Whitby Free Press, 15 Jun 1983, p. 5

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WH Spots open for Summer Day Camp NOTICE 0F INTENTION, NOTICE la hereby given that the Councl of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby Intends to consider the foiiowing motion at a meeting to be heid on Monday, Juiy l8th,' 1983: THAT Council make application to the Minister of Muni- cipal Affa 'Ira and HouaIng for an Order-in-Councl 10 change the statue of the town to a city, and provide for the foilowIng: 1. That the effective date of the change of ciiy statue be January 1lat, 1984; and, 2. That the composition of the new City Council consiste of the Mayor and two Regionai Aldermen eiocted by generai vote, and one Alderman eiected on the Ward basia from each of the four Wards ln the City of Whitby. AND FURTHER, TAKE NOTICE that any person wiahing 10 support or oppose the propoaed change ln municipal statue may do ao by aubmItting hia/her commente ln writIng, addreaaed to the attention of the underaigned, on or before Monday, Juiy 1 l th, 1983. DATHO et Whitby, Ontario thia l5th day of June, A.D., 1983. DONALD G. McKAY, CLERK The Corporation of the Town of Whiiby 575 Rosiand Road East Whitby, Ontario - L 1 N2M8 -- Phone: 668-5803 ANNOUNCE-MENTi There'are stifi places available for this sumî- mer's Christmas Seal Day Camp at Camp Samac, Oshawa. The faiity (offered to children between 5 and 9 years who have asthzna or other recur- rent respiratory prob- lems) wiil operate weekdays between Monday, August 15 and Friday, August 26. Children with breath- ig problems frequently miss many ordinary childhood pleasures, and the main objective of the Christmas Seal Summer Camp is to demonstrat that, with only a littie extra care, these children can parti- cipate as fuily in active summer pastimes as their -non-astlunatic friends. Ail the usual activities associated with camp- ing will be offered under, 0 the supervision 0f five trâined camp staff (in- anner cluding a registered nurse). months but skie ha Cook-outs, nature ust. Leslie, five-and- trails, water sports, '. Jeffrey Coueki was country crafts and a urecl 87 babies com- sleep-over night are al included in this camp ee Prms Staff Photo experience. Door-to-door bus Introduces FASCINATION to the Durham Reg ion. . An exceptional catalogue for an exceptional customner. The newest and most exquislte weddlng book around. Corne on down and look at this wonerful ooktoëay transportation is avail- able for children resi- dent in Oshawa and whitby. Registration fees for the two week period are $40 per child (including transportation), and. for familles with more than one child attending this rate is reduced to $20 for the second child. In view of current liigh unemployment in Durham, the Lung Association is prepared to reduce or efimiate fees in individual cases of financial hardship. For more information on this Christmas Seal Service, eall Durham Region Lung Association at 723-3151. ornent - molded mgr auatrn $2300 & $1 200 683-6638 36KthnrAeOhw Harwood Ave.YWaMll 23045Ienig s57039 7628 Noit01fNo. 3.MUaX WE'RE SPRAYING WEEDS NOW! CALL US FOR PROMPT SERVICE 65.5m8888 LAWN CARE PROGRAMS '83 FOR ýA WEED FR EE WF LUSH GREEN HEALTHY LAWN1Q R WE ALSO SPRAY INSECTICIDES FOR TREES & SHRUBS. NO CHARGE TO HAVE THE WEE1J DOCTOR, VISIT & CONSULT WITH YOU. ITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYJ UNE 15, 1983, PAGE 5 "TOUR LIOUID CHLORINE REFILL CINTRE" Swish Maintenance 1501 Hopkins St. Business hours Whltby, Ontarlo 666 224 Mon. to Fr1. 8-5 BRITISH & SCOTTISH FESTIVAL WEEKEN DS June1 & 12 J'une18 &,19 SEE... ( * Falthful Replîcas British Crown Jewels * Worklng miniature shlps of the Royal Navy &QE2 on the pond. * Saturday & Sunday folk dances of Brîtaîn & Scotland Plus our regular dally features " Varlety Musical FEELIN' GOOD " Over 100 Miniatures of Southern' Ontario villages & Country faîrs. " MagnifîIcent Gardens Restaurant & Snack bar..Gift Shops Visit the Weall & Cullen Nursery Centre rlght next door .Free One of Ontarlo's rmajor -Tourlst Attractions ~ Taunton Rd., Whltby ~ Phone (416) 668-6606 open dally 9arn to 10 pm OPEN HOUSE THE WHITBY HYDRO-ELECTRIC -COMMISSION cordially invites the public to Visit and tour their new Service Centre facilities on Taunton Road eut of Hwy. 12. 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. 'Thursday, June 239,1983%0 Complimentary coffee and donuts. KEY NAP ML TAUNON RD j"DR-1 WHITBY HYDRO DEPOT I RO88LAND RD. HWY. 2 J HWIY. 401 Shirley Radbourne of ELE YEN JOSEPH FASH IONS 406 Dundas St. W., Whltby la pleased to announce the appolntment of ESTHER (SUSIE) LIM as the company alteratlonlst. Esther brlngs wlth her a lîfetîme of experlence and prlor to Jolnlng ELEVEN JOSEPH FASH IONS was alteratlonlst wlth Alton Lewis Fashlons for 17lyears.

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