Ruddy contest winners Alan Crossley, 17,18 seen playlng one of the computer games that he programmed. Allan Bragg (left), co-owner of Creative-Computer Systems, la tie exclusive distributor of the programs. -Free Press Staff Photo Local youth uses, knowledge to form Computer company A Whitby youth bas used a little initiative and his own knlaowledge in home computer sys- tems to form bis own Company. Alan Crossley, 17, formed Crossley Com- puters ayear-and-a-balf ago. Crossley, who designs oll the software, bhas developed over 30 pro- grams which are at a selling level and esti- mates tbat be bas de- signed a total of over 100. He dlaims tbat the ideas for bis games are mostly original. "Some- times I see an arcade game and generate some ideas but most of the games are my original ideas," be said. 'Ijust sit down and de- cide what a good gamè would look like and do Lunar Mission, Wild Beast, and Ainha Maze are just tbree of the games that Crossley bas created. One creation, Golden Journey -Adventure, took Crossley five mon- ths to finish but he dlaims tbat one of bis simpler creations took hlm only two hours. Crossley's programns bave been seling, welI tbrougb the mail order business. lHe bag also put some of the games on sale through Creative Computer Systems, 106 Brock Street ýSouth, a new home computer outiet in Whitby whicb offers a complete line of video accessories., Priçes of Crossley's prod uc range from $12? to $100 for the large business programns. Crossley's -computer addiction began in grade nine at Henry Street High School. "When 1 saw people usmng them, I took to the programming rather tban the playing of games, " he said. While some of bis ideas could* be good enuh to ,market tbrougb major viçleo game manufacturers, Crossley is determined that he will not "sel out" any -of his better creations.- "I'm probably willing to seIl some of the sim- pler ideas," he admit- ted. Details of one of bis pieces of software will also appear in an up- coming issue of Com- pute magazine, an American publication. Hie currently owns tbree computers: the Commodore 64, tbe Commodore Vie 20 and the PET 4016. Besides working on bis innovative video game creations, Cross- ley 18 willing to program almoet anything, from 3% ENTO educational to com- plicated business trans- actions. Winners of the Dr. J.O. Ruddy building fund's poster contest were recently announc- ed. The conteslt, which re- ceived more than 400 en- tries, was designed to create* an awareness among youngsters of the new continulng care unit at the hospital.. Karen Thompson, of St. Paul's School, was the winner in the kinder- garten to grade 3 cate- gory. Mellissa Korach, of West Lynde Public School, won first place in the grades 4 to 6 cate- gory. Karrie Loxlowski, of Dr. Robert Thornton Public School, captured first place in the grades 7 and 8 division. Second and third place winners in the kindergarten to grade 3 division were. Heath Ewins, of R.A. Sennett School, and Rebecca Sjonger, of Dr. Robert Thornton School. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY JUNE 8, 1983, PAGE 7' C//o...VALUABLE COUPON $1.00 OFF LIQUID CHLORINE REFILL g Limlt One Coupon Pr Custorner - Offer Expires June *M1S. I TAUNTON POOLS 133 Taunton Rd. W., Oshawa 571-0189 R EGISTER, CONtINUOUS, CARBONIZED & MUSC. IA COMPLETE PRINTING SERVICE I 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax Shopping Plaza, Ajax Telephone 416-683-1968 and 416-683-1970 mq 8 WrTH OUR COMPLETE PAINT REFINISNING SPECIAL Now ls the time to give your car thast lkenew look! FOR A FREE ESTUMATE OR$ AINTMN -TODAY.or249O AOIN TMEN- ALLor49O (MOST CARS - r~ ENAMEL PAINT) NOTLnst,dawmrpuls mid tai extra.> OFFER EXPIRES June.30, CHEV OLDS I I~ *Waterbeds - Aîrbeds Dining RoQm Sets *Wall Units *Co-ordinauing wallcoverlngs, bedding, curtains Visit Our NEW BEDROOMS and BABY ROOM Upstalre- CA NADIA N PINE AND OAK FURNITURE 14) HlWY.2 & THICKSON RD. GREATIVEIGOMPUTEI SYSTEIS Durham 8loin': L8800n8 COMMODORE V1C201C64-ATARIý Software- Books- Magazines 106 Byron St. S., Whltby 66-2212 (next to Dodd & Souter) 1