Whitby Free Press, 22 Jun 1983, p. 14

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PAGIE 14, WEDNESDAV Jt*JE 22, 1983, WHîTBY FREE PRESS DECORATION DAY SERVICE A Dwtieoaon Day ser vce wll be held Sun-. dayt, Jun. 26, 2:30 p.m.,e at the Odftellows monu- ment ln the Union Cemetery. The.msvice la upon- sorgd by the Oddellows and Rebekah of Whltby and Oshawa. A cordil welcome la edxteWddto the general, public. As a citizen of Whltby what does the Chamber of Commerce mean to you? A vague idea of mape and information? Until my husband and j became members, Our knowledge or at least mine, was very llmited. The Chamber of Commerce whlch 1 shail refer to as the C of C ln the. foilowlng paragrapha unifies the. public spirit and directs it into useful and construc- tive channels. If you support the C of C, you reap benefits through concerted planning, council and action that la bust contained through the. work of tuis group. Your- support la plowed back to yield many benefits la new industries, lAcreased payrolls, health, eafety, leglalation, business protection and communlty advancemïent. Wlthout a utrong, effective C of C we would be ls able to c ompete wlth other towns for new industries and new payrolls. stroller b$12a-98 Sales Leader' for Maty LILIANNORTH People 1k. LIL IAN NORTH have heiped thé~ CENTURY 210 system become the Number 1 real estate sales organîzatlon In North Amerîcà. In 1980 alons, the CEN. TURY 21-syster heip. ed générate over $25 billion ln real estate transactions. Whe- ther you're buylng, selllng, movlng or ln- vesting, t's people like LILIAN NORTH who can help you wlth ail your real estate needs. Cali us,' today. 824 MM ST. M. wN"" "MJôhAm Mm Vuh Between You and Me By RUTH COLES umbrellas reg. $15.98 -Sale ends Saturdoy, June 25. «"The coninment Aaop with a differunoe." Mayb.lt la qulte true that every mun owes a d.bt to his communlty that cannot b. pald la taxes, a debt 0f the. personal service. Anotiier add.d benefit la that the C 0f C helpi create and express aoud opinions on questions affecting the welfare of Canada. Th. Chamber Mf Commerce represents the buasl- nons mmuslty and acta as a voice when speaklng te goversment. Submlaalons may be made teboth federal and Provincial governments and also as a vehicle te be used by citizens la relation te, the Town 0f Whltby. The C of C also promotu 'our town wlthin and wlthout the communlty. As a Consumer Liaison Bureau for complaints about local business, the C 0f C arbitrates on your behaif. Whltby C 0f C la a member 0f the Ontario and Canadian Chamber of Commerce. Our Cham- ber wau form.d lan192 but became dormant durlng the war years. Nine times a year there la a meeting, generaily a luncheon meeting wlth an interesting speaker. The tepics are of interest to many of us and as an exam- pie an excellent talk about the. business 0f the-Poot Office, governMet employment agendaes and another one aboût lcome and business tax we en- joyed. W. have 200,nembers and we would 11ik. to en- courage otiiers te, jola. The newsletter la sent out nine timus a y.ar te the members and twlce a year te non-members. Fuil of facts and what la golag on it makus good readlng. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce was pleased wlth the April budget. The Chamber believes the budget should serve te strengthen economlc recovery.- Many 0f the Chamber's pre- budget submlasions, aspeclally those almed at helping the. amall business sector and supoprt of the Speclal Recovery Capital fProjecta were contained la the budget. Represenrativu Mo the Chamber are prasent at tewn meetings and at Acord, Association 0f Cham- ber of Commerce 0f the Reglon ôxDunham. Also a representative la prusent at the Dowstown Board 0f Management. The. C of C started the County Town Carnival la 1976 and the Marlgold Festival which wll take place this comlng September. The Whltby map 0f businusses la also a promotion KAY ROGERS WHITBY - 3 bedroom iink semi baciking onto park- land, easy access to 401 and close toshopping, asking $67,500. Ev DsHort 668&@171. OVER 10 ACRES FOR YOUR DREAM HOUSE - Weil treed within 15 minutes> from- Oshaýwa,' ail permits availabie. For more Information cmii Jake Vos 686171 or688&1821. Canaia-wide 5 real estate service. of the C 0f C te b. set Up by Taunton Road at Cuiesi Gardes. This 1 th na n excellet loction anid wlll b. seen by thousands durlng the. holay seaso and for that matter all through the year. The. mock-up of the brochure map la completed and o6,000of these wlU b. printed. The. Town of Whltby bas purchaaed 10,00 and these wlll b. Part Mf Its promotional package. Another projeet, the promotion 0f the Port Whitby area wMl brliggreat and wonderful resulta. A welgh scule for tii, Star Salmon Huait wlll b. established this summer at the. Port Wbltby Marina thanks te a- proposaI by tiie Whltby C of *C. ThM scale wlI be ose 0f five la Ontario and tihe only on. eust 0f Port Credit. Tii.overall wlnner Mf the Salmon Hunit lut year was a resident of Oshawa. On. of thei. priz.nnmr lut year was a 16 te 17 lb. salmon caught near Port Wbltby so tiier. should b. great interest tisayçar for another wlnner la our locallty. Tii. Wintario draw la Wbltby was a greatsaucces and, was co-ponsored by the C 0f -C and H.nry- Street ff1g Sclaool. Look for anotiier Wintarlo draw la Whltby at Marlgold Festival time, September 6, te kick off the festfrities. Tuer. are awards glven-by the. C 0f C and onete look forward te la tthe Marlgold Contest. One wlaner wlll be chosen from each 0f six categorles, residen- tial, institutional, small and large ladustrial and small and large commercial. Tiie deadlin. for "sub- missions is July 25..- 1Anotiier award inltiated by the CMo C la the. Fýéter Perry Award wblcb began lan196 te b. given te tth. outstandlng citizen 0f tue year. At anotii.r time tuer. la an award for* the business person of the Y.ar, an astabllshed corporate citizen, a very' special award. Also a Student Mfthe. Year award given te tth. student who makes an ail round contribution te tthe school and town. Tihe C Mf Chas sp many involvemetsI can't begin to naie them. ail. If you jolatheWhltbyC of C yo wlll muet many local business people and be able te sp.ak and receive advice and information, dlacus your problems or Joys as the cas may be. You may flad tue concerne-d car.of the. members may hiiep you succeed la many a re.a You wli enjoy tue monthly meeting and the coin- radery Mf communlty nelgbbors. Do join us and become lavolv.d for your sake and the. sake, 0f your business. The la busineas oM the CMo C at Uns office shows what a need there la for tue above. Letters'from far and near and phone calla. People interested l na- move te Whltby or setting up a business want in-. formation which tuey receive la detail. If you are laterested, ca in l or phone the. office,,_ 66-4506 416 Centre St. S.,-Whitby. REGISTIER, CONTINUIJUS, CARBONIZED & MISCO A COMPLETE PR INTING SERVICE 218 Harwood Ave. S., Ajax shopping Plaza.'Ajux Telephone 416-683-1968 and 416-683-1970

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