PAGE latWEDNESDAYJUNE le 1983, WHITBV FREE PRESS Herbs and the Modem ,Woman By NORMA WHITEHEAD The modern m can use herba inaà waYs. One lsas a cinal aidto good h elther singly or lin bination. Anotheri as a herbal 'teà relaxation and n frorn tension.À herbescan beused effectively as am< additions to bathu for body wraps. Herba bave beeK for thusndia M Styles in Trend."' Formerly House of Beauty SUMMER PERM SPECIAL Cut, Style Permn reg. 40.00. Now$,25. OO '(Do Sulivandistrîbutor) Ail perMs include: cnt, blow dry & style. 128 Wilson Rd. S. 728-4012 kh Oshawa oôr every d 8088 of mankflnd Nature has provlded a HfERB ta sase the complalnt. 'THINK HEALTH. HEALTH DOESN7TCOST. UT PAYS. If you have a modical problem, se your doctor, If you wish ta avold health problemse, get your body ln tune wlth 0000, NATURAL NUTRITION à HEALTHFUL HERBS. CAU NORMA,70 LI MORE AIUT 575 6O8u2565 Herbai teas are becomlng a very popu- lar addition to the beverages that the modern woman serves and drinks. Tbey are *delgtful at the proper Urne and place and con- stitute a real revolutîon in taste; tbey are whoily refreshlng and bealth- bringing. most herba teas bave a remarkabie liquldlty about- them whlch makes them asuperb .tbirst-quen- chers. They can be used either singiy or in com- bination and, for the knowledgeabie hostess, can provide a Pleasant conversation ..piece. Some herbai teas wil relax *and aoothe you and dfyou auffer from insomnia or tension, wlU gentiy luil you to sleep. Herba are also used In many beauty prepara- tions. One of the most beneficial us the herbai bath. Scented baths are very nice, but herbai baths (boill-the herba in a couple of quarts of water for a few minutes and -pour into the hot bath) are better. These can be used both for relaxation, 8sOQtng, To look to a corser In m c.deIIirngI Classes are f 1llling fast for our SUMMER INTENSIVE MODELLING COURSE starts JuIy 4 BOOK NOW... to avold dlsappolntment. *MODELLINO *ADVANCED MODELLINO *MAIE-UP ARTISTRV *SELF IMPROVEMENT KAREN TAYLOR Runway Mà odel Training Centre 57 Slmcoe St. S., Oshawa 579-6237 Roglstered as a Privais School under the Privais vocational School Act - Courses tax dedactable. away the tensions Mf the day, and for medicinal purposes Th skn abr sorbs tht7e prpetes from the decotion and various combinations Winl bave the effect Mf caiming,9 ianing, heallng, molsturwzng, softening, .atimalating and tonlng. One of the moat inter- esting ways of using a herbai bath decoction 18 i a sauna. Pour the nbmitr over thecoais instead oM plain water and revel iii he herbai "lt. Ibis la most effec- tive. The modemn woman bas a whéle world Mf healtbfui herba to pre- serve ber beauty 'and help keep ber, on top Mf the world both from hin- Exercise Con Be Enjoyable voman medlcinally as part of meera humanlty's efforts to 1medi- feel well lnstead of Ml ieatht' and tW feel f"great" In- II com- atead Of 1"Owell". The way is beautifu thing about a for them isthat theyears leas and, years -of use bave Again culled out tbose that J very don't work and retalned othlng thosethat do. Primitive a and tribes bave used such' remedies with excelent a Used resuits for centuries and Year this knowledge uhould be. respected. The modern remedies are reflned, concentrated herbais whlch, particu- iarly when used as they bave been throughout history, bave the advan- tage of a iack of danger- ous aide effeets. They can be used to increase vigor, build a zest for living, restore energy, ecleanse toxins from the body, ail in the comfort of -your own home for very littie expenditure of money and with the 0 confidence that only benefits can accrue. Herba work welI to- gether and, while one herb can be effective, combinations wil quite aafely heighten the re- SURtS. body is more responsive to, the touch - massages feel fabulous! Don't be concemned with outdoing yourself .each time. If you performed par- ticularly well at an activity one day,. there's'no need to fe you must do even ~t ter next time. Remember, the impor- tant thing is th 'at you're getting some exercise and are enjoying iti championship material you need not be. Be careful not to, get overheated. If your.body begins 'te, féellhot, or, over-, worked, give in., Splash yourself with cool water or sit down in the' shade and suck on an ice cube. This will give your body its needed rest and allow you to recharge for more action if you choose. Repienish- ing nutrients by enjoying some fresh fruits is also very helpful. The point to ail of this is to avoîd giving up on your exercise program. It is far more beneficial to contin: ue exercising moderately on a long-term basis than to burst forth energeticalily in the beginning only to lose interest or become frustrated,' and quit alto- gether, a short time later. As long as you enjoy what you're doing. you're very Iikely t continue do-' WHITBY MALL FLORIST Personallzed Service *SILK ARRANGEMENTS *FRESH ARRANGEMENT BRIDAL BO UTIQUVES eGREEN PLANT *DELIVERIES ARRANGEMENTS. 579-1325 - Whitby Mall Hours: 10- 10 dally We al1 know that we lose our motivation for staying fit when exercising be- cornes a chore. Experts say that it is only natural for theé human body to avoid whiat iW con- siders to be unpleasant. Al living orgarnsms move to- ward pleasure and away from pain. Therefore, to keep your- self going. if's important to develop a programn of phys- ical fitness that is not only healthy but fun. Keeping in shape can. and,-s'hould, be a pleasur-'s able experience. CZhild'ren are constantly running. jumping, twisting, tumning - simply, playing - and they do' it because it feels good! In order (o maintain this same enthusiasm for move- ment that children hav5e find an activity that i nter- estsyou for i ts sake alone. For example, if you enjoy Competition, find an equal- ly competitive-partner, se- lect your favorite-game and schedule _ regular matches between the two of you. Take advantage of your increased senses during physical exertion. The body experiences ail sensa- tions more intensely, which means that cool drinks quench thirst deli- ciously, food' tastes even better than usual and the be Ã