ke a free pattern from Ber- nat? If 80, write: Canadian Home Sewing & Needlecraft Association, 1659 Bayvlew Ave., Suite 101, Toronto, Ontario M4G 3C1. Then go to your nearest yarn store and start crochet- ing'... now 1 JOHNLN< HAIR DESIGN U 655-3134 N Brooklln s Finest Hair Cars Producta Avallable E x Cali for an appolntment now Hroi#,lf(agSop Ladies Wear, Sportswear a Speeialty " Fleece &Terry ix V! Actlvewear " White Stag co-ordinates " Tan Jay Separates A Unique Country Store Combining Today's Fashions with the Charm of Yesteryear. 655-4546 NEW BUSINESS IIOURS 57 Baldwin St. Mon.-Wed. 10-6 Brooklin, Ont.TusJr.1- "j Bernat's - Romantic Top. BEAUTIFUL YOU 1, .46iLBy René Vincent A prmise of permanent beauty By Renié Vincent WARM WOOLI ESI AND'WHAT NOTS 69 Baldwin St. (Hwy. 12 & 7> Brooklln 655-4584 SUMMER COTTONS Yarns and Pattems' Smocklng Supplies . 1%., 1