Iroquois Swim Club resuits By ANN GOULDING w.l.S.c. The followlng are resuits 'of the Whltby Iroquois Swlrn Club Confederatlon Meet. l/Under Girls Hea- ther Armitage: lut, 100 free/100 fly; lst, 100 I.M./50 free/50 fly. Wendy Primeau: lut, 50 brat./50 back; 2nd, 50 free/100 brut. Alfison Bettridge: lut, 100 back; 2nd, 100 I.M./50 fly/100 brut.; 4tb, 50 free. Rhonda Ratchiford: 3rd, 50 brut./50 free; 4th, 100 brut. Kara Abbott: 4th, 50 brut; 5th, 50 free; 2nd, 50 back. Tiicia Carrol: 5tb, 50 brut. Melamie Bucking: 4th, 50 back; 6th,S50brut. Danielle Houle: 3rd, 50 back. JIilMorrice:- Sth, 50 back. Chantelle Buckrng: Stb, 50 back. lO/Under- Boys. Craig Potsep: lut, 100 free/100 fly/100 brut./100 back/50 fly; 3rd, 400 free. Matthew Cook: lut, 100 I.M.150 free/50 back; 2nd, 100 back/50 fly. Scott MacPhail: lut, 50 brut.; 2nd, 50 free; Srd, WOfly. Ryan Donnelly: 2nd, 50 brut.; 3rd, 50 free; 6th, 50 back. Aaron Bradley: 4th, 50 back; 6th, 50 freel50 brut. Scott Currie: Srd, 50 back; 4th, 50 brst. Mark Woitzlk: 2nd, 50 back; 4th, 100 free; Sth, 50 free. Scott Donnelly: 3rd, 100 brst./50 brut. Jamie Cook: 4th, 50 free. James Armitage: Sth, 5o brut. 11/z 12 is. Jamoce Ourrie: lot, 50 free/100 flyI5o fly/100 free; 2nd, 100 brut. Anne Marie Scott : lut, 50 brst./100 I.M.; 2nd, 50 free; 3rd, 100 freelloop brut. Julie Bucklng: Stb, 50 back.1 Julie Leswick: lot, 100 brat.; 2nd, 100 I.M./50 brut./100 bock. 11/12 Boys. Chris Don- nelly: lot, 100 fly/50 fly/ 100 free/5O free/iO0 I.M. 5th, 400 I.M. Jay Lee: lut, 50 back; 2nd, 100 free/50 free/100 back. Brad Moore: lot, 50 brut.; 4th, 50 free; tb, 100 brut. Scott Spencer: 2nd, 50 back; 3rd, 100 back/50 free. Sean Cook: 2nd, 50 br- ut.; 5th, 50 free. 13/14 Girls. Heather Alnsley: lut, 100 fly/100 back; 3rd, 100 free. Kimn Crump: 2nd, 400 free/100 free; 3rd, 100 back; 5th, 100 fly; 6tb, 100 brut. Michelle Ratchford: 3rd, 100 brut.; 4th, 100 fly; th, 100 free. 13/14 Boys. Trevor Crurnp: lut, 400 free/100 freeIlOO back; 2nd, 100 fly. Kevin Wallcer: lut, 100 fly; 2nd, 100 free/100 back; 3rd, 4001I.M. PbiJip North: 3rd, 100 backll00 free/100 fly; 4tb, 100 brst. Randy Bulkowski: 3rd, 100 brut.; 5tb, 100 free. Senior Girls. Donna Goulding: lut, 400 I.M.; 2nd, 100 free/100 back/ 100 fly. Tammy Oattes: 2nd, 10 0 brut.; 3rd, 100 free/ 100 back/l00 fly; 5th, 4W I.M. Senior Boys. Dave Goulding: lot, 400 I.M./ 100 free/100 back/100 fly. The Wbltby Iroquois Swirn Club achieved another victory in home waters at Iroquois Pool this weekend when the club hosted a Con- federation meet with teams from Scarobor- ough Spartans Aquatie Club and the Trent Swim Club competing. W.I.S.C. swimmeru will next be competing at the Guelph Invitational June 3, 4 and 5. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY JUNE 1, 1983, PAGE 23 Midget s battie elem ents By BILL HUGHES The weather bas been lie cuiprit for re- scbeduling of league games for the Dunedin Construction MIdgéts baueball tearn. The league opener wau to have Little Bri- tain visit Whitby but cancellation occured when Little Britain had no uniforms and flot enougli playeru. On May 24,. Whitby travelled to Peter- borough and banded the home team an 11-3 de- feat witb superlative pitching by Greg lanna- nl and Greg Euls in relief. Excellent defense was also the order of the evening by Ian Parsons, Dave Imeson, Brian Grylis, John Phillips, and Doug McCorkell. Midget Bats finally got gomng with Jeff Hughes going 2 for 2, while Scott Burnett and Scott Tutton added timnely bits. May 25 wau to bave been a return engage- ment but nain utruck again. May, 29, the Dunedin Construction team took on Belleville and banded the home teamn a 13-4 shellacking led by piteli- en Brian Grylls and neliever Brian Yorke. Batting again wau in fine forn as 100of tbe il playeru managed bits. Big bitteru this day were Scott Burnett, Brian Grylis, David Grylls, Jeff Hughes, Dave Ime- son, Doug McCorkell, Ian Parsons, and Scott Tutton. On June 1, Bowman- ville cornes to Whitby and June 4 Kingston is in for a double beader, ail of courue - if it doesn't rain! Whitby Minor Basebail Association NO VICE' MAY 16, tOB3 Henry Buildall,..24 Master Precision ... 20 MAY 17, 1983 Cheyne'u ........ 18 Mr. Rent-ali ....... 8 Kinsmen ......... 6 Matthiews ........ 8 MAY 18, 1983 Master Precision . .. 10 Brooklln L.A ...23 MAY 23, 1983 Matthews ........ il Cheyne's ........ il MAY 24, 1983 Mr. Rent-al ......22 Kinsmen ......... 1 Henry Bufida. 13 BrooklinL.A 26 BANTAM MAY 1,,1983 Signet Signa .....*.22 MWI Paper....... 10 National Trust ...16 Vickery Electrie... 4 Matthews........ 23 Lions Club ........ 10 0 OSHAWA O. DRIVING o SCHOOL Complote Drive r- Ed Course - 4 Week Course - Open To Ail Age Groups - Insurance Discount Certif icate Courses arelTax Deductlble NEXT COURSE STARTS Monday, June 13 at 7 p.m. at 171 King St. E., Oshawa To Register Cail 728«0091 or 623«4641 MAY 23, 1983 Vickery Electriec.. .24 Mattheuff ........ 7 Lions Club ........ 6 National Trust.... 7 MAY 26, 1983 Rotary Club...... '13 Signet Signa ...... 13 National Trust ...27 Levis Paper...... 12 JUVENILE MAY 16,19%3 Fleming Realty ...7 Glenwood Ford... 5 MAY 17, 1983 Puckrln & Son..,.15 Dual-Lite ........ 17 MAY 23,1983 Dual-Ute ......... 9 Fleming Realty .. 15 MAY 24, 1983 Glenwood Ford...18 Puckrin&Son.'..4 SQUIRTS MAY 25, 193 MidwayDatsun ... .14 Jon's Auto........ 141 YCYJRMEM0RIES FORA LT1 TLEBIT MORE! Now meni secor the fc fomr 4"8» eto C-. Avallablo at: iyou can double your photo morles this month, by orderlng a )nd set of Lustre-Luxe prints for followlng addltlonailIow prIces: ,41. 110. lu, Disc, UMd 136 dms fmm etl. us hsgooly. M. * ~a>via. lob 'f I