Don'tmke Whitby acty: dwards Wbemther or flot mhit- by wlll become a clty wIll not be debated lni Town Council until July 18, but the issue la al- ready promptlng some heated exchnges lni the council chambers. Regional Coundillor Tom Edwards exploded with fury au a recom- mendation was present- ed before Coundl aaklng that public notice be given that it in the Inten- tion of Council to consl- der a motion changing the statue of Whitby from town to clty. "What are you doing this la my town of Whlt- by for?" yelled, Ed- wards. '"We've done very weil as a town," he said. I see no evidence of sure gains if we change to a city." Edwards polnted out that Whltby had conai- dered becomlng a city in 1974, but discovered at that Urne there were no financial benefits. He added that Wbltby lncreased 118 aasess- ment by 4.4 per cent ln the past year as a town. Councillor Joe Bugelli said the matter was being put off unti July because public input was wanted. 1 We're inviting public comment before the declaion la made, " he sald. Councillor Gerry Emm snid that change. la clty status may not be too drastic. "I wus glad to come to a small town atmos- phere ln the 1950's and 1 don't sae bulldozers coming i to change thia,"' he sald. "Wben I look at Whltby on the map, we're always overshadowed by the large letters Of Oshawa." "We've always taken a step forwards, neyer backwards,"' he added. " *If there's going la be a progression, w# need la step ahead."1 Councillor Bugelli not- ed. that communities much amailler such as Penticton, British Columbia wlth only 21,000 population, had gaied clty status. "Ail these municipali- ties must have had some reason la change to a city,"1'he said. Councillor Joe Drumm waa not yet ready to jump on the city bandwagon. "I have reservations about becoming a clty,"l he said. "The, town of Whitby has a nice ring lt."LY Accordlng to a com- mittee report, a change to city statua would cost each household a taic in- crease of $3.50 per year. There are currently 15 municipalities iOnt- arlo wlth substantlally leus population that have become cities. Ward councillors would become known as aldermen if the change la paased throug Coun- cil. Mayor Bob Attersley believes a change la city statua would put Whitby i a better position to at- tract lndustry an we could bill ourselves as the first clty east of Toronto. Sklar strike finally over TheSkfl strike at Sklar Peppler's Whltby furni- ture plant ta over. Strlking employees voted Sunday la, end the nine-week-old battle wlth the company ns they accepted a pro-_ posed contract they rejecte lesm than two eksago. Most èm- ployees rettured la work Tuesday morning. Membm nof the Up- holatererInternationa Union vot e 7 peuent i favour of acceptlng the offer recommended by a two-man govern- ment-appointed advis- ory comrnittee. The offer gives tme workers an immediate wage increase of 25 cen- ta a hour, followed by a further 25 cents next March and 30 cents six months later. Each employee will also receive a bonus of $50 while a cost of living ailowance of 70 cents an' hour would be retained. Union spokesman John O'Connor said the union ham reasons for originally turning thumbs down on the of- fer but ha would not di- vulge what they were. Mkar Peppler had threatened- late last wee* la move produc- tion from 118 Whitby plant and begin manu- factri oehr outside Durham Ragion. Lou Skrlar, president of ,eintzman Ltd., whièh owns the Sklar division, said early this week the company waa still reviewing 118 posi- tion but O'Connor aald most emnployees had been notified to return la work and the others would ha returning as soon as they could be reached. 0'Connor admitted that it was MtOI possible that the company could move some cf 118 pro- duction but he aâdd that ha hopsd Maiswould à ot happeiL We'11 work, for free The Whitby and Ajax Canada Empioyment Centres for Students are holding a raffle and you could wln their services for a day (well, about three hours). Pictured left to right are Sharon Santos, Maulo Valpe Richard Martin, Waiiy Beaton and David Blair, and they are waiting to put their talents to work.. The con- test, whlch wili run from June 15 ta, 24, is open to any area homeowners and business persons. To enter cal1 elther 683-7691 or 668-5233. -Free Press Staff Photo 75,