at Io ca A selection of over li works of art by -Inuit a dts from Arctie Queb< wil be on dlspbay Ma 26 toJune 22 at Whitby Station Gallery, M4 Henry Street, as special fund-ralalîi event. The artifacts whlc were selected from Arc tic Showcase Norther Quebec Inc.,t by gabi.erý personnel, imelude aoap atone and caribou-antbei carvings, beautiful feli appliqued Wall hanginga, prints, bas. kets and books. Over the years, Inuil art lias flsen in valu< astronomicaily, bu' Seniors' Whitby Town Council lias designated the period June 12 to June 19 te be Senior Citizena' Week kn this area and the Seniors' Activity Centre lias scheduled a full sbate of events to complement the week. There will be atrip to Stoney Lake and the Riverside Zoo in the Peterboroughi area June 13. The higliliglit of the day will' be a 25-mie boat cruise, basting over two hours, through the Là ake. The bus leaves the Centre at 9 a.m. and the eust per person la $».50. On the sanie day, there will also bea trip to Ailan Gardons and a. trolley car tour -in the Toronto areà . The highlght of the day will be a tour of the city ki a restored trolley car and lunch ah the RoyVal York Hotel. The bus for this excur- sion leaves the Centre aI 10 a.m. and, the eust la $450 par person. Atrip to Canada's Wonderland will ýtake A day of fun, ive shows, rides, shops and food is kn store* for evoryone.- The bus beaves the Centre at 9 a.m. and the eust la $12.50 par parson. On Wednesday, June 15, there wilbe apair of excursions offered. Thes Goden Gate abs offoguavilde sdeloe" et CaniaWn dW bm fn rout bedto van1 mhlb MW to thaumulejl deRdom eN" fiM. faus Ctfe mno dir- Opus iMWb2 arn. dally. Fr1. amd at. unati 3 ar.U Siuuiay il ar.ÊR dl G allery M~ good Inuit art la stl r- conslderedl to bx ec aonlously undervabuec ay when compared te the 'as primitive art 0f other 53 cultures. Ail curreni a assesamenta Indicate i g, continulng rise ln value over the next twenty h years or so. The Eskimo c- world and its- art Io n changlng rapldly; and, y as ever, .a urvival of >- these people, always r difficult, la threatened &. teday by our modemn 1- society. Whenever the i- traditional Inuit way 0f life disappears there It will be a drastie decline e in the supply of artlfacts t se that prices for fine Week 1 be "How the Other Half Loves," a Britishi comedy. The bus leaves the Centre at 10 a.m. and the eust la $18 par par- son. On the sanie day, an English pub nighý wil be hebd. Only 90 people can be accommodated 50 it la wise 10 register early. This pub niglit wil begin at 8 p.m. and the cost is$6 per person. A trip to Niagara Inuit art shown MIKE POVINSKY 2 STOREY SEMI IN OTTER CREEK - 4 bedroom, tastefuiily decorated, beautiful roc room, niceiy iandscaped, reduced to $72,900. Coli Louis Pouwsls 668-6171. $10,000 DOWN WHITBY REDUCED - 6 month oid' bungalow, 3 bedroo'ms, eat-In kitchen wlthdish- washer bulit-In, living and dining room, extra large lot, 123/4% mortgage. tilI 1986. Caii Marions Kerr 668.6171 or 666.1750. LARGE EXECUTIVE - 1 year oid, quiet court, main f loor iaundry and famiiy room, 2 f ireplaces, double garage, cathedrai cellng, 5 berdooma, nover llved ln, price slaahod $135,000. Cali Mike Povlnsky 666- 6171. Canada-wio <oIpoon reai estate service. EVERY MON DAY 18S LADIES NIGHT Ail Drinks & Food ½/2P RIC Es --. GIS E VERT NIONT for a SURPRISE SPECIAL 922 Slmcoe Si. N. (Next toSteve's) Oshawa 433-1405 -te quallty work are most certain to Increase. Its Eskimo content la Its major attraction - the drama of the hunt, the atrength and agillty of animals and birds, e dreanis, mytha, and of- d ton a marvelous sense of e whlmsey - and ail good r worka have a weil- ýt deflned sense of energy à and life. This 18 an opportunity te select a plece of this world renown art of the. Eskimo te begin a col- ~lction or to add te an already establlsliedone. Prices range from a few dollars to a fow thou- sand. A 10 per cent dis- count will be givon to Whitby Arts membors upon presentation of the 1983 membership card. Falls- is being offered June 16. The bus beaves the Contre at 8:30 a.m. On the sanie day, everyone is abso wel- come to visit Whitby's Royal Canaclian Legion, froni 1:30 to 4 p.m., for an afternoon of fun. A trip to Midland will happan June 17. The, highlight wiilboa cruise on Georgian Bay. The bus beaves the Contre at 8:30 a.m. and the cost la $27 par par- son. The Seniors' Grand Bablwillbeheld June 18. Soccer Peewees Win The Whlby Canadian Tire Mlor Peewees soccer team won their firat game ln three league starts wlth a con- vlncing 8-1 pounding of a Pickering Village team. Kenny Linton firod thre goals to pace the Whltby squad. Mark Blasak, with a pair of goals, Lee Kooboff, Richard Dorman and Eliot Queld rounded out the scoring for the local lads. Johnny Palazzolo and Jimmy Vonk showed fine dofensive form, Gîvé... THE HEART FUND llmltlng the oppositil te few scorlngopr nities, wlth goaken Nicholas Turley turni ail but one shot aside. Richard Bacchloc and Andrew Barki also played strong offe sive games, contnibu ing assiots. The team Is looki for boys, born in 1t01 try out for five avalbabl places on the teani. Anj one wlahing te try out1 urged to cal 66-24. Upcomlng tournu ments for the team 1] clude July 2 to 4 ii Pickering and Septen ber 3 te 5kI Kitchener. They wlll travel btl th town of Pickering forj game June 9 and wil return home to Pee Park to face an Oshawé PRESENTS. JUNE SPECIALS la PrhiccKcstzurarnand ôÃ"ôÃ"ô- 281i 1009 Dundas St. E., Whltby BUYI1 of these dinners GETI1 ½ :PRIýCE Souviaki or ½ 2B*B-Q Chlcken LIVE LOBSTER SPECIAL $09 - and STEAK & LOBSTER z For a deliclous lunch or dinner make it El Stavros. 557 KIng St., E. Oshawa 576m6999 WHITBY FREE PRESS# WEDNESIJAYJIJNE 8, 1983, PAGE 19 ionched the firat tree inn- ou- inga and struck out six fer'yk es batters, the final one [ng wlth the basesloaded. be tOn June 5, the Atr chi bea >1 sley Qrlers lust a tougli gamne to the Kingston 3n- Cobo u6-3. The game u- In tyke ail star base- The Whltby team bail play, the Attersley played a strong defen- ng Drillera defeated the ail slve game especiafly o sta tarn ' froni Scott Spencer, Davd 'y- took place in Cobourg on Mike Fulton, Grayson is May 30. Hefford, Michael Creed, a' The wlnnlng pitcher David Wnchester and n- was Mike Fulton. Fulton Jamie Watters. in also hit a triple. Singles Offenalvely, Mike Ful- n- entto Grayaon Hef- ton had a double and ford, Brian Colo, Chris single while David Welr ie Harper and Matt Gra- and Jeremy Harnesa a hami. Jamie Wattera had singles. Brian Colo il1 had the only run batted had two singles and a mvqwfý -f. 1~ ji 4 i f fi $1 4wý 0 %5 i