Corrido r C ap ers 4:.y YMARYMCEACHERN (~J Cali 72"4967 wlth Items for thls*column, DECORATION DAY The Groveside Cemetery Decoration, Day wl IN held on Sunday, JJune 12, at 2 :30 p.m., at Grovesidi Cemetery, Hlghway 12 near Brooklin. JUDO CHAMPIONS Glenn and Brad Beauchamp, sons of Barry and Grace Nolan of Garrard Road, captured moot of thE honours at the men's Judo competition held inSt. Johns, Newfoundlandï-ln May. The boys are graduates of the. University oi Waterloo and tralned i Montreal for the Olympics. Glenn won the Canadian Senior Men's Judo Title in the 156 pound welght division and Brad captured a bronze medal In the 172 weight division. Glenn bas been a two-tine winner of the Junior Cbampionshin and it was bis firat endeavor at the Senior tqte. We will ail be closely watching the Olympie Games, and both boys wlll be serlous contenders, Our congratulations hi Brad and Glenn and'ail the best of luck at the Olympics. CORRIDOR AEA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION The next executive meeting of the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association wiII be held at -the Whltby Municipal Building on Wednesday, June 8, Commit- tee Boom 2, at 8 p.m. Ail executive members are asked to be present. This wiil be the final meeting until September. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting and election of officers of the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association was held at Dr. Robert Thornton Public Scbool on Thursday, Lacrosse begins By TOM FRANK >Regular season play bas 'started for Wbltby.ý Garrard Road Minor Lacrosse - teams. Several teamis went to Peterborough Memorial Arena on Sunday after- noon, and came home the wlnners. .Meanwhile, the new midget girls team, ages 15 hi 18, with enthu- slasm and no experlen- ce, bas a manager but is still searching for a coach. Volunteers or nominahirs should con- tact Pete ,Burns of the coaches commlttee at 668-468 or B. Emmer-L ton, team manager, at 66&-3485. The major novice team sponsored by the Wbltby Optitt returned froni an 11-2 victory iPeterbor- oug. Bill Robinson scored 4 times, pairs by Chris Thompson and Dave Wood with singles by Jason Pitters, Greg Fawcett and Derek Euls. On Victoria Day, this team hosted their fourth pre-season exhibition mmni-series. They start- ed witb an "- shutout over St. Catharines Spartans. Matthew Cook bad 3, Pitters had a pair wlth help from Rob Martin, Fawcett and Dan Laocu. Af- ter a short break, they went on to beat Kitchen- er 9-5. Pairs were scored by Brandon Smith and Dennis Director and Martin scored 3 with singles by Pitters and EM. The Optimlsts ended the mini-series with a 12-1 win over visiting Peter- borough. Hat-ticks by Cook and Smith, pairs by Martin and Robinson and singles by EM and be Je id ie The minor peewee 2 F team wbicb isstili look- -,ing*fora sponsor went fo r Ajax for their first sea- son game, an 8-1 win. Garrett Campbell had 4, 1Chris Husted had 3 and Brian Grieve had 1 . In exhibition play, the minor peewee teani lost a close one played i Ajax - against Scar-ý borough. Campbelp Husted and Paul Hamil- ton did the scoring. Chris Vancief did the scoring in the return win in Scarborough 3-1. Manager Tom Santos is impressed by the strong play of goaltender Derek Elieff. The major peewee team la sponsored by the Hideawaà y. They roiled hi a 12-4 vichiry in Peteborough. At least eigbt players belped in the scoring. Aa Foote had 3, 2 each by Mark Smith and Derek Jones, singles by Julie Kernohan, Todd Wilson, Chris Page, Jeff Wittle and Kelth Primeau. Wn two weeks, this team will be in Barrie in a hiurnament hi qualify for Wlntario assistance to, go hi the Peewee National Playdowns. The Wbltby bantamý team is looking forward hi this season since they bave essentiaily the same players and coaches as they bad two years ago wben they won the Peewee La- crosse Nationals and only lot the Provincials i sudden-death over- time. In ther first game of the year, they jumped ihi a 4-1 lead but Peter- borough came back hi a 4-ail tie after 2 periods. r The game was tied two 1 more times but the t Whtby team won 7-6. a MaY 26. As I wau a ittie pre-occupled lut week, I dld not manage hi get a list of the new slate of of- ficers for, the ensulng year,- or a report on the meeting of residenta and representatives of Whltby Town Estates. A complete report will be publlshed ln next week's column. AUCTION AND FUN FAIR There will be an auction and fun fair at the West- minster United Church parking lot on Saturday, <lune il from 9 ar. *until 3 p.m. Prizes, games, flea market, baked goods, tea, coffee, hot dogs, etc. If you wlsh to donate items for the auction or leave articles on consignment, contact Rlck Hear- ne, 576-0661 or Bill Clarke, 668-1526. Proceeds for the Anniversary Organ Fund. BETA SIGMA PHI Beta Sigma Phi would like to extend an invitation hi women hin the community who would like to enrich their lives culturally and sociaily. Beta Sigma Phi meet twlce each ýmonth, and have several chapters in the Whitby-Oshawa area. If you would like to meet new friends, and find out more'about Beta Sigma Phi, please oeil Deidre Hope at 668-3544. Beta Sigma Phi offers chapters around the world, and instant friends wherever you might re-locate. ýPet erson Pappears e David Peterson, 1.,M.P*.P. , London Centre 0 and Leaderof the. Ont- ario Liberal Party will be the guest of honor at 1 a wine and cheese k reception hosted by The F Pine Ridge-Haliburton -District Liberal Asso- ciation at Odessa Hall, 31 Bloor St. E., Oshawa, on Thursday, June 2, from 7 to 9p.m. Tickets fQr the wine and cheese reception are $3 each and can be obtained by calfing Barry Johnson at 839- 1242. Tylkes win' The Whltby Attersley Drillers Tyke AU] Star basebail team won a close 12-11 decision over Ajax May 28. Milce Fulton led the Whitby crew as he beit- ed a double and two singles on kils way to scormng four runs. Grayson Hefford and David Weir each contri- buted two singles for the Whltby squad while Jeremy. Harness and Matt Graham each hit a single. In a'* previous garne, the Whitby team edged- the Ajax boys by a, 7-6 score May 23. David Weir hit a double and single for the winning team and scored the wînning run i the bottom of the seventh inning. peeWees win opener The- Team 112 Pee Wees got off on the right foot on May 24, defeat- izfg Bowmanville 7-5 i their home opener. Mike Mowbray led the Legion attack with two bits and two runs batted in. Other Wbitby players coilecting bits were Mike Macapagal and Andy Reff with singles and Mike Watters with a double. Mike Nevilis and Brad STAR ATTRACTION by Buriington ANDREA SUPREME. by Burlington DESIGNERS TOUCH by Burllngton WIde Range of 100% NYLON SAXONY by ieading manufacturera VINYL FLOORING Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read CLASSIFJED THEOS - The next meeting of THEOS (for wldowed people) wil be held on Sunday, June 5 at 2p.m. i St. Andrew's Presby- terlan Church, Coch- rane Street, Whitby. PHOTO EXPRESS 211 Brock St. S., Whltby 6663801 DOUBLE N FISH & CHIPS Hulibut et its lest I 3 eggs, ham, bacon or sausage home frdes, toast, coffee wlth ref 1 is $2.50 I C CLASSIFIED [RIEAL ESTATEJ ~CaiD SFGRENORRENT ~ FRRE~IN TWO BEDROOM apariment in Whltby aduit building. Contrally located, close to GO end local bus stops. FrIcJge, etove, hydro and parking lncludod. Laundry faclltios and cable TV avalimblo. $400per month. Cali 6"372 botwoon 9:30 &.m. and 5 p.m. ONE BEDROOM apartmsnls ln mai Port Whitby building. Adulte only. $300 per month in- oludos trldge, stove, hydro and parking. Cablo TV and laundry facllties availablo. Phone 068- 6372 botween 9:30 a&m. and 5 pim. FLORIA W VACATION W RENTALS FLORIDA Clearwater - Throe bodroomn mobile homos. Pools, tennis, close to beachos and major attractions, chlldren wol- cm e. $ 2 . U1. w o l (lIs than motel room). * 683-5503. PRIVATE - Brooklin ares, south. OnBYObi-lovol home on 10 Idinlng rpom has W/A to beautiful vlew, kitchon and famlîy room, large M. room with W/A and wot bar, double garage. Phono 655. 4120. H OU8E FOR SALIE: Largoeaxe. cutive homo for sale. North Oshawa location. Reduced to $1 14,900. Prlvate sale. Phono 5M9 9551or 579.68. WHITSY townhouse, 3 b.d. roomu, roc room, Immaculato, $550 includes hydro. Firsi and luat. Phone 68-0271. ~LOT W FORAISALE ONE ACRE lot ln Unionvlle. Choice subdivision faclng con- servation ares. $95000. Phono (Toronto) 769-4369 or 4494.650 : FICE CEI Whitby offic0e suite Wlth Privats washroomn. Has ovor 750 square fotot f fuiiy broadloomod and air. conditlonod spaclousnoss. Main office about 32 foot long. Could b. dividoc Iinto omnaloer offices. For furthor Information call Catherine Moffat, Contury 21 'Goid' Jacket Roalty Ltd. 666"221 Ros. 571-3727. ~?cc'MnOof10%ý ROON TO RENT IN OSHAWA. Single porson only, to shars largo detachod homo. $45 per wook. Phono 579-9551 or 579M.806 FURNISHEO APARYMENT or houée for Septembor In Whitbiy. Réforonces avaliablo. Pieue roply to Mr. andffmr. J. Windsor, Box 207, Port Hope, Ontarlo LiA MIDWAY CARPEýTS 3 DAYS ON LY!e JUNE 2, 3 and 4 Oni'y 0 I ON IN STOCK ITEMS ONLY Mon.-.W.d. 9-6 îdwa , Carpetsi'Thurs.-Fri. 9-9 1305 Harwood Ave, N., Aux 683éb6126 q » s iý WHITOY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY JUNE Il 1983, PAGE 27 r- 1-1 ýl BREAKFASTSPECIAI