PAGE 10,WEDNESUAYJUNE 8, 1983# WHITBY FREE PRESS q Pr7RTIapacrun ThoCmnasnmowm for penul Ninsa A & T Motors Automatic Transmission & General Repair Air Conditioning Tune-up & Service Tony Perroni Proprietor 307 Peel Street Whitby668.82893 October 23 to October 29 has officially been named Addiction Awareness Week. The municipalities of Whitby, Ajax, New- castle, Oshawa, Picker- ing, Scugog and Ux- bridge will be offering special programs during this week-long event. The concept was developed by The Alcohol Recovery Homes Association -of Ontario and the idea is rapidly spreading throughout the prov- ince. Its purpose is to in- crease public awareness about the na- ture and extent of addic- tions by providing infor- mation on existing re- sources for education, prevention, treatment and recovery. Plans are being made to place dis- plays in various major shopping centres during this week with people on hand to answer ques- tions and give referrals if needed. Over the next few months, volunteers from churches, in- dustries, service clubs, social services and the medical profession will work towards con- sciousness raising of this serious problem. A Speakers Bureau lai being set up and made available to al interest- ed groups. Almost everyone knows of a person with an addiction, be it alco- hol, smoking, food, drugs, even work and, they need support and encouragement. Red cross homemakers care as they help senior citizens It is quite possible that many Whitby resi- dents have seen one of the "ladies in blue" parking their car and entering one of our senior citizens' homes. The light blue uniforms with the Red Cross badge are worn by the homemakers of The Canadian Red Cross Society. You might not realize who these people are because they are quiet, caring individuals who don't go on strike and never create a scene. The Whitby Branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society is a United Way agency, and provides supervised Homemaker Service to families and individuals in times of need. Mary Robinson, Presenting HyperionTM, the world's most powerful portable computer developed for the busy professional. Hyperionis ca true portable, weighin'g...... n at onlyý 18 poundý. It is light on the eyes with its European amber screen and styling. But heaivy on performance with many standard features which are expensive necessities for-other personail - - - -- computers. And all for a price that's less than you'd expect. Hyperion is bright, Communicating with the world is easy with our integrated voice and data packageý Standard is our 256K RAM memory, essentiail for the new generaition of'l application programs. Hyperion has the same processor. graphics and operatling system os the IBM P.C However, an improvedC keyboard ties the function keys to our screen soft keys. All this meansth ol' n sp wef , Hyper!oi on an un popular IBM software right off the shelf - Visi Calc' Word Star' Data Base P'tbec m ue 11 SMCE T-NOT OM UtM "The Old FirehallI We know small computers. Let us introduce you. OSH A WA 43,3-0800t the Homemaker Super- visor is a registered nurse who plans and co- ordinates the service. "It takes a special kind of person to be a home- maker," she says. Homemakers are trained personnel and must be flexible as they often go into three or four homes a week to care for children, seniors, chronically ill, and physically and men- tally handicapped peo- ple. As the supervisor, it is Mary's job to verify the need for medical, health or social profes- sionals that may be required to care for clients in their homes. Caring for the chronically ill in their homes is a new concept in health care in Durbam Region, whlch started in October 192. To qualify for assistan- ce under the Ontario Health Insurance Plan, a patient must be under a doctor's care, be able to be treated at home, need at least three pro- fessional service visits a month, and have a family member willing to participate when needed. For those clients who do not qualify for Acute or Chronie Home Cate Program, fees are based on actual daily cost of the service in this area. Arrangements for payment of the fee for service are made with the Homemaker Super- visoir at- the lime of the request, and'adjtitment- i fées may ho consider- ed at thisdlime. If a client is unable to pay for the service, then a referral la made tW financial assistance. For anyone wishing to know more about the Red Cross Homemaker Service, please contact the office at 668-2741 between 9 a.m and 4 p.m., Monday throug ;epresntatives from he Homemaker Service who would be available o give a presentation to ny interested groupe-or rndividuals. Mary Robinson (right), Homemaker supervisor, and Phyllis Freudenberg (left), ahomemaker for five years, leaf through a pamphlet describing the many services that are available. -Free Press Staff Photo Addiction Week I